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World Warriors UNITE! (Street Fighter IV)

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    I know what you mean Matty, I have the same. I can't even beat the normal trails...
    but I love to play this online as I really love it.
    I also believe the fastest way to learn the game is by playing it a lot online against other people.... so if you ever see me online feel free to send me an invite for some fighting


      I can't beat the normal trials either and I'm on over 2000 BP from online fights so... yeah, you can do it even without the 1337 timing skills. Just from playing tight and not making mistakes...
      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


        is this just for fun , if so count me in for abit of fun


          sorry paddy, just sent the message as you went offline. i gave up.

          i read on rllmuk some people having problems last night, but as the majority are on 360 i thought it might be just them.


            The people I usually play against are about ready to give up on this game, so I'm pretty desperate for some friendly batterings on the 360. I'm on most evenings. GT squidmania.


              OVERSOUL777 if anyone wants bouts!

              I am on 680bp and am pretty average really! haha I only have the offical xbox pad so if anyone wants to lock horns lets go!

              I would like to play someone amazing as well to see how long I can last

              I use Sagat, Ken, Akuma and sometimes Gen. Will dabble with most other players for a laugh. I'll be on in 30 mins.


                Tezbek - PSN Quattroporte (Ryu, Fei Long, Abel, Ken)


                  Also, anyone having trouble logging into PSN SF4? Was playing great but then suddenly stopped finding matches. All the net settings on the PS3 are ok but it fails the PSN sign in.

                  Is it possible to get banned from the PSN? Some Sagat player disconnected after he was getting a pasting in the 3rd round with my Fei (no shame in that). I sent him a message "lol pussy"....


                    Add me up if you want some Serious matches, I'm not that good, but play with Honda/Sagat Usually on most evenings.

                    xbx tag: M4dArc


                      Realhoneyman, sorry i had to quit after a couple, relatives turned up unexpectedly.

                      Lurch, thanks for not using m.bison all the time and giving me a chance. i still havent got a clue how to handle him.
                      i was trying some kind of signal that was the last one, not sure you realised.


                        GGs Hoolak, Sorry should of introduced myself first. Your Rufus is tough as well as your Zangief. found the matches to be quite difficult as i dont know the match ups too well. Good stuff


                          No worries, mate. I wasn't too bothered at first until Honda sat all over my head. "Who is this guy?"

                          Haven't played many Hondas on IV. For some reason, they're few and far between. You play him very well. Frustrated me lots with that head pounce. Still not sure how to handle it. I guess jump away.

                          I'm still in the early stages of Rufus'ing. I'm finding him fun to use. Piling on pressure. Nippy for a fat man Play again soon, man.


                            had a a few games with seany tonight ....he certainly knows how to use zangief Lol

                            curse the high throw prioritys

