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Super SF4 Tourney no. 1 - Knockout round now on!

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    I'm another player for a possible PS3 tournament.. I'll bring El Fuerte play in!


      Originally posted by Psyduck View Post
      When do you leave/return mayhem? Might end up going to go for a league so that bit will last a couple of weeks.
      I'll be back on the 26th of this month...
      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


        OK, well I think with Mayhem in we've got 16, which makes for 4 groups of 4 for a champions league format, so will probably go for that. If mayhem doesn't fit his games in then we'll just count him out, but at least he gets a chance...

        Still open for anyone else who wants to join though - draw will be made tomorrow.


          Count me in if there's space

          360 tag - Socko


            Right, the entry of socko means we've got 16 without mayhem, so sadly we'll miss him out of this one.

            First post now updated with draw and rules so get going! See if you can spot the group of death...


              I just made a slight amendment to the spreadsheet

              Good luck everyone!


                Group of death indeed!
                I'll be available most weekday evenings, but could use some notice since I'm not on all the time.
                Good luck all!


                  Cool, I'll add any gamertags I haven't already got and ping peeps when I'm online.

                  Good luck!


                    I've added the members in my group as friends. My tag is moonwhistle, (not capitalised). If anyone else would like a game please look me up.


                      My PSN name is higashibashi.


                        To those in my group, I'll sort out my friends list tonight and add you all. Apart from you supergoal, as you seem to be on PSN ... :/


                          Supergoal - are you on XBL? Also, are you actually in tokyo, cause if so then you don't really want to be entering a tournament with UK people cause the lag will be terrible...


                            Just added my tag to the spreadsheet (I'm the ch33se) and I'll add everyone in my group as friends.

                            I'll most likely be on tonight if anyone's up for a group match.


                              Sorry guys, I thought I did mention that I had the PS3 version!
                              About lag though, sometimes it can be bad, but sometimes even when playing someone in Europe it's almost perfect and hardly notice lag. Timing it to a certain time of the days helps.


                                anyone from group 1 up for playing tonight about 9 ?

