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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    A weird few days for myself. Some good moments, some bad.

    I?ve been looking into working on some crafts (Alchemy and Goldsmithing) so been pricing up how best to skill those. Never got chance to actually work on any yet though.

    I?m thinking of doing Animal Glue so have been levelling my NPC off of bones in order to get the bonechips I need. I?ve managed to get Fhig up to level 34 now and I?m reluctant to level it any more as my WAR (which I will need to work on soon) is also 34 so maybe some duoing could be in order.

    I also took a look around Ulegerand Range on Saturday. Most stuff around the area I found was Decent Challenge so I killed a few buffalos for fun (killing big stuff is cool) then found a cave system and my explorative urge kicked in. Apart from a few aggroing bats it was pretty safe and I found a NPC orc who asked me to kill Snolls and obtain 2 drops of an item. I?d seen Snolls already (ice based bomb type mobs) and they checked as Decent Challenge so fancied my chances. Picked the first one I saw and went at it. Seemed easy enough although a TP move had hit me for 200 damage which ignored Utsusemi. Slightly worrying but it was down to less than half health by this point so I felt confident.

    Then it readied it?s equivalent of self-destruct.

    Hit me for 800 damage and I was dead >_< I was 1k tnl at that point but with no WHM around I had to take a 2.3k exp hit. I decided to leave snolls for a while.

    Other than that I?ve been farming (I want to have over 2m before I level again) and so another farming session or 2 should be enough.

    With all the difficulties logging on over the last week or so our Promyvions have been disrupted pretty badly. We really need to get these going again and it was hoped we could run another tonight. I?ve emailed Cass asking if he can be on and I?m sure me, Moot, Apa and Van can all be on but it seems as though Tobal can?t be. I don?t want to put it off again so we need one more damage dealer to take his spot then we can run this.


      As mentioned before, I'll happily come along as summoner if you need it. I no longer have any anima's though, I didn't think I'd be needing the ones I had so I used them on an ENM.


        If anyone is agreeable I suggest we take up Darwock on his offer and have a SMN in the fold. Astral Flow should be the business.

        I still have 3 anima, I think Vanicent has 2. That may be enough but maybe me, Moot and Apa could step into Promyvion beforehand and try and grab a couple of extras just to be safe.


          For Holla and Mea you really and I mean really should have 4 hystero and 4 psycho to be safe. Terro will cause Darwock a problem so try to save those for diaster situations only.

          Dem is the best place to farm them as the recollections for both Psycho and Hystero drop on level 1. I tended to find that an hours farming would sort out 2 of us with both drops. Good luck though guys, and yes Astral Flow rocks!


            From experience when astral flow is active I don't get any opportunity to use animas anyway, I'm too busy making sure I don't miss any blood pacts - not sure of the damage rate 'sans-ranger' so I probably should have animas on hand to help prevent it sucking us dry in the final stages and recovering itself (if the battle should last longer than anticipated.) That's what happened on our first ever Holla attempt when we nearly had it beat. ><

            Is it Holla or Mea tonight? And what time do you expect to be starting?


              We?re hoping to mee in Jeuno for 7pm but maybe it would be best to delay by an hour in order to allow us time for anima farming.

              Now that I have cleared Promyvion Dem, can I enter it as I please without affecting my entry to other Promyvions, or do I still need to erase the memory to enter?


                Originally posted by C'
                Now that I have cleared Promyvion Dem, can I enter it as I please without affecting my entry to other Promyvions, or do I still need to erase the memory to enter?
                You can enter it as you please.


                  But what if I go into Dem this evening to farm? Do I need to erase my memory from Dem to be able to enter Holla or Mea?


                    No you won't because you don't need to activate the device any more to enter Promyvion - Dem, you can just walk straight in from the hall of transference. I take it's not decided which we're going to attempt? I'll need to make sure I've either got the poison, or got the remedy depending on which it is.
                    Last edited by Darwock; 20-09-2005, 14:56.


                      of course, as it turned out I didn't need either... hope you do finally manage to get everyone together and give it a shot in the near future.

                      I ended up doing a spot of NPC levelling (reached 34) and then joined a coffer key party to try and get a different key I needed for my current mission. I got that just in the nick of time before the final few people called it a night, along with a coffer key of my own (which I didn't need but we were getting tons of them).

                      So I'm looking forward to going back to Castle Oztroja for the mission and the next limit break - this limit break quest looks like a good opportunity to make up for the magicite walkthrough, by exploring the 3 areas properly.


                        Another no go at Promyvion last night >_<

                        We waited for around an hour then decided to go farm up some more anima. As a result, I think me, Moot and Vanicent have all 3 anima each. I think Tobal still has an anima left over but that?s it. I?m thinking, to be safe, Apathye and Cassius should at least obtain a couple each before we attempt Holla.


                          Back on the subject of BCNM's.

                          Level 60:


                          So far, we will need three more, anyone interested?


                          For mannequin parts, Talizker and Tsing6ao how are things for you on these?

                          BCNM20 - Wings of Fury

                          Anyone have Smn or Bst want to team up on this, a team of three works well, possible drop Astral Ring.


                            Well, if the guy who is in current possession of my graphics card stops faffing around with it and actually gets it working pretty soonish, then I'll be back in game and could use my BST for this BCNM 20.


                              I reckon I'd be up for that BCNM20 with summoner.

                              How likely are astral ring drops though? Is there anything else of value? I'm down to 50 seals remaining (1/4 on treasure and tribulations now) and can't decide whether to go back for the BCNM50 or not.


                                Originally posted by mikewl

                                For mannequin parts, Talizker and Tsing6ao how are things for you on these?
                                Will be ready for this soon^^

                                Still trying to hit 60 before I move onto the other stuff but a combination of slow leveling and not playing much last week mean I am still 13k short...

                                I would hope, even leveling slowly I will be ready to do this at the beginning of next week.

                                Rare - as I don't seem to be on at the same time as Moot, could you ask him how many people I am likely to need for my AF3 - I would like to try this sometime soon

