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Killzone 2 NTSC-uk Clan

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    I'm in


      Sorry guys, I tried to play but couldn't walk downstairs without being sick

      If we stick to 8v8 we should be able to field a full team and only accept the challenegs or issue them once we had a deinate confirmed line up


        Phrad would be happy to lend or borrow players in order to have a balanced match (shows you how seriously we take it NOT). Dunno if you guys are cool with that though.


          Yeah I'm sure we won't have a problem with that. Half of the fun is the match being competitive after all.


            Not sure you can borrow player per say

            Each player has to have the appropriate Tag to play in the game. We would have to have the memebrs in the relevant clans before the challenge is issued so that they can play

            We already have 6 players down

            How many are we going for?


              Originally posted by Myth View Post
              Yea I know what you mean, as soon as the match was a minute or so in you could just tell there was no real point in even playing it.
              Totally agree. I just decided to rain nades everywhere. I think I got more of our own team than theres!

              Still, moving forwards if we say 8 player matches then I think we are game on.

              I'd still "Spectate" on the rare occasions that we field more than 8, so I think that is a good solution for the future.


                Hopefully Vich and nintastic will be able to play (And Darwock might yet get his PS3 back) so I would suggest we aim for 8 players with a reserve or two if necessary. I'm more than happy to play reserve - by next week I should hopefully have all badges (I think all badge specific medals might be pushing it though! ) so will be able to fill in for whatever role is necessary.


                  Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                  Hopefully Vich and nintastic will be able to play (And Darwock might yet get his PS3 back) so I would suggest we aim for 8 players with a reserve or two if necessary. I'm more than happy to play reserve - by next week I should hopefully have all badges (I think all badge specific medals might be pushing it though! ) so will be able to fill in for whatever role is necessary.

                  Yeah. I say 8 and try and have 10 players sign up. The last 2 to join can either spectate, or be quicker to join next week.

                  I think that's the only way. if we get 10 "really 100% solid want to play" requests then we can agree reserves.

                  The problem with reserves is, when do you join the server?

                  I think the easiest is just join & first come first served.

                  If suddenly more than 8 *actually turn up* then we can open for larger matches.

                  Everyone just wants a laugh, and If we have a full server & I'm not in the first to join I'd be happy to spectate too.


                    If everyone gets on in advance of the agreed start time (Ideally at around 20:45 when the room opens) then the agreed reserves can always drop from the game to let the others in.

                    Alternatively, as long as it's a friendly match (Which they all should be), you could setup the room to host more than required (To allow everyone to join and chat before the game starts) and then just have the agreed amount play.


                      Wednesday 25th is another cinema day for me. Hope you guys kick some arse


                        We could always play it as a non-clan match. Just set up a private room, agree who is ISA and who is Helghast and see what the balance is. People could then move around before the match starts. It'd mean everyone present gets to play?


                          Originally posted by FullSpecWarrior View Post
                          We could always play it as a non-clan match. Just set up a private room, agree who is ISA and who is Helghast and see what the balance is. People could then move around before the match starts. It'd mean everyone present gets to play?
                          That works great for me.

                          A clan match setup for 12v12 also works fine too, as long as we agree to balance teams. (Expecting between 6 and 10 to show)


                            It was a good game, shame you couldn't field more players. Looking forward to the return match


                              Why don't we set it to an 8v8 and do an official challenge. This way it is all automated. We can always go to a private server after the match for some mixed team games


                                Originally posted by MikeF View Post
                                Why don't we set it to an 8v8 and do an official challenge. This way it is all automated. We can always go to a private server after the match for some mixed team games

