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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Well considering I paid the exact same for the FFVII soundtrack all those years ago it's not too bad.

    I can't see how a £26 set of music can rack up £35 in customs though.


      No, it really shouldn’t come to that much.

      Sometimes I notice that when packages are marked at a value in dollars, the customs seem to just pay attention to the figures and not the currency so don’t transfer the value to pounds.

      Sounds like you have some grounds to contest this charge if you can be assed.

      Van told me today that there is a hidden picture of a goblin inside the outer packing sleeve.


        The send you a letter now telling you you've been stung and you must go to the depot or pay over the phone etc. They probably throw a £5 admin charge on for that. robbing Royal Mail dossers.


          Originally posted by Daragon View Post
          My usual source will probably have the FFXI one up shortly - not worth a possible ?80+ imo

          Where is this bro?


            Originally posted by Daragon View Post
            I understand


              Soundtrack arrived all bashed up. The outer cellaphane sleeve is ripped to shreds.

              I could send it back but it'll only cost me another £50 in postage.


                Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                Soundtrack arrived all bashed up. The outer cellaphane sleeve is ripped to shreds.

                I could send it back but it'll only cost me another ?50 in postage.
                Oh no ><

                I was temped to order one too, even though you got stung with customs. Thats put me off though.

                Anyone know any other place thats selling it? None on E-bay.


                  They marked the item value down as $100 (ie item + shipping). Idiots. Not even packed right or anything.

                  At least the music book can be squished/folded etc to sit on my synth.

                  They might as well have pissed on it at customs.

                  It's an awesome package though. Well worth the &#163;25 asking price.

                  EDIT: WTF. &#163;25? &#163;50 more like. I'm confused, damn this cold. I'm expected to do a full rotating 3D Burnley Football club crest in Maya before the end of the week too. lolz.

                  OK so that's &#163;50 for cds, &#163;25 for shipping, and &#163;35 for customs. &#163;110. ; ;

                  Windurst theme sounds 1,000x better on piano.

                  EDIT2: ...and Promyvion theme sounds even better when played by yourself with dreamy patches slapped on top. I'm teh true Prom queen.
                  Last edited by dataDave; 04-04-2007, 12:27.


                    At what level can you start to xp at Aht Urhgan? Is it around lv 60? Also, has anyone seen an updated leveling guide that includes the new Aht Urhgan areas? Allak has one, but it's a couple years old.


                      I've been recommended not to go there until lvl55 min.

                      My last WHM exp party wanted me to go to Wajoam at 53 but I refused as I want to be able to HP there after both AFs. I might not even go there until lvl60 both jobs.


                        55 You can start lvlin there. Ive not seen a quide but the exp there is nice and fast. Bhaflau Thickets on Lesser Coribli is your best bet too I-8 is a nice camp.

                        @55 Aht Urhgan Whitegate kinda takes over Lower Jeuno for ya. Best to set ur home point there as there and start gathering Imperial Standing. There is always the Warp Taru that for a Silver peice will warp you bk to jeuno or to your home nation.

                        Also id recommend getting the staging points if you havent already done so as from 55-75 some of the area's you will be expin in its much quicker to use a runic portal to get to.

                        They are easy enough to solo with RR, Sneak and Invis now that u can pick a lamina key up from a ???.

                        Plus then this opens up assault and all the goodies you can get from there.

                        Sorry if this is teachin anyone to suck eggs but i kinda replied to Davi's and Bev's post lol


                          This is a good website for all camps, shows all lvls and where to camp.


                            Originally posted by Moot View Post
                            This is a good website for all camps, shows all lvls and where to camp.
                            MOOT! <3

                            oh and OMG i manged to bag a Kunwu Ore this morning which brings me to 3

                            Picked up all my other craft items also. Black Cuisses here i come, my drk is finally pimp! 1.73mil ouch!


                              wow sweet dj!


                                Played 15 hours straight today. Can't wait until work ask me what I did on my day off.

                                Still got a load of stuff done. CoP group spent about 2 hours in Pso'Xja and farmed up 5 sets of the 3 coloured chips for our CCB Polymers. Fingers crossed for airship tommorrow evening

                                Also, don't think Darwock reads any more but thought of him when we ran Phomiuna Aqueducts this evening and Mahisha was up. Killed with our group and got Sinister Mask drop which went to Davi so {Congratulations}.

                                Overall it was a good trip into Aqueducts with 2 subligar drops going to the 2 BLU who joined up with us and a Fomor Codex to Lutann.

                                Top stuff all round

