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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    It was great to finally play with some of the forum members finally We've been chatting and having a laugh on the linkshell yet up until today, I had only played with you lot for the briefest of times (if at all).

    But fighting that Dragon is always fun and whilst the battle was a touch easier than anticipated I still think it's a great mission. No matter how easy it was the time before, that feeling of nervousness remains each time you step into Burning Circle. I just hope I'm free to help when the likes of Halfpint, Toxicforce and Vanicent reach that mission.

    All in all, a great day with the Dragon party and the other major event that happened to me (Linkshell members are probably fed up with me going on about by now ).

    Oh and Aegen, once again. YOU ROCK!!!

    And Elmo does to


      I agree C'/Rare It was one of the coolest things I've/we've done sofar. It just goes to show how much better the game is when you play with a few people you know a little better. I can't wait until we team up again for Artifact armor quests / Race specifc equipment stuff etc. (and when get to the BCNM fights you'll be even happier i'm a paladin )

      On another note. I need shedloads of money for my next set of armour at lv 30. I am absolutely determined to get my THF to level 15. So i'm going to focus on that before going back to paladin. I was going to buy a Gladiator sword to cover the gap between longsword (lv 17) and Centurion's sword (lv 30) but it was 25k got myself a gladius instead... still 6k. I really need a steady income because I feel there will be a time when the difference between the best possible sword and the next best one is going to be too big for me not too have it. So thieving it is.


        I'm feeling the money strain at the moment as well. I've got a bit (but I won't say how much as it will only encourage begging from Halfpint ) but I've got a load of stuff left over from THF that I need to sell, plus a load of item stacks that I've farmed since yesterday when I started levelling my advanced job. I can't sell this stuff fast enough unfortunately but if it all goes for good amounts, I should have a nice tidy stash


          Well I finally got fed up with the non-dropping Crawlers and made my way over to San d'Oria. Farmed meself 2 stacks of sleepshrooms and got a fair bit of exp whilst I was at it, but stupidly I forgot to remove my Windurst items off the AH there! Hence, I only have two free slots >_<. However, hopefully I'll be as rich as Toxicforce soon . Then lots and lots of nifty stuff for me .

          And quiet abou the scrounging. I'm richer than you now


            Would you all recommend using a PS2 pad when playing the game or is a mouse/keyboard good enough?


              Originally posted by Adrock
              Would you all recommend using a PS2 pad when playing the game or is a mouse/keyboard good enough?
              would be nice to use a control pad than the keyboard. use the keyboard for typing etc. while the control pad for controlling ur char. for me the Xbox controller S is working perfectly using a USB adapter. i am using the psxpad driver as it is very stable. PS2 controller is also popular to use so its up to you which controller you have.



                You know you've played too much Final Fantasy XI Online when:

                You spend the hours of maintenance downtime writing out a list of what you need to once the servers are accessible again.


                  wat time our time should the servers be back up?


                    sup Tox yo

                    Well scheduled maintenance time was 3 hours and the servers went down at 6pm (our time) so 9pm hopefully. If you're bored, the additions for this update are currently listed in the Developers Room of POL.


                      It's times like these that make me wonder what in the world I used to do before FFXI


                        sup yo roll on 9 o'clock 8) guess can watch chelsea lose again while waitin for time to pass........ yo half u up for a lil farming later?


                          Yeah, I'm good to go probably. Need the moneh . How about, you have the first 24 items that we collect (2 stacks, worth roughly 2500 each) and we call off the 5000 gil I owe you?


                            Servers seem to be back up.

                            Downloading update now


                              The update is available, but you still can't play .


                                but at least we will be good to go when play is availiable

