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Forza 2 Endurance Race Meet-up

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    Great racing again guys, cheers!

    This is proof that this game is not finished, if you can get enough decent, honest racers then it is one of the best multiplayers on the 360.

    Force, 2 thousands quicker! And the top three guys fastest laps separated by one tenth. Scary consistency going on there.


      Yeah good racing, it shows how quick you guys are, I was pushing hard and still couldn't keep up. I miss Hasan Hadi, we used to have some nice chilled out racers at the back.

      Sorry I took a while to get in the lobby when we restarted. I'll update the first page tonight.


        yeah great racing last night! the lap times were extremely close ! the races we had afterwards were also great fun !

        if someone's up for some racing thursday evening, just let me know !


          Aye, ill be on thursday evening, perhaps a re-race around the Nurbugring??


            Sorry I was a no show guys, it totally slipped my mind.

            and with my mind, that's not hard to do!


              No probs, at least it gave some of us the chance to close in on your insurmountable points lead.

              Actually, does anyone fancy doing sometime an absolute mammoth endurance race, more akin to Grand Prix length, such as 50 laps around Mugello or Suzuka.

              Doubt there would be many interested, but even if there was only three or four, could be very interesting especially considering how close our times are.


                Originally posted by Senna View Post
                Aye, ill be on thursday evening, perhaps a re-race around the Nurbugring??
                No problem, I'm up for some ring action !

                Originally posted by burntoutbanger View Post
                Sorry I was a no show guys, it totally slipped my mind.
                we can forgive you, as long as you join us with the next races !!

                Originally posted by Senna View Post
                Actually, does anyone fancy doing sometime an absolute mammoth endurance race, more akin to Grand Prix length, such as 50 laps around Mugello or Suzuka.
                yeah, why not, never done so I have to try it atleast once

                so are there a few more that like to race this evening ? me and Senna will be online from about 8pm


                  Up for endurance race this evening guys?

                  Please not Nurbugring though.
                  Last edited by MarioMark; 20-09-2007, 13:45.


                    Positions so far

                    1. burntoutbanger - 44pts
                    2. TheForce - 30pts
                    3. MarioMark - 26pts
                    4. Senna - 25pts
                    5. Kubrick - 19pts
                    6. DevilWish - 15pts
                    7. stevee45 - 15pts
                    8. Hasan Hadi - 13pts
                    9. Marmite - 12pts
                    10. DarkSavior - 6pts
                    11. clyde the quick - 6pts
                    12. Rossco - 2pts


                      If there are enough people, then sure why not.

                      Because its a bit short notice, we could even just have an unofficial race without points being awarded.

                      Either way, looking forward to some good racing tonight guys


                        an unofficial race is fine by me, as long as I can race !

                        ps. I prefer to race again in the R3 cars ..... they are well balanced

                        almost finished with work so will see ya later


                          we had some great races last night !! it was VERY tight in most races, I don't know his name anymore but someone was racing with us who was equally fast (or a tad faster) then we were, truly great stuff !!

                          so, when is our next meeting taking place ??


                            Yeah, that guy was very fast. I remember him saying he was 28th or 29th on the leaderboards before they were reset. Id be interested to know if he was driving with assists on, or whether he was faster because he had a perfect set-up. Either way, he was bloody good.

                            Close racing again, ill be online tonight again from 8 if anyone wants to race. What about another endurance race sunday evening, or monday even. If its monday, i wont be online until about 9:30 because Im working a late shift til 9.


                              he had ranking 28/29 (champion).

                              I'm up for monday evening again


                                Yo! I'm gonna sit out of a few races for a while now because I'm busy with other games, but I'm not pulling out all together. I've made Senna the gaffer for the thread so he can keep updating because I don't want to see this thread die. It's been great racing with you guys and I hope to see you on PGR 4!

