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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Dj, Signet staffs are considered common items from the signet guy so you don't need to wait for 1st place to buy one


      heehee pm'd


        Originally posted by Daragon View Post
        Dj, Signet staffs are considered common items from the signet guy so you don't need to wait for 1st place to buy one
        ooo ty dara.


          Page 1000 of 1000 ... wonder if Mahlory has any idea this is still going strong!!


            lmfao, i just found out that the wired network in the computing labs, all the ports are unblocked. Downloading torrents at way over 900k p/s. Besides getting me into a heap of **** if i get caught, i unplugged the network cable from one of the desktops and whacked it into my laptop for an all night sesh lol. Good old 24 hour labs.
            Last edited by Rep; 24-04-2007, 06:23.


              nice megaman! long time no see hicory


                Sure is rush My laptop has been screwed with that overheating problem for ages, and I changed job and went to Japan which screwed with my finances.

                And, I checked my CC today about an hour ago and saw my latest 0% balance transfer has come through, so I'll be putting an order in to Scan in the next day or so for my new FFXI-station! HURRAH!

                Looking forward to catching up Think I'm going to do multi boot with the JP FFXI on one profile and US on another so I can do meaningful quests and stuff


                  meh got 9k to 70 last night and couldnt hold out >.> zzzz kicked in and falling asleep as a tank aint good so i had to leave!

                  Roll on 70 today!


                    On the exp again now myself.

                    I'm going to have a look at what gear I'm going to need on the run up to 70 as I've never been anywhere near this far in the game before.

                    As long as I have the gil + space to maintain pretty decent 30/40/50/60 cap belongings for BLM I should be happy.

                    Hopefully BLM60 by tomorrow evening and then I can see how fast I can cane WHM five lvls. The only thing from stopping me hitting 75s during june/july are the robes I'm after.

                    Dynamis soon. yay!
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by dataDave; 27-04-2007, 08:51.


                      Dynamis -_-


                        Kerushi got post #10,000!

                        Up For Promyvion-Vahzl on Sunday mate?


                          W00t Ding 70 Ninja!

                          Also manged to get myself a Jelly Ring! Was only down there for about 30mins!



                            Hehey - congrats DJ Everyone is so high level now! I've clearly got some catching up to do! Well done on the Jelly Ring too I'm sure I've heard some people having to spend ages to get that.

                            In my own news .... City Link dude just dropped off my last Scan box, so I can start PC building! Right now ... YAY!


                              yay! the return of hicory! and yeah im up for prommy vazhal ... have got my 3 anima already ... if you need any others i know a few others on this mission.


                                Its a nice idea, although I'm fighting with the bloody heatsink at the moment. I've already got it on once, thought it was on properly, realised it wasn't before I put the memory in, heard some odd noises and wondered if I've damaged the processor so taken it off to have a look, then put it back, and now one clip appears to be in but the other three won't go.

                                F***ing Nora. The design on Tsing's was much better, you lowered an arm down and clipped it in. This one has four plastic screw-type things you have to press through the motherboard with enough force that the plastic gives. And yes, I am getting peeved with it - there's so much more to do and I'm going out later, I really want to see a BIOS screen before I go.

