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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Yeah i know, if he can do it anyone can ><


      Originally posted by djtickle View Post

      Our nin though couldnt have solo'd in time to keep the other 2 alive. Zerg the first one 2 hours, i-wings, and u should be great, save blm two hour for last
      Hmm, what was your NIN doing against his Mammet? When I cleared 2-5 originally we had a setup of NIN/war NIN/war WAR/nin WAR/nin BLM/whm and WHM/blm.

      We basically had each NIN solo a mammett each and the 2 WAR duo dodge-tanked the remaining. The WHM and BLM concentrated on curing when needed. Took about 5 mins for the 2 WAR to finish theirs after which I had mine down to less than 50% HP, the other NIN was a bit behind me but was not as well equipped as me). The 2 WAR joined in on mine as it had less HP and was killed quicker before finishing the final one. The Ni elemental spells are too good even without /blm or INT. With /blm it?s just crazy.

      Got a slightly different setup for Thursday?s attempt so I?m not fully decided on the overall plan. I?ll have to go NIN/war as it?s all I have. I think Apathye will go as NIN/blm and will probably kick the **** out of his Mammet no fuss. Other jobs will be BLU RDM WHM and RNG. I think it?s going to be a case of BLU kiting (with the RDM assisting with a bit of Gravity action). The WHM and RDM will watch over with cures. Not fully sure what to do with the RNG yet. My main thought is have him help Apa with his mammet as I expect him to deal the most damage so that Mammet can be killed quickly between them then they can move on to help the BLU sort his out.

      My opinion is that if you?ve got one mammet down you?ve won this BC.


        No Doubt Nin and solo them, our nin was poo thats all


          Provided we get 2-5 clear and then do Diabolos over the weekend should finally get my proper shot at Ouryu soon (none of this let the SMN or BLM deal with it crap). Been such a long wait to do this I’ve got so many strategies in place to try it with what we have. Can’t wait.


            Ouryu and Pots the 2 most god awful BC's in the game ive come across to date.


              Ouryu wasn't too bad a fight for me, but I did end up winning it as part of a manaburn. Other than the pot fight, my worst BC HAS to be uncapped Diabolos - a complete {Nightmare} of a fight, even if you're MBing him - basically if he unleashes the afformentioned attack, victory is more or less unobtainable - I've completely lost my hefty lvl 75 buffer on more than one multi attempt run (I really don't recommend playing with this guy without 2Hs).


                ive managed to lose 2-5 with 1 mammet down -_- 2 times i think

                2-5: 9, Kerushi: 0

                this setup was:

                PLD, NIN, WHM, BRD, WAR (me), RNG

                With this set up id have the PLD and NIN take 1 each while the brd casts evasion and regen songs on us meles and the rng assists one of the tanks killing off the mammet (probabily the pld cause the nin should be able to handle themselves) and then who ever finishes first takes the one off of me (providing i survive).

                what actually happend was the pld tanked, me and the nin kited ont he first 2 tries. The nin went down first and then we all tripped.

                2nd time the Mammet got me with gravity and i was scuppered as i ran outa hi pots.

                3rd try the nin kited 1 while me and the pld killed ... i almost killed one when i ran outa hi pots and dropped when he was at 15&#37; oh ... foe lullaby slept the mammets on 2 occations.


                  Key to 3-5 is stun, as long as your stunners are good its a cake walk. We did it with Tobal as main stunner and me backing him up, heck we nearly made it on our first run when Nightmare went off 6 times and we didn't stun one of them.

                  I'd say Diabolos isn't all that bad just requires people to hit their stuns, Zerg isn't that important taking it down steadily and in a controlled manner works fine.


                    2-5 success once again. Me, Moot and Apa are 2/2 on that now *proud*

                    BLU seems more than capable of acting as a kiter.

                    A couple of hairy moments but that's what mages and Hi-Pots are for and overall a fun mission for all involved.

                    Congratulations to Kuponut and Vanicent for progressing to CoP chapter 3. Get that cleared and finally our little posse will have a WHM for full CoP clearance after all this time.
                    Last edited by C'; 21-12-2006, 20:37.


                      I have also cleared 2-5 i am on the uncapped nms in chapter 3.


                        Pwnd Proto-Ultima yesterday in limbus with Tobal and our Limbus LS, really really really good fun although we all died about 4 times lol ><

                        People were up and down all the time, and its mad that only a PLD Galka with over 1700HP can withstand a blast from him! >< {Run Away!}

                        Excellent fun!

                        We got 2 Ultima leg drops!


                          The amount of updates we are getting at the moment is crazy, stupid amounts of lag are really spoiling this too I dont think having the entire population spamming to cheer the Twinklin Treant helps matters at all, a really poorly thought out quest.


                            you could always do what i do and use chat filters to turn off emotes


                              Merry Christmas Ladies and gents


                                Merry Xmas Rush

