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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    How did you manage to kill them with only 2 of you!?!


      Firstly we set home point at San d’Oria so after dieing we were straight back out. Also, I was able to put up Utsusemi before capping my level, which helped on some of the hits. Even at 2 of us (we had a third person some of the time) we were able to do 50% of its HP quite easily (the samurais hit us for 1 or 2 DMG per strike, barring TP attacks) so we would fight until we died, Home Point, then come back out to finish it off.

      As I said though, the Galka and Taruseemed very weak. When we got attacked by the mithra we were one-shotted easily.


        I hear you can sub whm and get RR up before you get de-lvl'd to lvl 1 and do it that way tooo ^^

        Also you can put up blink and stoneskin to help.



          1/22 over the course of this week and last, probably alot more than that but I lost count as I've had her to myself plenty of times over the years XD

          And now I never have to bother with the whore ever again! Time for some ranger action I think - level 57 beckons, and with it the NM camper's weapon of choice ahahahahahahahahahahaha and so on...


            alright who gave Daragon those funkey cookies!


              Does anyone fancy doing anything tonight for some Exp as I am hovering dangerously at 40exp into Lv72. Was thinking maybe an ENM (although I haven't done one for an eon) or just Exp/Merit party stuff... or heck, even Assaults that involve killing stuff (and not getting killed lol!).

              Just so you guys know, I am afk next week Mon-Thu. Will be back online Friday.


                We need a RDM for Promyvion-Vahzl and then the ENM straight after on Saturday, I think Tsing is interested although I'm sure he won't mind being pushed out after he gets the map as he's tight on time, and the more help for Bevan's Memory Flux NMs the better. Let me know if you want in and we can farm anima together sometime.


                  That would be fantastic although there are two slight flaws...

                  1. Its my sisters wedding on Saturday.

                  2. I can only play evenings due to the whole family (or work) thing.

                  Seriously though, thanks for the offer man, it would have been perfect!


                    Originally posted by talizker View Post
                    Does anyone fancy doing anything tonight for some Exp as I am hovering dangerously at 40exp into Lv72. Was thinking maybe an ENM (although I haven't done one for an eon) or just Exp/Merit party stuff... or heck, even Assaults that involve killing stuff (and not getting killed lol!).

                    Just so you guys know, I am afk next week Mon-Thu. Will be back online Friday.
                    I'd be up for an ENM30 tonight.


                      Same. WHM or BLM.


                        Managed to salvage 8gig of my FFXI videos


                          It lives!

                          PC has just booted. Fan on the front sounds ugly and I've only got as far as BIOS setup screens, need to have a poke around check everything is active following the problem last weekend, but it only bleeped once on POST which suggests no hardware failure.

                          Man, that fan is ugly, and now I can't get the front grille off.

                          But ... IT LIVES!


                            Good to hear your having some PC success too Hic, sounds like your getting there.


                              Hehe, good to see Wedge

                              I recognise that Scorpion Harness


                                Originally posted by mikewl View Post
                                Good to hear your having some PC success too Hic, sounds like your getting there.
                                Think I might be, at last. Vista is installed; slow start, kept missing the RAID setup access keypress without realising and spent ages digging around for drivers. When I'd configured the drives correctly they worked fine straight off the bat.

                                Right now there's no sound, no colour (viewing on TV via S-Video) and no wifi. You don't realise how much colour cues count for on a PC until you try to use one in black and white!! And that fan on the front really is appalling - keep wondering if I've done something really stupid with it like put it on the wrong way around. Its the same make as the one I took out - almost identical model, just red LED instead of blue - and I was particularly careful to put it back exactly how the previous one had been installed. Contrary to the case photos, the LED doesn't show through the front of the case at all anyway so I'm going to swap it this week for one of those Sharkoon golf ball ones; the guy at Scan sold me a couple of 80mm ones for the rear of the box (decided to get rid of the blue leds so I could see if the MB shorted this time, and also 'cause I don't want my pc innards to light up the whole lounge). It sounded like a bit of a gimmick, but they're really really good. You can't hear them at all, even when you're sat right next to them with the side panels off. After that, the only other noise will be the slightly disconcerting rattle on the graphics card; it comes and goes, and I'm a little worried its to do with the two standoffs that seem to have sheared hoping it isn't, 'cause I've no idea how awkward it would be to get a replacement motherboard tray and the same thing would probably happen again anyway.

                                Vista seems to think my machine has a score of 5.4 whatever that means. Its using 30% of the 2Gb RAM before I've done anything, although that's kind of ok because I'll be upgrading to 8Mb in the end. I stayed up far too late playing with it - looks like Saturday has become my alarm-free day this week!

                                Hope to see you all soon back in Vana'diel!

