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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    kk bobin it in the KSNM Thread post if u wanna join us

    Just realised i have triggers ><

    Any of u guys good for tonite before dyna>?


      Yeah but I wouldn't get online until gone 6pm.


        Sounds good to me.


          Wynth (Bard), Rarehero (Ranger) and Flynne (Thief)
          Run away, my pretties. Marzuka is coming soon. >



              hahahahaha excellent.


                In somewhat related, news, I did buy the 3 +Noct+1 items shown in the picture (Doublet, Gloves & Brais) so I have the majority of my level 30 gear sorted. Just need 1 more Hawker’s Knife +1 and a Genin Earring. I’m owed approximately 250k from KSNM gil so that should fund one or the other.

                Just need that Bowyer Ring guys XD


                  Yes, we do need to get that out the way - anyone for Saturday? Sunday is a no-go right now.


                    Have you even started the quests yet? A few of us (me, Moot and Rep) are paused at the second quest of three waiting for you to catch up.


                      If we settle on a day then I'll get the first one done this afternoon when I get in from work - the problem was that I never could be arsed previously. I've just been logging on recently to help with out with stuff really, otherwise I just say "meh" and log straight off again.

                      You should have said you were waiting for me, we could have got it finished by now.


                        Originally posted by C' View Post
                        You need to start. You can solo the first quest. It's a 3 quest series.
                        I posted that last week :/

                        Really, the first quest has to be soloed rather than doing it as a group as you need 11 drops, and there's a only a limited number of mobs which can drop them on 12/16 minute timers.

                        Get the first one sorted and we should be able to tie it all up on Saturday morning.


                          Originally posted by C' View Post
                          I posted that last week :/

                          Really, the first quest has to be soloed rather than doing it as a group as you need 11 drops, and there's a only a limited number of mobs which can drop them on 12/16 minute timers.

                          Get the first one sorted and we should be able to tie it all up on Saturday morning.
                          Very well, I'll let you off, but just this once....

                          I do remember you suggesting to me that I start, but I didn't realise the urgency behind it. I'm ok for the other 2 quests at any time really apart from Sunday as I have Friday off - Friday is a non LS event slot isn't it, and there's no dynamis or limbus or anything (unless you have HNM stuff).

                          Am I likely to get all 11 drops in the space of this evening though, that's the question.


                            Yes, the droprate is good (you can get multiple drops per kill too) and can likely be all done in about an hour. It’s slightly awkward as you have to go back to Bastok, then to Oldton again which extends the length.

                            Friday would be good for me too. I start my 2 weeks of Annual Leave after today


                              Top stuff tointe! Went from 10-16 on sam with my friend Praf who joined Rargh

                              Then to Proto-Omega were i picked up these bad boys!

                              Top stuff for my GS build!


                                Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                                Top stuff tointe! Went from 10-16 on sam with my friend Praf who joined Rargh

                                Then to Proto-Omega were i picked up these bad boys!

                                Top stuff for my GS build!
                                lolPraf! no way!! ><

