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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Whens the Mantanience over? also is this the patch one, or is that atthe end of the month? And please god, more end game G.K's


      This is for the update, server's due back up at 9 - the european version of the official website has all the relevant details.


        Nothing major in the update notes. A couple of new quests, new conflict and Dynamis, some fixes/revisions and an attempt at further hindering of RMT (which will no doubt be met with whoops and hollering of 'S-E DO CARE!' before we realise it makes **** all difference in the end).

        Clearly tiding us over to the big changes in April.


          Quite alot of new equipment inthe dat's form what i seen, lots of nice, nice stuff for mages(smn looks to have gotten some kickass stuff) and war's,drk's,pld, i'll assume this new hyrda gear comes from the new avatar battles. Sadlly it's all complete wank for a samurai ;_;


            I'm up for doing ZM14 as Arch Angels, will come back adn do Devine Might when the chance presents itself, I'd really like to get to the end of the Zilart Storyline.

            As for CoP next week would be better for me and I concur a weekday evening may be good for this one as it doesn't seem to have half the messing round to do to get to the BC.

            In other news I've got my wooden eye now having bought it for 300k this morning, seems worth it to avoid going ot the Den more often than necessary. Having said that I still need a Den map is anyone up for going there with the sole purpose of farming coffer keys and getting maps?


              As several of the LS are probably aware, I managed to get this item during a recent run in Phomiuna Aqueducts.

              Since I don't have access to the area where the NMs it spawns are, and probably won't for a long time, I was going to sell it in my bazaar, as I could (and who couldn't, lol) use 1 million gil.

              Before I do that though, since they helped me to get it, I want the people who were in on that run to have a shot at getting it first, at less than 1 million gil.

              So, if anyone from that run wants the Codex, let me know, the price can be negotiated, and I'll arrange an in game meeting where I can place it in my bazaar as soon as I see whoever wants it. That way, that person is guaranteed to get it.


                Hmmm you sure I thought these were 500k at the very most, last one I saw was 300k I thought. Either way I'd rather farm one later if I want it, 1 million is way to steep.


                  Please remember Vanicent does not play anywhere near as often as many of the players on the LS and probably isn?t aware of the true value of many items. I?m pretty certain that 1m tag has been mentioned because as soon as it dropped Daragon stated clearly that they are often listed in bazaars for 1m gil.

                  I highly doubt his intention is to rip LS friends off knowingly.


                    To be honest, I wasn't sure for certain that the codex goes for 1m - I made the comment based on some guy I saw in Qufim who had one in his bazaar for 1m

                    On an unrelated note, has the LS policy on event spoils been changed or have enemy drops always been free for alls? I'm not saying I deserve a share in the value of that codex, but the majority of LS events I've partaken in its always been discussed that BCNM spoils are shared between group members with the same going for ENM runs - I don't mean to rat on Vanicent or anything like that and I know he came away from a second run without his JSE but then so did I, although in my case its not a major setback for me.

                    I know that his playtime is severely limited, so I do think its fair that he should take full value from the codex, whatever it is.


                      I think that'd be entirely up to the individual, besides.. what's the point in splitting 500K ten ways? At current prices that's just turning a decent drop into a load of small change, which would benefit nobody to any great extent.


                        Personally I would always split the procedes of decent random drops with the party. However, it certainly wouldn't bother me if that was not the case with others so fair play to the person it dropped to / rolled highest. In this case I never even noticed the Codex dropped nor had any idea it was worth anything


                          I wasn't suggesting that the value be split, I was merely asking what the LS policy was on such items of worth.

                          And if it came down to it, I would have thought it more fair that it was split between those who came away from the event WITHOUT a JSE piece


                            Sorry I wasn't saying this was an extortion attempt on the LS, just trying to temper the expectation of value somewhat.

                            As for LS policy not sure there is one...
                            Last edited by Tsingtao; 21-02-2006, 14:16.


                              It?s certainly a difficult situation but I think a distinction can be drawn between ENM/BCNM runs and a few valuable drops from other things.

                              ENM/BCNM runs are done with the express purpose of getting drops to make money so it?s fairest (unless agreed beforehand) that all items are split and sold. However getting a fomor codex on Friday was a complete fluke of a drop that no one expected or was attending for. I think in that instance it was fairest to let it drop randomly and whoever got lucky does what they like with it.

                              Likewise if we got any Ingot/Cloth drops for Gobbiebag 6 and no one needed them.

                              I certainly won?t be losing any sleep if I am begrudged a 40k share of selling an item


                                Originally posted by C'
                                Please remember Vanicent does not play anywhere near as often as many of the players on the LS and probably isn?t aware of the true value of many items. I?m pretty certain that 1m tag has been mentioned because as soon as it dropped Daragon stated clearly that they are often listed in bazaars for 1m gil.

                                I highly doubt his intention is to rip LS friends off knowingly.
                                Thank you Rare, you're quite right, I wouldn't want to rip anyone off, knowingly or not.

                                I'll look into the price of the Codex, and find out how much it is worth.

                                As for playtime, you're right, I don't play very often. I should stop saying "yes" when work keep asking me to do overtime.

