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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Why am I the pet?

    Cause your a lone wolf black dog thingy


      Plan for tonight is...

      Pay bills
      Go to M+S for a HQ oven meal
      convert IS into coins for ML expansion
      Get more WHM exp and get wearing some more AF


        Think I may do Dyna tonight, that or xp RDM have to see...

        Think its pop NMs tonight with AaD as well...

        Oh and Rose Garden 0/20, fergnerglingsonofabitch


          w00t after 3 Nin AF2 drops in Jeuno i got my 1st bit of koga!

          oh and drg hands too >.>


            For the record:

            I didn't ;_;


              What a rubbish evening, /sigh.

              My PC started crashing alot today and found one of my hard disks is on its way out, the one with all my Itunes music and Fraps videos.

              Unfortunately when trying to backup these to another drive the machine froze again and I just can't get anything from it anymore, cant access whats on it, cant copy anything, /sigh.

              I dont know if I can get all my Itunes music back as it would mean re-downloading again.

              But what im really annoyed about is the 30+ Gigs of converted fraps videos from FFXI, years of the big events from bcnm, enms, missions, Maat fight, sky access, gods and loads more all gone. I am so /angry at the moment.
              Last edited by mikewl; 02-05-2007, 02:09.


                That really sucks

                It’s not much, but I still do have the Shadow Lord fight from early 2005 if you’d like a copy. Obviously all your other stuff I won’t have.

                In better news, went out on a whim into Bhaflau Thickets and Wajaom Woodlands looking for the Warhorse Hoofprint. Just as I was about to give up and come to work I found them (there were 3 close to each other).

                Corporal Rarehero reporting for duty J


                  Originally posted by C' View Post
                  For the record:

                  I didn't ;_;

                  At least as we say its 3 out the way ^^

                  Getting quite abit of AF2 in the old mog storage now lol

                  Main Jobs


                  Dark Knight

                  Jobs i aint lvl'd lol



                  White Mage

                  tbh prob will never use the drg, but the SAM and WHM may come in handy as i plan to lvl them at some point.
                  Last edited by djtickle; 02-05-2007, 08:33.


                    Finally wearing WHM AF body. yay! Full WHM AF doesn't look so girly with the Fire staff equiped.

                    I got kicked off by PoL last night as well as soon as maintenance on the registration server began so it looks like I'm getting the roundaround again. Check my CC balance this morning and I've got £200 available in there so it can't be that.

                    WHM AF2 feet look v.nice btw.

                    EDIT: WTF! Just called Barclaycard and they sent me a new card in March apparently although I haven't received anything . Just had to order a new card which could take 10days so god knows when I'll be back on. ; ; What a messhouse.
                    Last edited by dataDave; 02-05-2007, 10:53.


                      Thanks to the help of rare we picked up a whm testi for maria yesterday!

                      Whm Maat 1/1 owned ^^


                        oh Dj, check your dates again. Fest of Swords goes on until 11th March (week on Friday) after which the Anniversary event commences.


                          Originally posted by C' View Post
                          oh Dj, check your dates again. Fest of Swords goes on until 11th March (week on Friday) after which the Anniversary event commences.
                          yay cool.


                            Thankfully I don't need anymore help for any limit breaks. They're all easy now and just involve running from A-B.

                            I should be back on tonight. I called PoL today and had all my cc statements which I'd faxed them after them telling me I've "always been in arrears" which was total bull**** (luckily my CC only gets used for FFXI so the statements are nice and easy to read). I've had the surplus money refunded but no free additional credit for all the hassle, oh well.


                              What's happening with Feast of Swords also? I'm free now until Sunday afternoon to Monday morning. It'd be ace if we could get 18 of us on that.


                                Me and Tobal did a couple in Ronfaure last night (Killed a Taru and a Galka) and got ourselves a Lotus Katana each. Then on our thid attempt the Mithra one shotted each of us and we logged out.

