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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I was speaking with Apa about this during my Windurst run last night.

    Dynacore’s system is such that when you are first starting it can seem really difficult to get any drops (especially on a high demand job like NIN – PLD and BLM also seem to be in high demand).

    However, once you hit that 10 runs mark and become an Alpha member and have appropriate Secondary/Virtual jobs set you can do very well. Dj for example has been lotting DRK relics but has recently changed to NIN lots and is straight into the main lot group because he has so many runs to his name.

    I’ve only attended 4 runs so far but in that I’ve seen one member walk out with 3 relics from those 4 (and the one they never got anything, they weren’t present). Last night I saw one member get 2 relics from 1 run.

    You just need the perseverance to stick it out and get to the appropriate LS rank.

    Northland Dynamis drops are probably harder to get just because those are rarer overall…

    /scowls at Tobal


      Yeah im nearing the 20 mark on runs now. Makes more sence to use FD's on Glaicer as its a rarer drop.

      How many nin droped on Saturday Rare was it just the one? Dunno what it is but Nin seems to be a good drop atm, not seen any drk or sam for ages.

      Yeah sombody with 40+ runs walked away with Nin and Thf AF2 from windy yesterday. At least 2 nin dropped it gets the queue down some what.

      Once u make it past 10runs makes it much easier to get AF for any jobs. Going to try and stick out 2 runs a week for as long as possible until i complete Drk and Nin AF, then will prob just do enough to keep my membership active till i lvl my next job.


        OK, that doesn't sound too bad then.


          Just the one Hakama on Saturday. Relic drops were pretty 'pants' overall (kekeke ) probably because there was no THF present. Think they went to Arcsol. The Tuesday previous I believe 3 sets of Koga Hakama dropped, 2 of which were FD, other went to autolot as they dropped literally seconds before the end.

          I wasn't actually there as I got connection lost but if I'd have known then what I know now, I'd have tried harder to get back on, for the off chance that the autolot went to me XD

          Have to say, I'm finding Dynamis worth sticking with overall. I don't find logging onto the pearl anywhere near as intimidating as AaD and I think it is my priority for now. Already seen that I may have to attend a few US runs due to upcoming Xarcabard and Glacier attempts.

          Saying that, I do have San d'Oria, Windurst and Jeuno clears. Just lolBastok to go.

          Originally posted by djtickle View Post
          At least 2 nin dropped it gets the queue down some what.
          That was my thought on Saturday. I was hoping more NIN would drop, not because I thought I would have a chance, but just to get more people out of the way for when I have Alpha Rank
          Last edited by C'; 18-04-2007, 11:44.


            I stayed till the end on the sandy run and i didnt see anything about the nin auto lot >.> dammit lol


              FF really is pants though.

              FFV on the other hand.... I've never played it before so thought I'd start it. I've been playing it for 30mins each night in bed on my mini PSOne.

              If anyone spots a US FFIX (or has one to lend me) please let me know.

              I was going to start FFT again but it's far too much of a grind.


                Yeah but i buy every version of FF i can lolz. Its in full english too, gonna order one from fleebay later.


                  Despite the problems it was actually quite fun last night and, most importantly, we walked away with lots of new gear for LS members. Think we gained the following:




                  which in turn will lead to


                  A splendid haul!

                  I know a few people needed a few more subligars and I'm sorry I left but 1am is pretty much my limit, even on nights where I don't have to be in work the following morning. We can always go back though.


                    Dont forget the MNK sub that dropped lol

                    I stuck around until 2am and we didnt manage to get any more subs up at that point, we pop'd swift for sombody else but it didnt drop :/ oh the memories.

                    We wiped on CoP NM due to taru linkage but hen owned it the next time.

                    More CoP on Sunday whoooo thanks for getting maria though it guys.



                      Me and Segg claimed Centurio also Rare, but no drop or that would have made for a ridiculous night of drops. It was so good last night I almost instantly forgot about my sexy AF collection.

                      Yep, I can sell my NQ Tactician Magician's Robe now that I'll have that for 50cap stuff. I need to sell it in order to afford the general attire needed for the quest.

                      I have the Tct. Mgc. Robe +1 anyway (which is only 7k compared to the 24k for NQ ._o).


                      Aye, I see the D.Cotehardie coming in handy for Promyvion-Vahzl depending on how effective that conserve MP is.
                      Last edited by dataDave; 19-04-2007, 09:34.


                        Nice work guys, |I really will at some point getin there after that red mage sub


                          I think Sacrarium is a no-no for subs, especially if a number of people need the same one as the drop rate (despite access to TH2) is abysmal.
                          I've noticed a much greater all round appearance of these elusive goodies from the Phomiuna Aqueducts so I propose a visit there for our next farm, unless people are fine with constant trips to sacrarium to help out people WHO LUCKED OUT WITH THEIR DROP AFTER SEVERAL LONG AND VERY TIRING HOURS LAST NIGHT! ;_; I think a certain member of the group (who I won't name, but those of you who attended will know) took way too much out of me....


                            When I was in my "Sacrarium Only" phase with Dj a couple of months ago I walked out with DRK SAM and RNG subs (and passed on many others) so the droprate is not always bad. The big advantage with Sacrarium is the fact that the majority of fomor are not in parties.

                            In Phomiuna all RDM that I have seen have been teamed up and often with a BLM. They were a tricky combination in the past.


                              I think the problem is probably due to the late starts for the farming trips, at around 12/1am 10 minutes can feel like a lifetime, I even broke for a "power nap" (fell asleep) at numerous points last night, as I was so fed up with the constant 0 drops and all round incompetance of a number of members (none from rargh of course) and simply didn't have the stamina for it.

                              And having to fight the professor twice (because some dumb**** didn't bother with getting the key item after being raised) was not exactly something I was best pleased about either.

