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Killzone 2 NTSC-uk Clan

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    My rocket launcher is rubbish. 3 shots is pants

    I have the cloaking device and sniper rifle now though

    We should try again on Sunday evening to get as many people into a private room.

    I didn't see any lag in any of the other games I played in and was on til 1.30am

    Managed to get in a game with #45 and killed Sich_1 when he was the assination target in another room

    This game is great


      The team is shaping up nicely for Friday

      still need a few more players though

      So far the lineup is

      Capcom Suicide
      Last edited by MikeF; 07-03-2009, 10:36.


        Cool. I will be up for a game on Sunday with you lots.


          I'm up to the Engineer class now and loving it. The only frustration is when you are on a small map with lots of other engineers, it can be hard to get the opportunity to set up a turret.

          It's helping my survival rate quite a bit too, as I started out thinking my turrets would disappear when I die so was playing a game of 'set it up and hide'. The habit has stuck even though I know better now, I prefer to let the machines do the killing!

          I might go Engineer for the clan match if I haven't unlocked something more fun by then.


            I finally unlocked the Sniper class last night and am surprisingly decent with it, might be choosing that or the Saboteur class as I love just wandering around with a group of enemies and then killing them all


              How does the disguise work? Does everything change except your name? I imagine in a clan match it might not work as well as in a random match, as the teams will know who their real members are. I got caught out by a disguised enemy today - I was gonna shoot him at first but took my finger off the trigger when I saw he was friendly, then he killed me.. lol


                Tried to join you tonight Darwock but the server you were on was full. I just unlocked engineer as well but have yet to give it a go. Because our time zones are similar i have a good chance of getting a game with you.


                  Originally posted by Darwock View Post
                  How does the disguise work? Does everything change except your name? I imagine in a clan match it might not work as well as in a random match, as the teams will know who their real members are. I got caught out by a disguised enemy today - I was gonna shoot him at first but took my finger off the trigger when I saw he was friendly, then he killed me.. lol
                  This is the clever part, your PSN ID changes to one of the enemy team members too so they won't actually know you're a hostile til you shoot them or they aim at you. I love it


                    Wow! I'm sure some people would complain that it's too powerful but in the name of fun it sure is a neat trick.. and nothing to stop you using it yourself if it starts to piss you off.

                    Originally posted by Cuber001 View Post
                    Tried to join you tonight Darwock but the server you were on was full. I just unlocked engineer as well but have yet to give it a go. Because our time zones are similar i have a good chance of getting a game with you.
                    Yeeah should be easy enough. The sooner we are all Generals the better though, because I've been prevented from joining friends because of A) the game being full and B) being of a different rank (although I have already been fighting against snipers so I don't know how this works exactly). I'm up to Tactician now.

                    The week after next I'm planning to try and play full time (the joys of being out of work) to see if I can get anywhere near the weekly honour ranks. From looking at the current first place it seems to be a pipe dream though - he's got around 9000 kills and something like 15,000 points! I can put the time in but don't have the skill to get that number of kills.
                    Last edited by Darwock; 08-03-2009, 14:47.


                      Originally posted by Darwock View Post
                      Wow! I'm sure some people would complain that it's too powerful but in the name of fun it sure is a neat trick.. and nothing to stop you using it yourself if it starts to piss you off.
                      It sounds amazingly powerful but quite a few times when I have used it the opposition players aim at me, figure out that I am in disguise and kill me before I have even realised what is going on


                        So what happened Friday night? I managed to get on at about half nine, but nobody was on. I did manage to join Mike later in the evening for a while, but would have been nice to get a game with a few more NTSC-ers.

                        Also realised last night that the friend options within the game are hit and miss. When I started the game last night there were quite a few playing KZ2 but I couldn't join any of them... surely not everybody was playing the SP?

                        And I have my medic badge at last. Just a little shy of 500 points overall at the moment. I can see me playing this online for a while, but it would be nice if we had some proper matches... and a party system.


                          Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                          So what happened Friday night? I managed to get on at about half nine, but nobody was on. I did manage to join Mike later in the evening for a while, but would have been nice to get a game with a few more NTSC-ers.

                          Also realised last night that the friend options within the game are hit and miss. When I started the game last night there were quite a few playing KZ2 but I couldn't join any of them... surely not everybody was playing the SP?

                          And I have my medic badge at last. Just a little shy of 500 points overall at the moment. I can see me playing this online for a while, but it would be nice if we had some proper matches... and a party system.
                          I had a similar problem, could see some of you playing but couldn't join so ended up playing with randoms..


                            Friday night was a let down to be honest. We managed to geta server goping with about 6 of us in for an hour or so

                            We need to get one going on Wednesday though to practice for Friday

                            I have started to play in the smaller games now, much easier to get kills that way


                              I just use the quick join option, I've enjoyed every game I've played in regardless of size. There are definitely some maps that don't suit 32 players through (Radec Academy was CHAOS last night!).

                              I did manage to top the points in a full game last night, which was nice. Managed to both survive the assassination and take down the assassination target.

                              Not sure I'll manage each of those another seven times to get their respective medals though. I HATE being picked as assassination target.

                              I can get in on Wednesday but again not until ten. United on the TV that night so no chance of getting Mrs 45 off upstairs early.


                                Radec acadaemy is great for levelling up fast in Bodycount though.

                                I played 3 8v8 games last night and scored over 50 points in each of them.

                                Am working on the sniper kills now, only need 1 more kill the target ribbon too

