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    I just need 250k from somewhere and I'm sorted up to lvl68 both jobs, then I need a lot more than 250k.


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      Cashback from over 400 brands all on one platform. Shop with Rakuten & stack offers with discounts, voucher codes and cashback for great savings at top brands.


        Question time, with Lv75 approaching (and aiming to be sorted before 8th June) and given my slightly limited play hours, what are my options for post Lv75 play with two main things in mind.

        a. I will be looking for a retun from my time (in the form of say new gear - AF+1 etc).

        b. It needs to be fun and preferably done with at least some of the Rargh regulars (ie friends!).

        Comments/Suggestions would be most welcome!

        Other that the RDM >Lv75 thing, I already plan to get Diabolus/Fenrir and dabble with SMN as well as some work with NIN and then try and complete Zilart (am I likely to be able to do this with Rargh?), ToAU and Assaults/Quests etc.


          Originally posted by MegaMan X View Post
          How cool as these!

          Cashback from over 400 brands all on one platform. Shop with Rakuten & stack offers with discounts, voucher codes and cashback for great savings at top brands.

          I want a mandragora!!!!111 and maybe a yagudo


            Let me have a think...

            Limbus I would recommend Cunnilimbus they run at 22:00 Monday and Thursday which should suit you. To late for my taste I go with sealion warriors Monday and Thursday but that is around 19:00. Limbus runs take about an hour(ish) to 90 mins.

            Dynamis you should be good with Dynacore Tuesday runs are 19:30 (enter at 20:00pm) 00:30 (enter at 01:00) and Saturday are 16:30 (enter at 17:00) and 19:30 (enter at 20:00). You can generally get there late appart from the CoP Dynamis runs and leave early other than on clears. Dynamis takes a long time though, a normal run is 3 1/2 hours and a CoP 2 hours if all extensions are hit.

            HNMLS that ones tricky not sure who is in that time period AaD will be to early for you I suspect Midgard the same. I'd suggest posting on alla and giving times and see who responds. I think you want an NA early evening so their events start around 10 and run for 2 - 3 hours.

            The other main one would be salvage, not started yet but is hard as nails and probably needs gear fromt he first 3 to be set for. The gear itself costs a fortune, once you have the 3 drops you need for any one item you're looking around 1.5 million to 3 million gil in items to upgrade.

            Zilart is doable with Rargh but would need a full LS turn out to have any kind of chance at Dviine Might. Pickups for DM are rare but you have a good shot on RDM at getting onto a normal / manaburn for refresh. Alternative is to do the ark Angels fights which aren't that bad and rest is single party.


              Well, I'm still undecided on whether to pack in AnD or not, I've got a fair few points worked up which would a shame to lose and I should be due for a Z.Mitt abjuration at some point soon hopefully, plus we do seem to be doing more sea which I find more interesting than sky.

              I'll probably give it a while longer and show up for events when I can and not just when they want me - if they want to get rid of me fair enough.
              Last edited by Daragon; 14-05-2007, 15:14.


                Originally posted by talizker View Post
                Question time, with Lv75 approaching (and aiming to be sorted before 8th June) and given my slightly limited play hours, what are my options for post Lv75 play with two main things in mind.

                a. I will be looking for a retun from my time (in the form of say new gear - AF+1 etc).

                b. It needs to be fun and preferably done with at least some of the Rargh regulars (ie friends!).

                Comments/Suggestions would be most welcome!

                Other that the RDM >Lv75 thing, I already plan to get Diabolus/Fenrir and dabble with SMN as well as some work with NIN and then try and complete Zilart (am I likely to be able to do this with Rargh?), ToAU and Assaults/Quests etc.
                Options?! Well…

                Dynamis – If you plan to do this on a regular basis you will need to be able to commit between 3-4 hours per run and most (all?) Dynamis linkshells run twice a week. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how this will fit in with your hours of play. The majority of Rargh run with Dynacore which is actually 2 shells. One EU and one US with runs occurring on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

                Tuesdays occur at either 7:30pm and 0:30am. Saturday runs are 4:30pm and 7:30pm. Note that these are more the gather together times with the run commencing usually about 30 mins after this.

