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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    hehe i got advertising to my site ^^ ty DJ


      pish, 8-3 fail due to rushing. Thats more EXP in the bin and another 50k.


      So fed up of pickup grps. Started off really well killed 2 blm pots and wiped and RR. Ninja rushed 1st rdm pot had 4% and we wiped. As ninja rushed mages didnt have time for RR so therefore fail >< 2hours all gone.

      Waste of time and gil.

      This BC is really getting me down now, try again tomorrow.


        8-3 WIN AT LAST! 1/6!!! Was very close too we won with 54 Seconds to go.

        We went in with 100tp each and I wings. Killed the 1st blm big time and then 2 houred the 2nd blm. All ran to south door as rdms woke up from Daras ES + Sleepga2. We managed to get the 1st rdm down to 50% and all wiped. Got up full rest and slept TP again. We all started attacking but the drg attacked the wrong pot and woke it up ><

        We managed to get the 3rd pot down and started on the 4th but we wiped. Got up healed and raised tp again and killed it with 54 seconds to go! Close one but AT LAST the final BC of CoP is here!!

        We did a dry run as it was 3:30am at this point >< Managed to get first form down and half way through 2nd before we wiped and u instantly get booted out the BC.

        W00t - Raja's almost mine at last!

        Damm im 74.....doh
        Last edited by djtickle; 10-11-2006, 08:34.


          Well, I am going to try to get a Charybdis ToD again this weekend. Sorry to keep bothering everybody about this, but could I get some help again to fight it?

          Also, would anybody be interested in farming some Den of Rancor coffer keys sometime for the map? I think the key mobs are difficult to fight without a lot of downtime.


            Sure Bev if im online im good for it, as long as im not up to the last CoP boss.


              Am setting up a flickr group for Rarghls screenshots - hoping to add a photostream badge to the Rarghls site.

              Anyone who wants to have a play the group is at
              and membership is by invite, so please drop the moogle a line at with your account mail address to get an invite :-)

              If you create an account specifically for posting to the group, please bear in mind that Flickr will only validate your account to show photos in public areas if most of the photos in your account (particularly the first five) are "real photos" rather than screenshots.
              Last edited by vwilsonuk; 10-11-2006, 13:08. Reason: Forgot its an invite group


                Ahhhh me in whitegate!?!? /shy in subligar!
                Last edited by djtickle; 10-11-2006, 14:22.


                  WTF, PS3's are available in Japan according to Play Asia. How can it possibly take four months to build one that works with a PAL TV when they have known they'll be building one all along?


                    I got a ToD for Charybdis again tonight. The window opens in the morning at 7:00am EST (I think that?s 12:00pm for you guys). I?d really appreciate if anyone could come help me camp and defeat it. I?m going to try and get up at 7am and beg for some help on the LS. If I can?t find a NIN (hopefully Rare will be logged in), I think I can tank it with enough healing support.

                    BTW, I know it?s risky posting the ToD here, but hopefully nobody from the server will see it.


                      I reckon I should be around Bevan, THF/NIN can tank this as well as NIN by the way.

                      As for PS3 its not the PAL conversion thats the issue, they're having problems mass producing the blue ray lasers hence they can't put out enough volume for all 3 regions.


                        Monday's servermaint is between 17:00 and 01:00 ... those Japanese love us!


                          Has anyone tried the level 40 BCNM "Royal Succession" before?

                          I was looking on the AH at a piece of RNG gear that I think would be pretty nice to own, and it turns out it can be obtained via that BCNM.

                          The armour in question is a neck piece, the Jagd Gorget .

                          If I used my seals to get an orb, would anyone from the LS be willing to help me try it?



                            Some pointers on that BCNM in this thread here if you want to take a look:

                            Not one I've ever done myself, but droprate on Jagd Gorget looks decent enough.


                              A full party isn't needed either, from the looks of things. Just three people.

                              So, would anyone be up for that? If we did get the Gorget, I'd claim that (please), but I'd pass on anything else that dropped.

                              If it didn't, then I would suggest that we do as we have done with Steamed Sprouts: one person taks all items, sells them on the AH, and splits the total gil raised from the sales between all three participants.


                                Originally posted by Kerushi
                                Monday's servermaint is between 17:00 and 01:00 ... those Japanese love us!
                                Bums. And on my language-course-free night, too.

                                Still, I could use spending some time on other projects and notes for Mandarin. And perhaps getting an early night, which never seems compatible with parties.

