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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    BUM lol.. maybe they won't call it blue mage. Despite remaining in the game the only time it's been called that since FF(...4...? 5?) was in FFX-2 wasn't it? Gau wasn't a blue mage, Quistis wasn't a blue mage but they had the same abilities.

    Ah no.. I forgot - FFX-2 was the 'gun mage' with the blue bullets skill lol
    Last edited by Darwock; 16-09-2005, 14:58.


      *posting from the after life*

      You're right. Wasn't even Blue Mage in X-2 (was Gun Mage).

      Wonder how the abilities will work? TP based (wasn't this how Quistis work Khamari were?) or MP (llike the Enemy Skill materia in FF7)?


        People are saying last months Tribune adventure bit as pretty uch come true, it looks was said in it


        I've been to Kazham before!

        No, I am talking about a different place. There is a great nation even further south that the founders of Kazham came from."


        "What's up north?"

        "The Orcish Empire and the islands where the Gigas live."


        "Also, there is the Gugru Blue that lies east of Mindartia, and beyond that lies a place called the 'Near East.' My special mirror is originally from there..."


          hmmm mirror?

          Wonder if this fellowship quest is going to eventually link into this new expansion?

          Maybe we've been starting on the new expansion storyline already without even realising?


            Wagwei is always dropping little nuggets of interest concerning what happened when I met him.. so there obviously is more to it than meets the eye


              anyone got a link to this video?



                Originally posted by talizker
                Cheers Wedge! They sound superb I want it now...
                This arrived in the post this morning, I was quite surprised as I only ordered on Monday I think with the cheap postage option.

                Two tracks in so far and must say its impressive, looking forward to the jeuno song with lyrics


                  Where are you guys finding this info on the new expansion, I can't find anything on the big gaming sites.


                    There is a Samurai Character who you meet during the COP storyline
                    who wields a G.katana blessed by "Phoenix" and he comes from the
                    Far East of Vana'diel, he mentions places i have never heard of YET!!


                      There is an item already in the game that hints at another area, perhaps included in the new expansion?:


                      Who knows, seems likely to me though.


                        I've just heard a rumour that this blue mage will be a NPC only job... hmmmm


                          I will go out on a limb and say that is 100% false.


                            indeed, and i'll bet we'll see 2 more new jobs.


                              Anyone having problems logging back on?

                              I was on this morning/early afternoon and logged off and have not been able to get back on since.

                              Probably for the best as just beforehand I witnessed something that truly left me incredibly downhearted about the state of the game we play to enjoy.

                              I won't elaborate further but I was genuinely considering cancelling my subscription earlier on today.


                                You can't say something like that and not elaborate.

                                Come on, what was it?