                Dynamis will net you your relic armour set (71-75) which is basically a retextured artefact armour with new stats. In Dynacore at least, RDM relic is high demand (joint highest with NIN) although but recently I’ve seen pieces go free lot.

                Limbus – much more casual-friendly than Dynamis. Limbus runs are usually over in about an hour or so and probably more exciting than Dynamis. Again you are limited to a Limbus run every 3 days so any Limbus linkshells will commit to 2 runs per weak. A few Rargh members attend runs with Cunilimbus which run from 10pm on Monday’s and Thursdays.

                Limbus is where you can obtain Ancient Beastcoins to obtain various pieces of Rare/EX armour but also ugrade your artefact armour to AF+1. Limbus is also the place where you can obtain Homam and Nashira armour sets.

                Limbus, although designed for Alliances, can also be run successfully with fewer people. Although you probably won’t clear the entire zones, it will be a method of obtaining Beastcoins (Me and Moot have duoed sections of Limbus as NIN and RDM for example). The only 'downside' to Limbus is you will need to fund it yourself. One of the key items needed for EVERY run you wish to go on costs 50000 gil from an NPC, which, obviously, will set you back 100k a week if you wish to attend regular. There are rumours that the next update will see reduction in this cost due to the exconomy's current deflated state so I'm holding off on that for a while.

                There’s also HNMs, but I’m no expert in those matters so can’t really recommend much. Certainly, sky is the place where you will be able to obtain some (but not all) of the abjuration armour sets (RDM can equip the Crimson/Blood set and the Zenith sets).
                Last edited by C'; 14-05-2007, 15:23.


                  I'd say Dyna to get hands, feet and legs is easy they often go free lot or to second jobs, the body and hat are the hard ones. There's a queue as long as your arm for the Dueliest's Tabard and Chapeau on Dynacore. The queues can suddenly move quickly though 2 months ago the PLD body was a pipedream if a second had dropped on Saturday I would have been lotting. We've had 4 drop in 4 runs, 0 RDM hats but 3 SMN horns, it's a bit odd but drop rates seem to have improved in the zones and we have more TH than ever before now.


                    Oh and 2 must have peices I'd say would be the Loqacious earring from limbus coins, that's my next target now I've compelted boxers and brutal. The other is the nice earring (Quantz's) from the solo ENM (60 cap) take a look interested to know how hard the BC is.


                      LOL! 100k a week, yeah rite.


                        Thanks for those insights. It looks like Dynamis should be the way to go but I really am not sure if I can accomodate the times. That needs some thought.

                        On the subject of Limbus, do you get much in the way of regular returns (sellable stuff) that help finance each run?

                        Maybe i'll just end up doing *stuff* and be stuck with my regular Lv7x gear...

                        We'll see what happens in a a few weeks I guess.


                          After missing out on the LS Exp party last night I grabbed a pick up (after a superb GRAW2 session btw!) about 11pm and thanks to the Anniversary Ring and a decent group of people managed to pick up 21k Exp in 2? hours despite a rather crowded Caedarva Mire. Now over half way to Lv73 and suitably buffered to do any planned Mission/Assaults this week.


                            Only thing from limbus you can sell are the coins you get which are about 20k each in bazzars atm. But we only tend to get 3-5 coins per run, so if your saving for Loq earring or AF+1 you need to save them up!

                            Me and davi spent some time with Pallas and Alky yesterday only 1 Pallas drop thou went 0/5 on Alky dammit!

                            On the other hand met up with cunni and Rare and Tobal and did an excellent Limbus run with Cunni limbus that bagged up 5 coins each! Sadley Drk AF dropped but im nin main now So didnt get but oh well!

                            Dyna Sandy tonite, so hopin i can use my AF2 FD token and bag myself Nin legs wich would be awsome!


                              coins drops are what yer sell from limbus


                                Limbus on smaller runs is possible to make a profit, we tend not to run with a full alliance in Sealion Warriors and from Temonos usually walk away with the clear and 6 to 8 coins per run. Apolyon seems more stingy...

                                If you straight farm limbus as a duo or trio you can make 10 - 15 coins each though clears are rare. Then again the clear is only really needed for fighting Proto-Omega and Proto-Ultima

