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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Rare, we've been given an invitation to join a brand new Salvage group, from the guys i've been doing Assaults with. Times are Wednesdays 3PM EST and Saturdays 2PM EST. I've already said i'll join.


      Was going to go with the SAM body all the way until i saw those Mirke+extras. Even though it looks ace, Haub, Osode or Askar are the same thing, while getting the Mirke with QD timer(45sec for me) and +4mab would be the bomb.


        Originally posted by MegaMan X View Post
        Rare, we've been given an invitation to join a brand new Salvage group, from the guys i've been doing Assaults with. Times are Wednesdays 3PM EST and Saturdays 2PM EST. I've already said i'll join.
        Sounds interesting but won't the Saturday times clash with Dynamis?


          Yes it would, I'd sooner do Salvage over Dyna though, if one was to take a back seat.


            Originally posted by Tobal View Post
            Was going to go with the SAM body all the way until i saw those Mirke+extras. Even though it looks ace, Haub, Osode or Askar are the same thing, while getting the Mirke with QD timer(45sec for me) and +4mab would be the bomb.
            I agree. There is no benefit to any Haubergeon equippable jobs to adding the Accuracy+10 and Attack+10 stats to this.

            As well as the possible combinations I mentioned earlier, I'm also thinking an Enmity+5 Fast Cast+5 body piece could be very useful for NIN/drk.


              Think for me the RDM body with MACC and MAB will be the way.

              In other news finally cleared teh Khima assault with BtL last night, thought it was about to go to piss again as we had a DC on entry. Instead killed it with 5 despite a near immeadiate wipe when all the DD died, had to hold it mostly solo for 5 mins. Hopefully tonight going back for King Gold then I'm a captain at last.

              Started catching up on WotG as well up to the Treant NM if anyone needs or if anyone wants to help. Would be handy to avoid ahving to solo if possible...

              Back in real life I've fractured my thumb which hurts like f*ck, off to the fracture clinic on Thursday to see if it needs pinning or anything.


                Well ive not been able to play for about the last month for one reason or another but looking to be coming back soon. How is things in the world of FF? How much does this new addon thingi cost?

                Hope you guys are all ok, sorry to my LS members about me just disapearing but I had to do it I had no choice doctors orders!. (Ive not been to good tbh)

                ~Im not really sure which body peice id pick, not sure i have need for any atm

                Hope your all ok.




                  You've not been missing much Tickle, Homeless has been pretty dead of late and there've been no arranged events for the past week or so to my knowledge (although I have been off shell for a couple of days to focus on my fishing).

                  Get better soon though mate


                    Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                    Hope you guys are all ok, sorry to my LS members about me just disapearing but I had to do it I had no choice doctors orders!. (Ive not been to good tbh)
                    Man, your doctor is harsh if he tells you to stop playing FFXI


                      Maybe it's the stress, God knows I suffer from that enough times thanks to this game.

                      Wow, ANOTHER elemental cluster mr Aw'euvhi - thank you SO much....


                        Aye i pretty much got told to stop doing anythign that winds me up and you guys know what this game can be like! haha


                          FFXI has been a constant aggrievance for me for almost 6 years now, and I'm perfectly *twitches* fine.

                          Damn my obsession for everything FF


                            I wonder how big this Crystaline Prophecy thing will be?

                            Is it a proper mission line or just a glorified quest with a decent reward at the end of it?

                            I did notice when I made the purchase last night that it stated that you needed to have RotZ registered too so I assume it makes use of vanilla and Zilart zones.


                              I'd guesstimate about a content update's worth of missions, maybe two.

                              Can't be much more than that for £7.99


                                Not sure, i find it abit strange that WoTG isnt even finished yet and they have released it. Maybe this is the last update for WoTG?

                                At a guess I think it will be a bag load of CS with 1 easy fight and 1 hard fight

                                It cant be that long for them to release the rewards in a news post.

