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    Paging Wedge if you happen to see this, possibly doing the uncapped NM part of CoP tonight 9:30-10pm ish


      Interesting evening tonight, given I've not been online for at least a few days.

      I started off near Garliage Citadel, hoping to get an EXP party. However, after about 10 minutes, I suddenly got a /tell from a Mithra DRK called Ayanne, asking me if I wanted to buy 10 stacks of Holy Bolts for 30,000 G.

      Since these were powerful bolts, and I could use them to level RNG, I was instantly interested. I was a bit cautious, as it seemed to good to be true, but I took them in the end, as she wanted to be rid of them to free up some space (I think she was crafting). I ended up with 12 stacks of Holy Bolts for 34,000 G.

      Given they are 6,000 G on the AH right now, I think I got a good bargain from it.

      While I was sorting this out, Rare contacted me, and suggested a duo in Promyvion Mea. I hadn't tried it before, but I was willing to try it.

      We went in, and basically attacked anything we could. With the aid of about 6 different macros, I made use of Barrage and a few other skills, and both Rare and I were shocked at the damage I managed to cause.

      I had to change ammo a couple of times for strategic reasons, and then I had to activate Sharpshot, Berserk, and then Barrage. I did this against two mobs, on Even Match, and one Tough. The damage was 380 against one, and 396 against the other.

      Suffice to say, Rare and I were stunned.

      After that, we tried for the Promyvion map, but didn't have any luck, before leaving and I logged.

      A fun evening to be sure.


        Originally posted by Darwock
        Paging Wedge if you happen to see this, possibly doing the uncapped NM part of CoP tonight 9:30-10pm ish
        Hmm that was a bit too short notice.


          Yeah always knew it was a long shot, no big deal.

          Better take this opportunity to say the end is nigh though, got my date of departure today - 22nd August. Mosley may be out of it even sooner than that however.


            A very sweet little CoP CS coming up for those that did the uncapped NM's tonight.

            Wedge - let us know when you have 30 mins to spare and i'm sure a couple of us will come assist you.

            Not sure what to say about tonights BCNM30. It was stated before hand that it was your orb, your drops so went along with that. Tsing thought the Mannequin Body was a 100% drop (which it was last time he did it) plus the possibility of some other goodies. Well, I lost the Random (suprise-suprise) and went first. We won with little trouble and I got the Body and an Genin Earring. Both Tsing and Tobals runs were also sucessful but the drops were extremely poor. No Bodies, no anything else worthwhile... ><


              Originally posted by Darwock
              Yeah always knew it was a long shot, no big deal.

              Better take this opportunity to say the end is nigh though, got my date of departure today - 22nd August. Mosley may be out of it even sooner than that however.
              Why? Where are you going? I think you mentioned this before.

              Got to WAR lvl.10 this morning and obtained yet another stack of grain seeds.

              Tonight I'm looking at going for the Rank3 Dragon, although I need to bum some Yagudo first and sort some folks out around Windurst. Tsing says it can be done with three people thesedays, I also think he was offering to help as he said "All we need is a healer and we're all set"... Well I can change to WHM if anyone with BLM25+ wants to help? The more the merrier I say, I'd like to try with just 3 of us for the challenge although I don't want to waste anyone's time or EXP if it goes tits.

              I'll be ready after I've been to Windy and done around 12-15 lvl1+2 quests as well as the Yagudo offering.

              Once the Dragon is out of the way I may be looking at Rank4 for this weekend. That should just require somebody at lvl.75 to hold my hand through D.Tower right?

              I really do need that Rank5 and airship pass as soon as possible.

              Also I'm free for ENM whenever - I've got to kill any of the three for my CoP mission followed by the other 2 later.
              Last edited by dataDave; 13-07-2006, 08:31.


                It (the dragon) can be done with three but don't go without me, I want to see what Diabolos 2 hour does against a proper opponent!

                I've got to kill any of the three for my CoP mission followed by the other 2 later.
                The ENMs are separate battles from the CoP missions, if you go up and only do the ENM you won't get the clear on the misson.

                p.s. got a new job overseas which is why i'm leaving, going to japan to work for one of the big english schools.
                Last edited by Darwock; 13-07-2006, 08:45.


