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Monster Hunter Tri - Weds Static

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    Monster Hunter Tri - Weds Static

    Hey guys,

    At the moment I thought I'd gage interest as to how many people would consider joining a static on Wednesday nights?

    What do you think?

    The same group of guys roughly, jumping on every week, taking down some monsters!

    Like PSO but with voice and no charges.

    Who's in?

    I'll be maintaining a Google Doc here of all the people who have signed up. PM me and post here to sign up. At the moment, because we don't know how the friend system works in Tri, I just require your username for NTSC-UK.

    Let's get building this team!

    Update: I've added a Skype name column to the Google Doc - hopefully this will help us meet up better.

    Last edited by InvisibleKid; 11-05-2010, 08:59. Reason: Update - added Skype column to Google Doc.

    Interested but Wednesdays are normally busy. Will be on any Weds I can manage though so put me down as a sub


      If the friend system is the same as the Japanese version then name the server, town and gate to meet in and just exchange cards there. There is a limit of 10 players at one time per gate though.
      You can search for people online if you know their player name or ID, which we could post here once we know them.

      Put me down as a maybe, I don't like being tied down to a particular day every week.


        I'd definately be interested but Wednesdays aren't necessarily a good day for me either. I will be there though as often as I can!!

        I've ordered the LE set so will have Wii Speak and the CCP.

        Is the plan to meet somewhere and then split into fours? I thought only 4 people could team up at one time?

        (total excited newbie here btw!)


          I would be up for it but not too sure about Wednesday's. Also won't be getting a Wii Speak, way too inconvenient. They should've released a headset.


            I'm certainly up for it when I can


              I`m up for some of this.


                I'm probably gonna get the US version as I have not got round to making my Wii region free. Now, from what I gather, there is not going to be the option to play with peeps from across the world, instead you are limited to the region of your console.

                So is anyone else investing in the NTSC-U version or are you all going Pal? Weds is no good for me either, football training night.


                  Originally posted by parkinho View Post
                  Now, from what I gather, there is not going to be the option to play with peeps from across the world, instead you are limited to the region of your console.
                  What? Where did you get that from? So, playing the NA version on a Japanese Wii would leave me...With just Americans? Dammit.
                  *sells his wiispeak*


                    I've seen the same thing mentioned on Rllmuk. Was almost tempted to buy the US version incase the EU one doesn't have the same staying power, hopefully this incarnation will take off better over here.


                      Yeah I think that is where I read it too. Seems a shame to me.


                        I'm up for any online when i get this game


                          I'll add my details up

                          Hunter name: Kanon
                          Hunter ID: 5HFZM4
                          Region: PAL

                          Feel free to add me.

                          Will be on Sunday evening and most of Monday and Tuesday
                          Last edited by Riskbreaker; 24-04-2010, 02:01.


                            Add me. No mic, but have keyboard! Join me in nooby times!

                            Hunter name: Hudson
                            Hunter ID: EZ978A
                            Region: PAL


                              Hunter name: Alana
                              Hunter ID: P4QHQB
                              Region - PAL
                              p.s could people say what days and times they play, as you can only add friends if they are online, ill be on friday , saturday this week, have mic.

