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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Well finally im almost at the end of my CoP road, cleared the final BC today and all that is left is for me to grab my ring ^^ and the last few CS. w00t.

    Loved every min of it even though 8-3 caused me much pain!

    Exp and Assault for me now, Yes, Please!




        I'm so close to getting thorugh a load of the story lines now, They have been awesome at the moment priorities are:

        1) ZM17
        2) Windurst 9-1
        3) Windurst 9-2
        4) Swtich to San d'Oria and start getting OP warps
        5) Sandy 8-1 -> rank 10
        6) ToAU to current end
        7) Assualts - full completion to top rank

        I think after that I need to start looking at Bahamut 1 & 2 and the ethereal earring fight!

        Lets get the bowyer fight done as well been waiting forever and need the gil.


          Bowyer ring i forgot about that, im ready to go on that!!! Yes, please.

          Bahamut 1&2 would be very nice indeed!


            Didn't get a Joyeuse again this weekend. When I logged in at the window opening, there was already a large party there camping it. They had a NIN, BRD, PLD, and several RDMs. I didn't feel like asking everyone to help out when there was a good chance we wouldn't get the claim. I'm going to try again this Sunday.


              Raja's Ring Mine! ^^


                now all you have to do dj is to help everyone else on serpha get it ^^


                  {Gather Together} ^^


                    I went for Rajas in the end too, after asking around numerous sites for opinions on which to take, the general response was that only hardcore mages should go for tamas and that if you ever thought of taking up a weapon, you should take rajas. The final few CS were pretty good - I thought it brought the storyline to a nice close but DAMN that vocal performance at the end had me scratching my head - couldn't understand a damn word of it despite the fact it was MEANT to be english....

                    As for a few points in regards to the final CSs, I have a few questions, which I will of course spoiler tag:


                    WTF was going on with the two Louverances? I thought the one in the red mask was the good guy as he was in all the CS with us, yet he's the one who ends up dead


                    Did anyone try to murder Tenzen's Bitch - does anything interesting happen if so?

                    Hopefully will get to fight Bahamut soon, as well as Apocalypse Nigh - the CS before the latter should be quite interesting to watch....


                      1. Im the same have no idea >< I thought the same as you.

                      2. Nope didnt have the balls, didnt know if it affected anything or not!


                        Originally posted by djtickle
                        1. Im the same have no idea >< I thought the same as you.

                        2. Nope didnt have the balls, didnt know if it affected anything or not!
                        I agree in terms of 2. I was so tempted to do what I didn't do, but I thought that in case the characters were used again in a future storyline it might have repercussions if I did.


                          regarding question 1... i can't believe you guys, you must have missed a CS somewhere.... anyway

                          the red one is a 'good guy' but is a the fake Louverance, purple is the real Louverance(also technically a good guy). Although it looks like the red one is killed in the dual, he is in fact not killed it was all an act to get ride of the identity of a fake Louverance the undercover elvaan used through out CoP, he's the messenger in the priest clothing in the ending CS for san'doria. The real Louverance never took part in CoP other than to threatened you(cos he didn't know you, but you 'knew' him) in Carpenters' Landing CS after beating the Malboro NM.

                          And so this CIA like agent disappears into the night, with his deeds gone unrecognized, until the next problem


                            Cheers tobal now i understand it!!!


                              Having some internet problems, had to post this using my phone. Will get on ASAP.


                                Thats a lot of gil outa circulation ... 9000 accounts to date and just in japan for RMT ... now SE is targeting RMT in other regions ... lets see how things work out


