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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Heh ... Wont get net sorted for atleast 2 weeks unfortunatly and Ill be rusty when I get back. I visited Iceze today ... He defenatly aint comming back to any online games (except FPS's cause we have always played FPS's) and he has told me that he will sell his account on ebay. He is going through a tough time too.


      Sell his account on ebay? Ouch. Something about that just feels wrong.


        Hey everyone.

        Just a thought about Sunday, since its usually the day when we get the biggest LS turnouts, has anyone got anything they want to do?

        I would be up for ENM's, Promyvion ones and a Monarch Linn ENM?

        Also interested in another Dobson run.


          Originally posted by mikewl
          Hey everyone.

          Just a thought about Sunday, since its usually the day when we get the biggest LS turnouts, has anyone got anything they want to do?

          I would be up for ENM's, Promyvion ones and a Monarch Linn ENM?

          Also interested in another Dobson run.
          Won't be on until the usual time later but would be up for any of the above this evening. An Lv30 ENM would be great as it would leave me only 150exp ish to Lv36 and the first teleports. Am geared up for Lv30 WHM or Lv50/60 RDM atm.

          If someone can post here if there is anything planned for this evening that would be great


            A lot of people who are leaving FFXI sell their accounts on ebay now. Any account 70+ gets ?150 atleast. You get more depending on other jobs, rank, crafts and merits. You have to hand over your content id and pass as well as send your game disks to them so when you quit, you leave for good unfortunatly.


              Originally posted by Kerushi
              A lot of people who are leaving FFXI sell their accounts on ebay now. Any account 70+ gets ?150 atleast. You get more depending on other jobs, rank, crafts and merits. You have to hand over your content id and pass as well as send your game disks to them so when you quit, you leave for good unfortunatly.


                Can I just confirm the setup for tonight if we do Unstable Cluster? I?ve been put on tanking duty along with another NIN? I presume this is Meric?

                I?ll admit to being slightly disappointed after getting psyched up about gun ninja but I?ll live

                I will be online tonight around 8pm.


                  Rollercoaster weekend for me, it was all over the place. Friday night I was on but nobody else was around, so garrison obviously wasn't happening. Instead I went and finally cleared limit break 3. Afterwards I decided to have a wee look at the AH to kill time (which I never do anymore cos it just frustrates me how out of reach everything is). oooh... Penitent's Rope is niiiiice - oh look it's 3 million gil. Forget it. I check the value of some things I have in my inventory - magician's earring , f- me... it's also up to 3 million but I don't want to part with it. Summoner's earring, 2 million. I have one and never use it... ok this makes me the mother of all hypocrites for complaining about price-hikers in the past, but I decided to take a chance and list it at 3 million so I might get lucky and be able to afford the rope. After having forked up the 60K listing cost I was now down to my small change... this is when I notice there is a pair of Sly Gauntlets listed.

                  Some of you might remember these are the gloves that I obsessed over, and led tsingtao and talizker into numerous BCNM50 defeats and wasted at least 200 seals trying to obtain. So now I'm like shiiiiiit, need guaranteed cash coming in so I can buy them before it's too late! I couldn't unlist the summoner's earring to make the price more realistic, not having paid 60K already. So instead I did something a little foolish and put practically everything I own up for sale. Once the AH was full I stuck things in my bazaar... ice staff, dark staff, mandibular sickle, tactician magician's coat, republic dagger, venerer ring.. everything must go. Went to bed leaving my PS2 switched on but I was so hyped at the opportunity that I couldn't sleep! (very sad)

                  Woke up at 7:30 on Saturday morning and was straight out of bed to see what had happened. Checked my chat log, lots of people looking in my bazaar but no sales. Back into Jeuno and to the AH - only one sale - the summoner's earring for 3 million gil!

                  My first ever time breaking a million gil /cheer. The sly gauntlets were mine about 30 seconds later. Now I'm short for the penitent's rope, but I decide to leave everything up for sale just in case. Then I remember the sorceror's ring (my other obsession, and one that has cost me at least 250 seals). Bit of a dilemma, can afford that ring right now, but that rules out the penitent's rope for good. One is for soloing and one is for parties. So I take 50 of my 60 remaining seals and go for one last attempt at the gambling BCNM. Chose the wrong chest, got killed, another 50 seals gone. That settles it in my mind, 2 sorceror's rings in stock so I place a bid at the current rate, but when that bid was rejected I just walked away from the AH. Later in the day it dropped to 1 in stock, but no sales... I cross my fingers hoping the person will relist it at the current price. Which they did, and I bought it around 11pm that night. With what I had left I then bought the reverend sash (same as we got from bad seed fight).