                  Originally posted by DavidFallows
                  Also I'm free for ENM whenever - I've got to kill any of the three for my CoP mission followed by the other 2 later.
                  Just so you know, although the ENM boss and the CoP mission boss in the 3 Promyvions are the same kind of monster, clearing the ENM does not clear the mission. The ENM is notably easier than the mission.


                    Rank 4 is an interesting one and was most satisfying when I did it. I used sneak/invis to get to the top of the tower then /sh for assistance to kill the required mob. There usually high levels farming up there... Much more fun than having a high level escort imho!

                    Like I said before, i'm happy to help with the Dragon although i'm not sure what time i'm on tonight.

                    With regards to the ENM, still not heard back 100% from Rare/Vani/Moot so not sure when this is happening - maybe tomorrow?

                    With Wedge not having done the CS's / NM's for CoP and nothing being discussed last night, I asume we are not trying for a 1st attempt at the CoP BC in Sealions Den tonight?

                    Tobal / Tsing, do you guys want to do the Crab BCNM20 which will at least get you 1M G to make up for last nights disappointing (for you ^^) run?


                      Lol - I've never ever seen Diabolos before you spoiling twat!

                      I was hoping to see him for the first time with SMN. Oh well, it really was inevitable I suppose and if you don't whip him out I'm sure some other c**t will.

                      It'll be a good time for me too first see him I suppose. As long as I don't stand there in awe and forget to heal.

                      Originally posted by Talizker
                      Rank 4 is an interesting one and was most satisfying when I did it. I used sneak/invis to get to the top of the tower then /sh for assistance to kill the required mob. There usually high levels farming up there... Much more fun than having a high level escort imho!
                      That's what I'll do then pal. Didn't want to trek up there on my tod without knowing what to expect at the top. Hopefully they will be nice ppl that will help for free. Gonna see if I can quest the map for the place as I remember it being a vertical maze.
                      Last edited by dataDave; 13-07-2006, 08:48.


                        You wouldn't see him for the first time with SMN anyway, cos you can't fight him until you've reached that part of CoP, and you can't get a pact with him until you've beaten an uncapped version of the same fight.

                        I could arrange to be up that bit of the tower, I go up there to get lightning clusters anyway.

                        Think my remaining goals are now to get rank 10, push for 75 and beat Fenrir. I didn't think 75 could be done but seeing how quick other people have jumped from 70 to 75 I'm sure it can.
                        Last edited by Darwock; 13-07-2006, 08:50.


                          Originally posted by Darwock
                          You wouldn't see him for the first time with SMN anyway, cos you can't fight him until you've fought him (and won) as part of CoP, and you can't summon him until you've beaten an uncapped version of him.
                          Oh, ok. Whip him out then!

                          Originally posted by Darwock
                          p.s. got a new job overseas which is why i'm leaving, going to japan to work for one of the big english schools.
                          Ah, I remember now. That's what I want to do... Although I don't have a bachelor's and can't be arsed with waiting 3 years for a placement with JET.

                          China instead for me. I hope it's not a **** hole.


                          re: The ENMs + CoP. I'm confused. I've signed up with Reinhard + the Alchemist and the next thing I've to do is fight an ENM boss, I know that much. If I went along with you guys like I did on saturday would it end up with me fighting my mission boss whilst you lot fight the ENM? Or are they based in different locations?
                          Last edited by dataDave; 13-07-2006, 08:57.


                            They are based in the same location but when you enter the battle arena it lets you choose which battle to enter.


                              Yeah mind on that Saturday we were all doing a battle called 'Simulant' but the one in your list was 'Ancient Flames Beckon'. Then when we went into the ENM you didn't get any options at all. Ancient Flames Beckon is the mission. If you'd had the key item from Venessa you would also have been able to select Simulant (you don't need any key item to do the mission).


                                Originally posted by talizker
                                With regards to the ENM, still not heard back 100% from Rare/Vani/Moot so not sure when this is happening - maybe tomorrow?
                                Moot has confirmed that he's not interested in doing an ENM so that rules me out.

