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    its till off so im giving up for tonight.


      Funny (ish -_-; ) story. I came upstairs at about 7pm and jokingly said to Moot, Maint has been extended until 9pm.

      Hmmm, now the POL Viewer is reporting Maint extension until 9pm.

      I'll keep my mouth shut in future.


        Come on, you really expected it to finish at the time they said it would?

        I don't think that's happened for a long time (if ever), sadly.

        I think I'll work on that job app form while I wait

        EDIT: It looked like it was done for a second there, but when I tried logging in, I got a "Could not connect to lobby server" message, so I guess it's still not done.
        Last edited by Vanicent; 27-10-2005, 19:46.


          Tobal and Wedge ? was talking with Vanicent and Moot last night and we are hoping to attempt Promyvion-Mea tonight. Moot is going to try and speak with Apa today so it falls to me to see if our uber-WHM and uber-RNG are free

          With it being a Friday (and Van not having to work tomorrow) there is no need to be as specific about when we start, so there is no specified time. Just need to know if everyone can be online. I?ll be hanging around Rolanberry anyway so will be ready to go whenever.


            I?m in. I?ll help.

            Sea here we come!


              Tonight is good for me.

              Will be on as usual.


                Ok, thanks fellas.

                Fingers crossed Apa will be good to go and hopefully we can rock this thing good and proper. A weekend exploring new frontiers is good for me ^_^

                EDIT ? out of curiousity, how many people need Gobbiebag 6? All of the items are farmable in CoP zones.

                HQ Eft Skin ? Bibiki Bay (I have this)
                Painite (think this is the jewel) ? Attohwa Chasm
                Balloon Cloth ? Phomiuna Aqueducts
                Shakudo Ingot ? Phomiuna Aqueducts

                With them all being farmable I?d like to put together a party and try and get them as drops rather than spend the gil. Maybe this could be combined with subligar farming?
                Last edited by C'; 28-10-2005, 09:33.


                  Has anoyne managed to sell their mannequin body yet? So far I'm up to 2 nights out in the rolanberry fields with no joy. Any better luck for you lot?


                    I have not sold mine yet, im just going to put a search comment up, but im also dropping the price. If it doesn't sell I will just use it I guess.


                      Originally posted by mikewl
                      I have not sold mine yet, im just going to put a search comment up, but im also dropping the price. If it doesn't sell I will just use it I guess.

                      Originally posted by C'
                      EDIT ? out of curiousity, how many people need Gobbiebag 6? All of the items are farmable in CoP zones.

                      HQ Eft Skin ? Bibiki Bay (I have this)
                      Painite (think this is the jewel) ? Attohwa Chasm
                      Balloon Cloth ? Phomiuna Aqueducts
                      Shakudo Ingot ? Phomiuna Aqueducts

                      With them all being farmable I?d like to put together a party and try and get them as drops rather than spend the gil. Maybe this could be combined with subligar farming?
                      I need GB6 and Subligar (and Gil) so will definately be interested in this.
                      Last edited by talizker; 28-10-2005, 11:44.


                        Yo, promy tonight is cool for me^^, what time we wanna kick it off. It doesnt really matter but the earlier the better for me. apa.


                          Ok so it looks all 6 of us can go tonight. Obviously it?s best if we get going at around 7pm-8pm but like I said it?s not completely vital with nobody having any commitments tomorrow that means we have to finish early. Personally I will be in Rolanberry killing Goobues to get 2 more Tree Cuttings (only got 1 drop last night, but did score 2 stacks of Silk Thread ^^).

                          Let?s talk meds.

                          I still have my Hi-Pot from last time, and I will purchase an Au Lait regen drink as well. Is there anything specific we need for Mea (i.e. we needed Poison Pots for Holla)?


                            From what i remember Mea AoE poison's, shadows and perhaps steals buffs(might be holla though) i think, so just potions, regen drink and Anima needed.


                              Iolites drop from Arch Corse
                              these things arent fun to fight and spawn only at night in the area that Tiamat lives in, so just hope he isnt up the best bit of course is you need 2 capable tanks as its not only a BLM type and hits hard but it can use a Charm TP move which can be alot of fun :P
                              Last edited by Bayan; 28-10-2005, 13:54.


                                Originally posted by Tsingtao
                                Has anoyne managed to sell their mannequin body yet? So far I'm up to 2 nights out in the rolanberry fields with no joy. Any better luck for you lot?
                                Sold last night for 600K next to Lower Jeuno AH.

