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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Of course, it does help if you attach the fan with all four screws, instead of just one.

    Its quieter now.


    Vista is looking good. Nice to see MS have repeated their mistakes with IE7 and the "Protected mode".


      Internet explorer is ****e, at least on my system - keeps freezing up.

      Give Opera a try or Firefox, much more reliable imo


        Cheers I'll give them a look. I'm really a Firefox user but I've got used to using IE 'cause its the standard software on my work pc.

        Am currently burning all my cds on to media center - that's pretty cool. Unfortunately the 64-bit drivers for my tv cards haven't been released yet (only 32 bit) so that's a bit disappointing, and my sound card is going back because it looks like they're completely disinterested in supporting their own products. There's reasonable onboard sound on the motherboard so that's no disaster.

        64-bit thing does seem a bit worrying though w.r.t. FFXI ... I'll check the "Vista" thread, but 32-bit stuff doesn't get very far on this.


          Im using 64bit Vista too and have some driver issues, its annoying but in half a year I think it will be worthwhile.

          As for Firefox I hate it, its the main thing I was using when my pc started freezing and crashing, I do not think its working with Vista properly yet.


            tinkering with vista -_- ... tinkering with a new machine O.O i wanna tinker with it too!!!


              I would definately recommend sticking with the 32bit version of Vista (and XP for that matter), whatever CPU you went for. There is nothing but a world of pain (and incompatability) in going for the 64bit one.

              I've been using Firefox on all my machines (home and work) since early beta versions and it's been just fine - I certainly had no problems on Vista 32bit. I have tried IE, Opera, Flock and Safari (on the Mac) and I always end up back with Firefox...
              Last edited by talizker; 06-05-2007, 11:30.


                hmmm ... well, I already have 64-bit Vista so having got this far I'll probably stick with it. POL works ok (though I followed the link on the Vista thread and installed the EU one last night, which I've now had to uninstall and replace with the US one - I blame this cold!). The FFXI benchmark software works too, although it did something odd to my graphics card one time, flipping it into black and white. Its not done that since.

                Heh, I got a score of 6500

                Undecided on Firefox right now, but it does handle RSS much better and integrates with a lot better too.

                If I'd gone for 32-bit Vista I'd have working TV cards now, as it stands I have to wait an undetermined amount of time to get the drivers (although Hauppauge have said they will release them - they're always a bit pants at releasing drivers). Gives me a chance to double check they will work with HD Sky plugged in anyway, I'd assumed they would but am now worried for some reason.

                Does 32-bit actually make use of a 64-bit processor?


                  Well 32bit Vista runs just fine with a 64 bit processor... Driver and (to a lesser extent) application support was a major problem for XP 64bit and that looks to be conituing for the short/medium term at least, with Vista.

                  I recommend reading the Paul Thurrott's excellent Vista review which covers Vista 64bit in detail.

                  Gathering the right people, content and resources, ITPro Today gives professionals insight into the technologies and skills needed to take on the challenges.


                    Wow, that's one hell of an article.

                    I guess it depends on what your context is really. If you already have a working setup that does everything you want, have peripherals hanging off of it and other people using it, and reliability is more critical to you than cutting edge, then yes - 32-bit is probably the safest bet right now. From my perspective I don't have a stereo, I have a very small flat, the new pc integrates with my tv and works as a juke box for my entire cd collection (which perhaps I could've done with xp but my particular setup before didn't do that), I don't have printers or scanners (and I've installed a card-reader for my camera), and I want to future proof it so that I have as little work to do going forward as possible.

                    Hauppauge have just confirmed the tv cards I've bought won't support HD which is a bit frustrating, so I might send one back - not sure yet.

                    On the good side, FFXI is up and running and I just spent a few hours levelling in Wajoam. Graphics were handled without breaking a sweat - which is a very pleasant change!!


                      Originally posted by vwilsonuk View Post
                      From my perspective I don't have a stereo, I have a very small flat, the new pc integrates with my tv and works as a juke box for my entire cd collection (which perhaps I could've done with xp but my particular setup before didn't do that), I don't have printers or scanners (and I've installed a card-reader for my camera), and I want to future proof it so that I have as little work to do going forward as possible.
                      Totally agree, if its working for you then thats what matters! Enjoy (and good luck...!)

                      Originally posted by vwilsonuk View Post
                      If you already have a working setup that does everything you want, have peripherals hanging off of it and other people using it, and reliability is more critical to you than cutting edge, then yes - 32-bit is probably the safest bet right now.
                      In this situation Windows XP would be the best option I think lol!


                        Yeah you're right, that's what I meant.

                        Think I'm going to stick wih the TV cards; the only HD card Hauppauge have right now only gets the HD from onboard satellite (which is a non starter becase of the card-decode Sky issues) and one of them is the same price as both my current cards with the Media Center remote (which I'm v. attached to - it rocks). It'll be ages before I can afford an HD tv let alone the scandalous Sky HD subscription, and a PCI card is relatively easy to switch later.

                        We want Freeview, we want Freeview!!


                          Meh im board anyone doin anything interesting >.>


                            Well, it’s been a long journey but it’s finally come to an end. Who wants my stuff?

                            Just kidding, you don’t get rid of me that easily unfortunately What is over now is Chains of Promathia. Long time coming but on Sunday our group completed the final 2 battles and yesterday we collected our Rings. Epic is the only word to describe the entire expansion. I really hope S-E ignore the haters and make the next expansion in a similar vein.

                            I really enjoyed the mission structure and the way you had to prepare and work on missions beforehand (whether it be farming of items or dungeon crawls). One of my best memories of working on CoP was the Thursday morning before Easter when our entire group tore up Pso’Xja for a couple of hours getting CCB Polymer Pumps. Tobal put it best when he said that ToAU is a series of great cutscenes interspersed with crappy BCs. CoP is the full product.

                            Only had time for a quick play with my Rajas Ring last night after Limbus. At first I was most excited by the Store TP+5. Before getting it, my TP return per attack round was:

                            9>9>10>9>9>10… etc

                            Now it seems to be:


                            I thought this would enable me to WS quicker in fewer attack rounds but after calculating it this morning, I still take the same number of attack rounds to get >100TP. Whether the extra Store TP+1 on a Brutal Earring will be enough to change that I’m not sure, but I’d wager not.

                            Still, it’s a great ring to have.An extra STR+5 and DEX+5 when I WS is always welcome.

                            In other news, the Damascus Ingot from yesterday’s KSNM30 has sold for 700k. After fees (7k) that splits to everyone getting 115500 gil. Not bad when combined with the gil from the Venomous Claw sale.


                              Congrats and W00t on the D Ingot.

                              Was a little gutted yesterday that i didnt manage to bag homam body when it droped But oh well its one out of the way. Im one of the top if not the top DD that needs now apart from the peeps that run it and Bryjazz. oh and maybe Calta but he lots on Mage gear too ^^

                              Legs and Body would be very nice to add to my Drk Gear!

                              My gilz are mounting up nice atm, so im up for a KS30 again defo! I was amazed how quick blu owned them!

                              Anyone up for another run before Dyna tonite maybe?

                              fuma, dusk and okotes are all dropping nice still so im abit reluctant to buy atm even thou i need.

                              KS30 Do you need it!?!?!


                                Let's do some BCNM instead.

