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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    You beat me to it, wow a extra 80 spaces is awsome.

    meh cant order yet have to wait 7days
    Last edited by djtickle; 31-03-2009, 09:57.


      Originally posted by C' View Post - US - EU

      S-E Security token complete with a kickass in game bonus.

      So basically I need this now but really confused as to what my situation is. Like a lot of the early-adoptors from here I have a US account (US PC copy of the game) complete with faux US address. You have to order it via the POL Viewer but if I do will it get sent to my fake address?

      Going to be really gutted if I miss out on double my personal inventory space.
      Looks like we're ****ed mate, just tried to change my membership details and you can't pick anything outside of the US

      Edit: I wonder what happens if you move country? Would a GM be able to do owt or would you have to phone up someone? I'm hesitant to use either tbh, apparently I live in the Emerald City - I wonder how well that would go down with an SE or POL rep?
      Last edited by Daragon; 31-03-2009, 10:39.


        Also, this talk of a new S-E account to use with this security tag is further confusing matters. Am I going to have to retain my fake details for that too?

        Part of me hopes that the introduction of this new account thing will be cross-regional and will take all the problems away but odds of that are slim really.


          Hopefully, the worst case scenario will be to phone someone up and explain that you've moved to another country and that you need to change your personal details. I cannot believe SE would lack foresight enough to realise that, you know, people move house from time to time and that not allowing you to alter personal details would be a stupid thing to do.


            I checked out the SE account, as you can make a US one already on there site.

            Doesnt ask for no address details so looks like it will go from PoL address.


              I may have struck lucky with this. Seems when I created my fake address I decided I wanted to live in Florida so that's what I entered. In a useful coincidence my brother moved out to Florida in 2007 so I've updated my details to his address/telephone number so hopefully moving within the same state won't arouse any suspicions.

              If it turns out the security key can only be sent to your POL address, I'll just have him send it on.


                I'm going to have to go down the "change of country" route I reckon, now all I need is a new US address to change my fake one to XD


                  Well, seems I can't change my country of origin according to the live chat rep I spoke with - looks like my new worst case scenario is to put down my uncle's address and hope that my dad can talk him round into accepting it and then posting it on...


                    Nice, lucky rare!

                    Dara, isnt there a company u can pay that will forward it on for you?


                      There probably is, but I'm none too keen on using a premium service, plus they'd likely have something to say about me using their details for my POL account lol.
                      Last edited by Daragon; 31-03-2009, 21:05.


                        Out of interest, but what are the other early adoptors doing about this whole mess? I know it's not just me and rare that are in possession of US accounts.


                          Maybe they're being sensible and not worrying about a problem until they know for sure there's a problem to worry about?

                          Just me and you worrying about the sky falling due to our fake address naughtiness.


                            Any guesses on if there will be an announcment today?


                              Originally posted by C' View Post
                              Maybe they're being sensible and not worrying about a problem until they know for sure there's a problem to worry about?

                              Just me and you worrying about the sky falling due to our fake address naughtiness.
                              Fair point I suppose lol, although I'm guessing that it's only going to be purchasable through POL if my live chat from last night is anything to go off.

                              Are they likely to give you an online order form to fill out via POL? Highly doubtful but it's possible - once again, I find it impossible to believe that SE will not consider the possibility that people can and will move address, sometimes to another country entirely.


                                It is a stupid system but it doesn't seem uncommon unfortunately.

                                Your Xbox Live account is similarly restricted. Move country and although you will be able to change your address on that, your account will still be classed as a UK one and will be restricted to UK marketplace items and will need to make purchases with UK XBL Points.

                                I presume PSN has similar restrictions.

                                It is ridiculous in this day and age that the notion that someone may move to a different country and may want to take their account with them seems so alien to these companies.

