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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by C'
    Tut tut tut

    Someone?s been neglecting there questing responsibilities

    He?s one I found easy.

    I?m heading home at lunchtime and Moot will most likely be playing with Kupo. I?ll find out then.
    Nice one matey, get them farmin them seals on them low lvl jobs!

    Hope we can do it tonite, as todays the last day this week i can ><


      I continued the Aht Urghan mission line last night too. Only done the first cutscene so far but that was funny.

      Fear. Fortune. What?s the difference?


        Originally posted by C'
        I continued the Aht Urghan mission line last night too. Only done the first cutscene so far but that was funny.

        Fear. Fortune. What?s the difference?
        Yeah think im gonna do some of the new ones tonite as well after bcnm to wind down. (Hopefully)

        Like abit of new story!


          Well yesterday was crazy, logged on not really to do much but saw a shout to recover the Astral Candesence. Thought I'd give it a try at the end of the day I'd like to know what involved, and I suppose on the upside now I do.

          I should have left before we got started to be honest when 3 people managed to miss the ship to nashmau despite having a 10 minute warning. This means we got up to the reef and got the first key item before they even arrived meaning we had to refarm it wasting anout an hour. Then the usual incompetance and death insued as people failed misserably to be able to do their jobs right. People wandering off, blood agro, general agro, not bringing enough oils an much more.

          Anyway the first 2 BC sites weren't right so we moved to a third. I went as a duo with Clarkeyboy to check it and it was the right place though it cost me 2 deaths to get there. The rest of the alliance then took over 90 mins to reach us as the leadership was soem what lacking.

          In the end I logged before we even entered the BC, toal waste of time though I do have a mindflayer robe which is not worth what it used to be at a guess.

          Never again, and next time make sure we all get to beseiged this is just to painful to lose.

          On a more positive note though Clarkeyboy was a lot more fun to have a round than I've seen before. He did his job well and was one of the few competent players on the run
          Last edited by Tsingtao; 03-08-2006, 09:49.


            Well if the AC still not back tonight anyone up for mirror party while doing the next set of AH missions? (I need to go to the new ruins place), would like know how tough this mirror things are.


              Sure I'm game!

              Mirrors are weird, they're just huge well mirrors guarded by an NM.


                I can't believe just how addictive this game is . I can't remember who said it this morning but they described it as videogame crack. Cheers to everyone for being so helpful, my questions are answered instantly without being put down as a "n00b". Having now discovered the wonders of the auction house i realise i need more money.


                  Originally posted by MegaMan X
                  I can't believe just how addictive this game is . I can't remember who said it this morning but they described it as videogame crack. Cheers to everyone for being so helpful, my questions are answered instantly without being put down as a "n00b". Having now discovered the wonders of the auction house i realise i need more money.
                  Ive only been playin on Seraph for about 3 months now havin come across from hydra and we are lucky enough to have a great LS

                  I still class my self as a n00b (Newb sorry rare!) as there is soooo much to this game its unreal. The only other thing ive played is Street Figher on XBL recentley! It does kinda take over, as it keeps you coming back for more!

                  All i can say is enjoy the game and pass on advice that the others gave me is which is to just take you time and enjoy playin it Level 75 is far from everything in this game!
                  Last edited by djtickle; 03-08-2006, 12:33.


                    It is obscenely addictive but thats mostly I think to do with the scale and scope fo the game. I've not seen anything comparable, 2 years paly so far and I've not cleared any of the storylines, reached 75 or gained any end game items. Mad really just starting to look at end game now and seeing a 9 million prce tag on my first relic upgrade for shield.

                    I'm still impressed by the sheer size and complexity and wait till you start to see the story!


                      Rare, did you go home at dinner? Did you find out about kupo?


                        Originally posted by MegaMan X
                        I can't believe just how addictive this game is . I can't remember who said it this morning but they described it as videogame crack. Cheers to everyone for being so helpful, my questions are answered instantly without being put down as a "n00b". Having now discovered the wonders of the auction house i realise i need more money.
                        A lot of stuff in the ah is available through many shops & sometimes even quests, so have a look round before going on a bid frenzy you'll be thankful later on when money does become tight.


                          Originally posted by angelx
                          A lot of stuff in the ah is available through many shops & sometimes even quests, so have a look round before going on a bid frenzy you'll be thankful later on when money does become tight.
                          Yeah there are many sites available that will tell you the best place to buy somthing, if you wish to use them.


                            Sorry Dj, I never had time in the end. We?ll just have to check as soon as we get online tonight. On Monday we had a KSNM group agreed to be done, put together and completed within a few hours so we should be ok to go.

                            Regarding the addictiveness. I do feel FFXI has a certain character in it?s design (probably in part due to its Japanese origin) that you don?t get in rival MMORPGs. I genuinely laugh out loud at some of the situations that occur in cutscenes and dialogue. Some of it is really clever and it?s testament to how well it is written and directed that plain text with limited animation routines can so well achieve what it does.

                            Also, the incidental little touches. The other week I spotted a store in Windurst named Nchaa?s Good Goods that I hadn?t really spotted in 2 and a half years of playing but I found it so amusing and still giggle everytime I go past it now.



                              Yup shop vs AH is an important discovery, I funded my early levels reselling NPC bought bronze harnesses on the AH in SAndy. Used to make about 20k a day doing that on one mule


                                Originally posted by Tobal
                                Well if the AC still not back tonight anyone up for mirror party while doing the next set of AH missions? (I need to go to the new ruins place), would like know how tough this mirror things are.
                                Ok, not sure why this information has totally passed me by, but as with so many things to do with the expasnion I don't know what the Astral Candesence actually is/does. Also Tob, how far forward are you guys with these missions? I am only up to the one that gives you Assault access.

