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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Does anyone know what the situation is with Meric and Saerik, have they officially quit or not.

    I just noticed I have over 200k in my outbox to Meric still from ages ago, he has not picked it up.

    I often need my mailbox empty so I can free up inventory slots by sending stuff to myself.


      Meric has recently started University and has had difficulty conntecting to the game at Halls Of Residence (similar to Reploid).

      However, Moot has been talking with Saerik and/or Meric via MSN and my understanding was that Meric was planning on playing at the weekends. Saerik didn't seem to be interested in playing unless Meric was.

      Saerik was online briefly on Friday and I spoke to him but he didn't seem massively bothered about playing again


        Ack. The US and JP versions coexisted just about long enough for me to update my CC details, then the JP one got corrupted somehow, refusing to load even after restoring from backup with an "FFXI-9000 (-1)" error, along with some indecipherable Japanese.

        So, I've had to uninstall everything all over again and just reinstall the JP version. Progress could be slow for the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, I am now learning Kanji in both the Japanese and Chinese classes I'm doing, so perhaps before long it won't be so tough ... and the motivation should help me learn. It was nice at least to see the first Zilart cutscene in my native language!!


          oooo zms!


            Me and Rush had fun with formors last night, including multiple dieing ><

            Thanks Rush


              Death is all part of the job lol


                This might interest some.

                Old school Jap shell on my server recently did a 98 second Kirin.


                  wow one serious mass 2 hring! the jap client seems better than the uk/us client ... you get 2 rows of buffs and you can see all the brd songs you got planted on you.


                    OMFG!!!!!!! CoP 6-4 VICTORY!!!!!



                      Dara beat me to it


                        Did you take any nice shots for your blog Dj? I didn't realise my POL album was full


                          not really i got some of mammats and a crap shot of ultima >< there was far to much going on!


                            Congratulations dudes


                              I may not be arround much in the next few months. I've just started FFXII which is astonishingly good and with Zelda coming at the beginning of December and a few other distractions as well, it isn't going to leave much time for FFXI.


                                I've got FFXII as well, but I'm going to wait until Christmas to play it, simply because I've got a couple of other games I want to complete before then, and I don't want XII as a potential distraction.

                                Looking forward to it though.
                                Last edited by Vanicent; 06-11-2006, 11:42.

