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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I see you guys are all gearing up for FF XI, do you ALL have US PS2 consoles?
    If not you are in trouble, SONY now uses a 'network id' system that can detect non-us machines as well as chipped ones and it disallows access.

    See my post in 'firsplay' on CHAMPIONS OF NORRATH.

    I really hope I am wrong as I wanted to play it too.


    update: THursday 19th Feb

    Also, you will need to input your US console's serial # when you register, if you don't have a US Network adaptor AND a US PS2 u are fewked.


      Originally posted by twobells
      I see you guys are all gearing up for FF XI, do you ALL have US PS2 consoles?
      If not you are in trouble, SONY now uses a 'network id' system that can detect non-us machines as well as chipped ones and it disallows access.

      See my post in 'firsplay' on CHAMPIONS OF NORRATH.

      I really hope I am wrong as I wanted to play it too.

      errrr, we are using PC mate...


        If the last 3 months have been 'gearing up' I can't wait until things really kick in.

        Oh, and last night I came within 1000xp of lvl30. I can almost taste, dual-wielding Ninja goodness


          errrr, we are using PC mate... [/quote]

          doh, i'm bad.



            Attained lvl30 last night and my excitement reached fever-pitch. Surely Ninja was no in my sights.

            Then Tobal described what I needed to do

            EEP! This is probably not gonna be as straightforward as I first thought


              Got up this morning eager to check on the Auction House but...!
              45 frickin' minutes of updating ft:


                Originally posted by C'
                Also, whilst browsing several other FF11 forums, I've seen mention of Config settings to turn on Anti-Aliasing and Particle Effects. Perhaps I'm misinterpreting the messages but I've never seen this options in the config settings on my machine. Anyone have any idea?
                Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Display -> Settings (tab) -> Advanced -> (your gfx card name) tab -> (if not already there, ) Performance & Quality settings (depends on drivers).

                Anti Aliasing is by default set to 'application controlled', and so is the anisotropic filtering. You can fiddle around with those, but it also makes older games look a lot, lot nicer .


                  So I'd like some info on what kind of server / area / level you are all on.
                  I think starting again in a new area would be acceptable because I could try new quests /missions for say Windrust on San and of course everything would be partially new because It would all be in English.
                  The NTSC-uk linkshell is on Seraph, we're not in any particular area really... sfar as I know were all over the place (geographically and level-wise)

                  I've changed jobs... (again, I know ) But I came to the conclusion that I can't really change what I am... and I am a Paladin. Looking forward to a massive session tonight, I'll be in kazham/yuhtunga jungle.


                    Cheers Halfpint. I thought the settings were in the FFXI config options. I'll check out my GFX card properties tonight.


                      Sometimes I really dont know what to make of american players. If you read what they post on ignboards for example you get the idea that they are stat-obsessed control freaks who need every fight to be spotless and who complain if you get anything less than a #5 chain... and then when you play with them hardly anyone seems to now what they (or the other classes they are playing with) are supposed to do... They seem to be either complete muppets or too diligent and complain about the fact that I have a longsword instead of a longsword +1 (cus it duz more dam stoopid)

                      I just hope I can find an agreeable party tonight


                        bah, i played last night for 4 hours and got NIL exp. why? i kept on dying in my party as either the party is crap or members are totally know-it-all-but-nothing-at-all bunch of geeks.

                        i was so frustrated that i created two parties during this session, the first one was just complete time wasters and the second had a crap tank. doesnt even have macros for his provoke. so i left, then i got a TELL saying i was selfish and all that. for crying out loud, the party was annihilated and the whm left because of that. what am i supposed to do?!



                          Yeah you get some right idiots playing...

                          I was the only person in my party last night with provoke because over time our 'vokers had to leave and do other things, then we invited a drg/war into the team. I know personaly that dragoons aren't there to tank or anything but he refused to provoke for this reason alone and the fact that he doesn't like 'slow' effect that the crawlers give off :/ our whm nearly died about 5-6 times when he could of easily transfered to aggro onto him with provoke but he wouldn't. He got kicked out of the party in the end, but that's just one case. I could write a book on these people

                          Lv38 Nin/War


                            Bloody hell, I had a party last night that was absolutely appalling. Complete twats, I had to basically give them a rundown on who does what in the party, what buttons to use to target people etc., what provoke even does . The answer? Only play with dual class people until you get high enough level. At least they have the experience to know what and what not to do .


                              PICTURE ROUND...

                              1st some random pics

                              the Airship...

                              Some nasty monster on the way to completing the sam Quest...

                              And finially eco warrior quest

                              Follow the leader...

                              And then the fight...


                                Picture time!

                                Me and Nyoneme (panicking ) in Giddeus before the dragon:

                                Everyone is ready:

                                The fight! Only a few shots, it was over REALLY quick :

                                And a few random ones, selfindulgence first:

                                And a weird angle which I thought looked nice:

