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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Thanks to Rep killing the placeholders whilst I was at work yesterday we finally had a go at Bluestreak Gyuguroon. I was cautious so called in a PLD and Dara as THF to help but unfortunately got the wrong drop (Peacemaker instead of Qiqirn Collar).

    Still, I guess at least now I know he exists.


      Had a go at Bluestreak Gyuguroon solo today, was very, very close fight, not to mention tense. I managed to fall midcast (Blizzard IV) at 10%, which would easily have killed him. I'm pretty sure my Ni timer was back up, so had i have cast that, i'd have won. It's no easy fight though. Without Haste i was taking at least one shot before Ichi was ready and only relying on Drain for cures.

      Oh and /bell, nice to see to devteam working on things we want.


        Wow, it seems that augmenting gear (except the Crystaline Prophecy bodies) is random XD

        Someone did an augment and got a Worker's Tunic with VIT-2.

        GG S-E
        Last edited by C'; 09-04-2009, 09:35.


          Random Augmenting is epic fail - what happens for example if you want to edit a cloak for your blm and it adds bonuses to other job abilities such as dual wield or provoke?

          If they're going to pull **** like this, then the process should at least be reversible.


            Waiting to see what the story is with Augments, the release text suggested it was controlable so wait for some more experiments before I try anything. I have quite a few pieces I'd like buffed, MACC and MATT for my crimson yes please!

            Genbus shield with ACC and ATT would be nice as well

            Been ahving a go at Taisaijin, had an ass of a time with Zavala. First time I went for kill I didn't know how rough it was and forgot melee kit. Zav was there I pulled was 40% thorugh kill and managed to agro a bat resting Zav came back from AFK and given their rep thought I best not kill the bat to avoid yellow. Unfortunately that meant I couldn't stay in range as it could wipe shadows at odd time like during AM and get me killed. Needless to say yellow at 19% and Zavala ganked it.

            So I went back the next day pulled and killed melee before zav even got back from AFK. I go back to kill next day and guess what loos like Zav killed the PHs resetting the timers to stop me getting. As total jerkfest goes thats about the worst I've seen.

            Even more anyoing it's someone I would have counted as a friend and is an LS mate in what is left of CuniLimbus.

            Worse thing is I think they think its a 24 hour pop after any kill not NM kill as they were back camping roughly round when they would have killed PH. Nothing like nub and ass all in one package.

            From an item that was just some light amusement now I have to go camp just for payback


              I like the randomness of it all, just added +7 water to my quirn belt lol, got plenty of tabs from solo work to.

              Gonna have go with my avengers earring i use is salvage for tanking nm's/boss, +1 counter and hopefully something cool.

              Btw im looking for a LS to hang in that isn't hnm(which where nearly all of exhomeless went), been solo for 2/3weeks and its getting boring.


                We need to get Rargh back up and running again...

                I've been pretty much LS-less over the past week or so myself, but that time's been spent lvling one of my fishing mules and catching a few more moat carps on Dara.


                  I agree lets remake the Rargh pearl, Talizker should come back and be the sack holder

                  In all seriousness I want a social LS again, I say we either remake Rargh with someone as sack or if we call Rargh dead I have an open linkpearl in my mog house.


                    Indeed, I miss the fun of just doing something random


                      Ok that's enough I reckon to say lets reform!

                      I demand Talizker comes back as well, where are you slinking about? Darwock as well!



                        dont you mean rarghls?


                          No I mean Rargh the original pearl ^^

                          I'd say we should make RarghII or RarghTheReprise

                          I was thinking would be ace for BSNM, KSNM, ANNM, ISNM, low man salvage, low man limbus and NM farming. What say you all?


                            well not salvage(currently go with berem/missy) but everything else + quests like the new Wotg and TCP ones. Hopefully i'll have my rdm complete soon as well so i have well rounded job selection besides a tank.


                              Took me about 45 minutes last night to get the key item in Sauromugue Champaign. Never known Goblins to be hunted so vehemently by the playerbase.

                              Luckily I got the Batallia Downs (3 kills) and Rolanberry Fields (1 kill) much quicker.


                                key item for what?

