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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I think I'm gonna give up before I get really angry and waste anymore time...

    Basically because it's going to be totally impossible gathering a party in order to obtain my AF items. It took Tickle all his time to gather WHM support for the Castle Oztroja mission 4:3 segment.

    Finding an entire party for AF isn't going to be easy - considering the BSTs in our LS now want cuts on the BCNM earnings unless you're a WHM - that's bull****.

    It's getting really greedy on there now - I just made my first 50k+ and I know the BSTs are gonna want 20k or so. Then I buy my belt and I'm back to messing around with 3k for 5 lvls.

    I need to do 3 or 4 more BCNMs just to be able to carry myself to the AF level range.

    Seems such a shame ditching a 39PLD, 33WAR, 14THF - although if it saves me the stress then so be it.

    It takes me 6-7hrs just to find a party for the Soldier Crawlers in Crawlers' Nest FFS. Then it's a 50/50 gamble on whether or not they're good or not or don't have more than an hour to spend.


      The only thing I liked about the tribune was the monster profiles, specially the 3 Beastman Leader?s. What I really to happen in an ingame newspaper, pay 1k gill pick it up once a month and view inside the game, much how I would like that card game to be ingame.


        I remember the coverage they did on garrison as well, they tackled it with a single party and won at least once, I always took that as encouragement it could be done but I guess that nobody tries is testament to the fact that nobody reads it.

        Also their frequent articles on people who play 'against the norm' such as galka mages and taru tanks were very worthwhile.. pity the message never broke through to the assholes that perpetuate the 'one way to play' type rules.
        Last edited by Darwock; 06-03-2006, 12:28.


          Why don't you spend the time waiting for a party farming or crafting to make some money instead? Nothing bugs me more than simply waiting in Jeuno for something to happen. I have to be out there doing stuff. Otherwise it's just a simulated waiting room and that's no fun.


            I have been doing. 5hrs farming in Rolanberry earned me around 15k, without THF sub. With - you're looking at 20k+.

            Tree Cuttings are goooooood.

            Pisses me off how our BST has around 300K worth of gear (80k in earrings alone) - and still wants cuts on our BCNM lots.

            If we don't pay we don't get future help.


              Ronfaure is an Elvaan word for Rabbit Hole (which explains why there are so many rabbit/hare mobs). Turns out, keeping domesticated rabbits was common with San d'Orians prior to game times but many were released into the wild and the population boomed.

              I find stuff like this truly fasciinating and goes to the show the detail thatS-E have put into creating their world.


                Originally posted by DavidFallows
                I have been doing. 5hrs farming in Rolanberry earned me around 15k, without THF sub. With - you're looking at 20k+.

                Tree Cuttings are goooooood.

                Pisses me off how our BST has around 300K worth of gear (80k in earrings alone) - and still wants cuts on our BCNM lots.

                If we don't pay we don't get future help.
                The usual way it goes is everybody wanting in on it brings an orb, and either the orb user keeps all the drops from his shot (good or bad), or the loot from all attempts is pooled/sold and divided equally. If your BSTs are wanting cash from a BCNM fight where they didn't use their own orbs, tell them to take a hike and farm up some seals of their own.


                  Absolute class:

                  Airship travel, on the other hand, is expedient but leaves passengers with little time to do anything. Most adventurers traveling by airship are fully aware of this fact, which is why one can often see them standing perfectly still for the entire journey.


                    I remember reading that one Rare.

                    It is a shame the Tribune is going.

                    Oh and Darwock that upbeat Tribune music is used in another area of PoL, think its from the same menu as buying content id's.

                    Fallows, maybe you're rushing leveling a bit much, I find generally doing events, quests and stuff will bring nice gi , have you done any Enm's yet, they can be good money.

                    As for getting your AF I would suggest finding others who need coffer keys and try and get everyones together.


                      Originally posted by C'
                      PS - I think Van took pictures of the carnage and will no doubt be posting them later. Will be interesting to see how they come out

                      I did indeed, although I'm going to have to apologise for one thing here: the lack of captions.

                      I only got 10 photos, but I can't be bothered to think up captions for them.

                      Apologies for that.

                      Anyway, as Rare phrased it, here is the carnage from last night (and a few shots of Riverne Site #A01 before we got to the carnage).

                      These images were taken at random times, especially once we started attacking the flies, so there's no pattern or anything to them.

                      Enjoy, if you can.


                        I'd have to say theres a simple answer to your BST problem, I assume you're doing charming trio? Just do another BC the level 40 s are nive and should be a demand for Erase adn Utsusemi:Ni.


                          While it certainly took along time to get going we murdered that Bcnm60 and apa and tru got some decent drops, so I would certainly like to have a crack at doing them in a proper 6 orb run.

                          Other business, hopefully today we?ll start the 37-40 plan so we can attempt CoP3.5 on Sunday, wedge as whm, me War(thf/nin/mnk) so anyone with a lvl36-37 job is welcome along.

                          Dobsonfly run-2, may have to wait till next week as a lot of the LS are away or busy on other things.

                          And so Friday, a Garrison run lvl20 cap run in West.Ron, open to anyone with lvl 10-20 gear, and any nation, ideally 6 people+. I?m going hunt in to the Orc Fort to farm the item needed, anyone else is welcome to come as we can start a Garrison every 30 minutes(but must be San?d Rank2 and above). I?ll go as either whm or sam, depending on what we need.


                            Yes! Garrison at long last! I'm in... anybody happen to know who has current control of Norvallen & Kolshushu? I have garrison items for both (but windy never seem to regain kolshushu)


                              It's best we start small to begin with, as at lvl20 we have alot of people with many jobs they can use.


                                I can't do lvl20 Garrison