                  In the space of one week I've gone from having crap equipment and a pessimistic attitude, to getting all the items I've ever obsessed over. I was eager to test out my sorceror's ring and uber-level-50 gear, so I headed for rivern #B01 to nuke some hippgryphs. Would you believe it, the hippogryph feather drops on my umpteenth kill - an 800K feather in my cap lol. I also collected my scroll of teleport-yhoat and that sold last night O_O

                  Where is all this good luck coming from? And when do I have to pay it back?

                  (damn, written another book and I haven't even touched on the awesome bloody coffin fight, the numerous deaths or the worst ENM in history)


                    Originally posted by Darwock
                    (damn, written another book and I haven't even touched on the awesome bloody coffin fight, the numerous deaths or the worst ENM in history)
                    Awesome stuff D. I am ready to hear more...


                      Good stuff there Dar.

                      My weekend far less interesting. Some farming (although market on Slime Oil crashed somewhat but it seemed to be on the road to recovery last night) and not much else.

                      Maitreriz invited me to take part in the man 3 man ENM50 at Monarch Linn (Bugard in the Clouds). Our setup was NIN NIN and RDM and everything seemed to be quite straightforward. Had it down to about 30% HP and we had taken no damage. Then we noticed all our melee hits were landing for 0. Turns out that

                      It builds up resistance to the 3 kinds of damage (melee, ranged and magic) so the only way to kill it is via a combination of the above. You cannot rely on 1 type of damage. Sadly I asked Mait before the fight if I needed elemental ninjutsu and he said no so I left the tools in mogsafe).

                      The Bugard fired off Hundred Fists which Mait Elemental Seal + Sleep to wait for it to wear off and we rested but when it woke up our damage was too slow and it used Hundred Fists again. Also by this point his attacks had gotten really fast on their own anyway and powerful:

                      Seems he becomes more powerful as he gets weaker so for that final bit of HP you need to go all out as quickly as possible.

                      Slightly gutted as the only reason we lost was my lack of elemental ninjutsu


                        The Bugard fired off Hundred Fists
                        How'd he do that, he hasn't got any arms!

                        If magic damage is required on this fight, I'm ready and willing any time. I want to see as many of the different battles as I can. On that note when are we going to use our florid stone's on the shrouded maw ENM? I remember we were discussing it before Diabolos, and most of the regular attendees already have the item.


                          Looks like time for me to break into my 60 seals - 3 of those expensive mannequin pieces would go down quite nicely.

                          I think I'm due a fair bit more luck on the gil front myself. Those pricey enm earring item drops seem to be rare as hen's teeth these days.


                            Talizker cheers on Darwock new found enthusiasm.


                              Darwock - indeed, congrats on all your successes this weekend!

                              Tobal - unfortunately something has come up and I won't be able to attend the Unstable Cluster fight later. Good luck with it though.
                              Last edited by vwilsonuk; 27-03-2006, 10:14.


                                OK, some other stuff from the weekend - the bloody coffin was notable just because it was so unusual... some of you have fought this before so you know it's got a rock hard defense and a bottomless pit of HP, despite being a mage (no fair!). Anyway I started fighting it with my NPC... I couldn't keep the hate off Wagwei for long though and I watched him get pummelled. I used that time to make sure the crab was fully enfeebled and I was well protected, then got down to business. My rate of damage was so poor that cheap BLM tactics were not going to work, aspir is too infrequent and my mp wouldn't last the distance. I had no choice but to melee, and rely on my lillith's rod strikes stealing his mp. Blind seemed nice and effective and paralysis from my spikes was holding, the danger time was when silence wore off cos he always let rip with numerous nasty enfeebles in very quick succession. That nearly did me in a number of times, but each time I got him slept and used the time to recover as much as I could (was down to 7 hp at one stage!). This went on for probably something like twenty minutes, maybe more... by this time I'd only chipped him down to just over 50%. Things were starting to get hairier, as both my average hp and mp were getting progressively lower. Then he f*&ked me up with paralysis... I got him slept, didn't have enough mp to cure myself so started legging it. Only then did I think of manafont, but after I stopped and started casting it was too late, he caught up to me and hit me with two criticals just as I started curing myself.

                                Went back for a rematch the next day and this time I took supplies, plus i had the sorceror's ring. I was comfortable for the first 20%, then out of nowhere I had a couple of high tier cures dropped on me. There were a couple of japanese players standing next to me cheering... put the crab to sleep, said I was ok and refused the invite they'd given me. They said they wanted to fight it... I said 'I'm sorry', woke it up and continued - but it went straight for them, the cures they gave me had pulled way more hate than I could match with damage.. they started running off and the crab went with them, I had to follow, wasn't landing any hits as I ran around chasing the mob. When they stood still I couldn't hack the guilt of making them watch for 40 minutes or however long it would take, so I invited them and they polished it off in 5 (both were level 73). Disappointed, it was so much fun on my own.. but I can't really complain about people wanting to help.

                                Something else I forgot to mention was finally getting to fight Ramuh on saturday night - I took a judgment bolt full in the face and stayed standing! /hurray

