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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Woooo Rawr, thx campaign 73 mnk, i no longer look gimp!


      woooo Ding 75 Mnk


        I can't believe it. I just got:

        Me am happies!!!


          Grats man! They are nice, are they a WS peice? (Im not sure how it works with RNG o.o)

          We just finished out 2 weeks sea session. Got a total of 4 Necks and 3 Capes, so not to bad. But does leave us with nearly 4 JoL's and we got 2 Prudence left to do when we start sea again in 2 weeks.

          Grats to Dara who finally won a lot on somthing. ( Justice Sword ) haha


            They will be pretty much full time gear. I would have said they are the best feet armour for RNG but Moot had to piss in my chips by pointing out that the +1 version would be better still.

            Hopefully Scout's Jerkin will drop in Xarcabard on Saturday then i'll have both RNG northlands pieces (which is crazy when you think I don't have either NIN piece yet). The really biggie though is the belt.

            Yeah, Dara had me out in Sea last night farming drops for Virtue Stones or something. Got my revenge by having Rep come along a little before we stopped for the night and tried to take out o Yovra (I still need that blasted organ). Well the fight didn't go too well as Rep was outside of charm range early on and we mowedhim down. He reraised and actually did a pretty valiant job of trying to kill it with a weakened mage. The UFO's accuracy was pretty balls with a combination of Kurayami and Blade: Kamu but our damage was too low and eventually the annoying AOE/utsusemi (and equipment) stripping moves got the better of us.

            We wiped and Hudoo kindly came out to add our DD. We got the kill (eventually) an no ****ing drop. Hate these things but I really need a Breeze Gorget for Slugwinder.


              On the subject of the sea farming last night rare, I got the last tissue I needed after you'd logged, found one or two mother ul'xzomit wandering about so took them down and have the one excess which will give me 12 stacks of virtue stones once I've included my other NQ organ drops.

              If you'd still like to help out however then that would be much appreciated - I now need 5 NQ Euvhi organs, which undoubtedly will be much harder to come across than the tissue due to it's lower drop rate and higher leveled mob

              Tickle mate, if you can spare some time too then your BLM would be of great help also
              Last edited by Daragon; 10-02-2009, 09:07.


                Yeah no problem man




                    The organs from those are a pain spent 2 days soloing those, got 5 organs, 7 tissues and 10 HQs.

                    On other news I have now logged Nyzul Isle 80 and got my RDM weapon so just need to get PLD and log 100 to get my WSes unlocked.

                    Lasty OMFG

                    Mine thats PLD almost complete now homam legs and feet are next targets and of course a D Ring >.>.



                      mine, wanted these for soooooooo long!


                        Where are you lot finding the space for all this stuff? lewl.


                          70 inventry
                          80 mog house
                          80 storage
                          80 mog locker
                          60 from 2x mules

                          Old event items in npc storage.


                            So it actually happened.


                            Both RNG Northlands pieces and only 1 city so far. Dynamis is backwards for my RNG.

                            After doing Dynamis again for the last month or so the changes that S-E made to droprates have obviously been for the better. Whilst city runs were usually not too bad Northlands were generally awful but now you see a nice consistency of drops. It was really difficult to be motivated for the event when I last did it in 2007 when you'd see massive queues for specific items but the passthrough on the high demand items seems high enough now that you feel like you can work towards it in a realistic timeframe (well except RDM hat lol).

                            3 Valor Surcoats dropped on Saturday for example.
                            Last edited by C'; 16-02-2009, 08:29.


                              Picture reminded me of daras quest for flower organs...


                                I lol'd

                                (on the subject of which - I'm still 5 organs short of my goal *hint* *hint*)

