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Killzone 2 NTSC-uk Clan

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    I'm not terribly bothered about getting there quickly. I'm really enjoying the default setup at the moment, so I'm more than happy with keeping on with that.

    90 mins or so of KZ2 followed by an hour of SF4 a night. I can't remember the last time I played online almost exclusively*.

    * - I can actually, it was RTCW on the original Xbox!


      I thought we were gonna have a few matches yesterday?


        Yep so did I but when I came online there was no one on. Stayed like that for most of the night too

        Wednesday is the night and it will have to happen or we will have no idea how we play together come Friday


          I was online again, but when I went to the friends bit (Ready to join someone) nobody was listed online, despite at least four people being in the game according to my friend list.


            This morning was never viable for me but I'll try to get on for Wednesdays practice... unfortunately I'll be mute again due to it being the wee small hours but I hope we can work out some good tactics or something.


              I think we can all agree that we'll be running around like headless chickens come Friday. It'll definitely confuse the opponents!


                Originally posted by MikeF View Post
                Yep so did I but when I came online there was no one on. Stayed like that for most of the night too

                Wednesday is the night and it will have to happen or we will have no idea how we play together come Friday
                Shall we try and say "Make or break" then guys.

                Wednesday at 20:30 for an hour? If we can't manage this, then I guess we can't manage the clan match.

                So Mike will have a room, and even if there are only 2 people, we join and wait, right?

                I was online last night and Saturday night, but only saw Ezee & Mike. Had a game with Ezee though on his session.


                  Yep sounds good to me

                  I shall create a room at 20.30pm GMT. It shall be called NTSC Room with a password of ntsc

                  Can we try to get as many people on as possible, I know people may not be around to make it but if we can get 10 people at least we can have a good session. We shall be playing on the Clan map too so we can get a feel for it

                  If enough are on then the room should still be open come 10pm for the late arrivers to join


                    Originally posted by MikeF View Post
                    Yep sounds good to me

                    I shall create a room at 20.30pm GMT. It shall be called NTSC Room with a password of ntsc

                    Can we try to get as many people on as possible, I know people may not be around to make it but if we can get 10 people at least we can have a good session. We shall be playing on the Clan map too so we can get a feel for it

                    If enough are on then the room should still be open come 10pm for the late arrivers to join
                    Cool. I'm in!

                    How do unlocks work on a clan match Mike? Do we have the same as our rank, or is it open to all?

                    Should we split into squads and play as fire teams, or just have comms open to all?


                      Possibly bad timing as a few of us are playing in the Fifa BAP match on Wednesday.

                      Think it'll be finished around then though so may be a tad late.


                        I know a few people (me included) will be watching the Champions League footy around that time, I will try and get on after though. I will definitely be there for the clan match on Friday though.


                          The main use of squads as far as I can tell is that you can spawn on the leader (Unless it's me, in which case you'll be spawning back at camp. ). I'm pretty sure the unlocks are player based, so the same regardless.

                          I won't be able to get in before ten I'm afraid (Unless I do some major brown nosing between now and then).


                            Unlocks for the match will depend on what rank you are at so the higher rank the better if you want the more advanced options

                            We will need a few medics though and splitting into squads may be a good idea, but it may be better if we all stick together and work as a collective unit


                              I'm happy to go Medic, quite enjoy it.


                                I shall be using the Scout class with the sniper rifle and plan on sitting back a little to try to pick them off at distance. It seems to work in public games

