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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I wouldn't go cor unless you got some cash inthe bank, Bullets are 10k stack(thats npc prices which are generally cheaper than AH), 10-13k for iron at 50, where you will be using 2-4 stacks per 10k exp, not mention 8k a stack for each type elemental card at lvl40(which 8 types). Gets lighter once you hit 70+ where you be to busy pulling and rollin, to fire of many bullets. Also AF which the hat,body and feet can be used endgame(there is better equip but not by much) has to be paid for unlike the original jobs.


      Well then, that's the ideal job for me at the mo.

      Not that I had a choice anyway, I've got no space for anything.

      70k worth of items needed for my first mog house expansion too. It takes the piss. Got plenty of stuff to fix up first. THF + RNG need work for NMs as I can't think of any better way to make gil.

      I should divert some of these jobs onto my other character when I get him on Seraph.
      Last edited by dataDave; 08-05-2007, 16:47.


        Rare, I passed on your apologies to Agrath in regards to Tuesday's Dynamis run as per Vanicent's request - you missed out on a real doozy of a run though unfortunately, she seemed to be a little more cranky than usual for some reason, issuing orders and excessive use of the caps lock key doesn't get any better results I find - much drama was to be had overall I suppose people who have been in the shell longer than I have are used to it, but I certainly wouldn't choose to lead a group in such a way.

        On the plus side, finally got my first relic piece, although....

        this wasn't really what I had in mind Somehow won it on a free lot with a score of 993, sadly my lot of 43 didn't help me much when it came to the only piece of BLM relic which dropped, that went to someone who had just completed their trial period, was not impressed ><
        Last edited by Daragon; 09-05-2007, 00:21.


          Lol I've never understood why people lot for AF2 on jobs they're not levelling, out there his morning there's going to be some poor sod levelling WAR pissed. In the interim you get something that fills up space and you'll never use, you can't even NPC it.

          Great beseiged last night 3 back to back, though as always the trolls were very tardy adn took till 10:30 to turn up. By the time we'd finished it was 00:30 mad fight against the undead swarm but on the upside caped my Dark magic again and got 54 in the process. Have to catch up on my AF again soon, think the legs are the first vaguley useful peice though having looked at it RDM AF is on the whole pants bar the hat, body and legs are both macro and hands and feet not used. Still looks pimp...

          At the moment kind of in the middle of nowhere need to get the RDM to 75 then the fun should start again. Doing the catch up on all the stuff I've not done, gear NPC and next I think skill up on Great Sword.


            Never say never Tsing, all it takes is a single update for one job to go from bottom of the barrel, to the latest bandwagon.

            Even if there's a remote chance of me taking my warrior to 73 some day, its still worth having.


              You do realise if you chose to you would have around 36 levels to get it from Dyna. Given the starter city gear is free lot how hard would it be to pick up

              Takes around 10 - 15 runs to have all the starter city gear once you're group 1 it's very fast. Think a few jobs are slower but a key indicator of the fast ones are the free lot item jobs RDM, WAR, DRK, BST, DRG...


                Thanks for passing on my apologies Dara. Was really disappointed to have missed the run as I was shooting for 100&#37; attendance.


                  meh no nin drops last night >.> kinda disapointed but looks like ill be returning to dyna windy.....



                    Night mare DJ, I'm currently having a whoops I seem to have lost my company mobile moment. Bugger, always good to make an impression

                    Going to be out tonight but not heading out till around 7 or 8 fancy doing some assaults? Need that L4 in Mamook and all the L5s, aiming to get to rank 7 access before the next release.

                    When Talizker is back as well going to do some more ToAU, next up BC is the Khimera thingie. So if others want to join (Dara, Apa and anyone else) nows the time to get onto the BC so you're ready.

                    After that we'll get to the end of the storyline before the June release and the new content.


                      yay! 2/3 Dread Dragon 1/1 Black Dragon.

                      Just BLM (me), WHM (random), MNK (Menor) + RNG (Dara) ftw. Was a close fight as I got sucked in whilst casting sleep.


                        damn i missed a decent dyna run i could have attended -_-


                          Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                          yay! 2/3 Dread Dragon 1/1 Black Dragon.

                          Just BLM (me), WHM (random), MNK (Menor) + RNG (Dara) ftw. Was a close fight as I got sucked in whilst casting sleep.
                          I wouldn't have called it a close fight, we pwnt those nubs - EES basically 1-hit KOed eye boy (I should have saved it for the dragon but meh).

                          Hundred fists followed by a flurry of acid bolts and the dragon-wannabe didn't stand much of a chance either.

                          BCs are always risky with BLM tho, you're going to die at any lvl if you have hate for more than a few seconds - I think I've found myself a new calling with RNG tho ^^



                            Fuma Sune-ate is turning out to be harder to buy than i thought >.>

                            Yesterday and all this past week been 4 in stock, 240k-250k average selling price. I thought nice ill bag some of these bad boys, hmmm think again 301k later still cant buy. Stack that!

                            Then 3 sell for 250k >..>

                            Of to the AH i go still cant buy for 301k, i even got lutann to try and buy i thought the AH was screwing me over. No luck.

                            Then this morning 3 in stock. Still cant buy for 301k. All i can assume is that teh GS are back and are trying to hike the price. I just hope nobody is stupid enough to buy them at the inflated price.


                              Hmmm. I wonder how long Squeenix will have to keep bashing the gilsellers before it ceases to be economically viable for them to sell gil.


                                Looks like we have another LS statique, lvl25 range yo.

                                Dara (RNG), Rep (BLM), Me (DRK), Apa (MNK)... just need Skelleh to come as WHM and then we only need a tank. Anyone with a lvl25 tanking job?

                                Originally posted by vwilsonuk View Post
                                Hmmm. I wonder how long Squeenix will have to keep bashing the gilsellers before it ceases to be economically viable for them to sell gil.
                                An entire group of them in were Kazham last night. I actually feel very sorry for the people playing the characters, it just goes to show how desperate some people are for **** jobs in other countries.

