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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Sorry, the new Crystaline Prophecy missions.

    I'm currently up to the first BC battle (mission 7).


      Mission 7 cleared. Fantastic BC battle.


        Wiped on final boss. Awesome battle but really, really, hard.

        Unfortunately there's a really tricky pre-requisate before the final battle and when you fail you have to repeat it.

        Still feels good to be involved in a mission before the masses learn how to exploit it


          God damn, I have to get started on this or I'm going to be so far behind it will take me forever to find a pickup group


            Ah, this is interesting. At various points in the mission line you receive a key (key item) and you can use it at the treasure chest in the tenshodo and you get random rewards as you go through.

            I got a Darksteel Ore for one and a Sapphire Earring with the following stats:

            Fire Resist+10 Water Resist +10 (These are the regular stats for the earring)
            MP+2 MND+1 Pet: Magic Accuracy+1 (Augmented)

            A little lol for me but apparently you can repeat obtaining these keys so you can in theory keep getting custom gear.

            Think I'm gonna keep that for my fire resist build on NIN/DRK.


              had to stop at the goblin fetch quest, just to few goblin vs 40 people in every zone = urgh. Backing to leveling rdm.


                I thought it would have settled down a bit by now but it sounds worse if anything


                  Attempt #2 and wipe again.

                  Got it down to 45% then it's uber move just decided to wipe us out.

                  Hopefully more luck tommorrow.


                    Going for attempt #3. Got a ****ing pimped PLD now in all kinds of magic damage -%/MDB gear.


                      Got it down to 1% then failed for attempt #5

                      If the mages had just made sure they kept Dia up -_-

                      Here goes for attempt #6


                        Is there any new artwork/music for this thing, or is it just all rehashed?



                          Boss beaten.

                          Totally worth the effort, including the repeated

                          Delkfutt's Tower climb capped at level 30

                          but the final CS is truly wonderful including a proper LOL moment involving

                          Nana Mihgo and the S.O.B.

                          And the end theme will make any Final Fantasy fanboy mark out.

                          Truly class!

                          Rep I know you've been disenchanted with with the add-on because of the stupid starter quests but it becomes so much better once the goblin part is done trust me. And I KNOW you will appreciate the final battle and ending more than most.

                          Now, what do I do with my armour...

                          Oh and if anyone wants a RNG when they attempt the final battle. Just call. I love the fight and although I'm still only 74 I've actually outdamaged every RNG75 I've gone in with so far
                          Last edited by C'; 13-04-2009, 15:32.


                            I'll be calling will probably try to do it with Tobal, PLD/RDM standing by. Just on the Goblin bit at the moment!


                              im at the 1st BCNM now, i'll spam the key till you get there.


                                Ive just done teh 1st BC, really easy with a bunch of DD, pld and a rdm. Going to atempt tower climb and final BC if u all wanna team up. Dont mind doing the 1st BC again.

