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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    New add-on trailer is up. Not to over-analyse, but it get the impression once these are finished, that'll be the end of FFXI. This one especially sees to finally put an end to the Zilart/CoP/Dawn storyline, with Aldo finding his sister etc. Still think perhaps the ending of Aht Urhgan is linked to Wings of the Goddess too *Aht Urhgan ending* >>

    After the fight with Alexander and Odin, there was some kind of dimensional portal thingy left over, this was never followed up and could link to Atomos.


      I don't think it'll be the end of FF so long as there's still enough interest in it, it's always been a desire of SE to run this game parallel to their new MMO.

      Still, should this game eventually finish it wouldn't be a completely bad thing - so many times now I've wanted to quit but kept bottling it - when the choice is no longer mine to make, I believe I'll be all the better for it.


        Looks like the statues for rank 5 prizes are furnishings.

        Fafnir looks boss! Gonna make sure I have a marble that ends with each digit to ensure I at least have a chance of getting one of these.


          Those statues do look the ****, but what I really want is that milf in the swimsuit underneath them.

          She could like, lapdance for me everytime I go back to my mog house


            Originally posted by Daragon View Post
            Other job changes? Gogo SAM and DRK - the nation's favourite!

            Let's hope BLM get some more nukes though for a change (might persuade me to bring it out of semi-retirement)
            Drk gets gimped everytime they do a update oh and they add a spell ill never use.


              Originally posted by djtickle View Post
              Drk gets gimped everytime they do a update oh and they add a spell ill never use.
              Drain 2? Drain spikes? Absorb-TP? You've never used those? I have to say they do sound pretty useful...

              Absorb-TP was overpowered before it got nerfed too if I recall.


                I’ll agree with Dara here. The only real “gimping” DRK has received was the Souleater nerf with multi-hit weapons which was purely done as it led to the downfall of S-E’s unbeatable baby.

                Overall DRK has received a decent number of updates in the form of new spells, decent cat 1 and 2 merits and made out pretty well from the 2-hander change. No, they haven’t come out from updates as well as PLD (Atonement – WTF!?) or SAM (Sekkanoki – needed? SRSLY?) but compared to a lot of jobs, DRK hasn’t done too badly all told.

                As my RNG approaches 75 I’m staggered by how unbalanced the DD jobs are. My RNG is really well geared. A couple of my equips could be replaced with difficult to obtain R/E equivalents but overall I’ve spent a fair amount of gil on it (including a weapon now valued in the region of 2.5m). Eating attack food AND paying per hit I’m still getting outdamaged by average melees in gear sets that cumulatively wouldn’t cost as much as my Eurytos’ Bow (I’m sure we’ve all seen the bandwagon SAM running around TPing in STR rings, Haciman Domaru and ****ting 20k swords). I may pull ahead a little on mobs weak to piercing but considering I should have a major advantage here the difference is such that I’d consider it pretty marginal.

                It’s a good thing I enjoy actually playing the job otherwise I’d just liquidate all my equips and just join the SAM gravy train
                Last edited by C'; 30-03-2009, 10:17.


                  RDM & SMN changes:

                  The opening sentence rules out any further job adjustments being announced prior to the update so NIN becomes even more useless.


                    lol, thats the best they could come up with for SMN?


                      Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                      Drain 2? Drain spikes? Absorb-TP? You've never used those? I have to say they do sound pretty useful...

                      Absorb-TP was overpowered before it got nerfed too if I recall.
                      Drain 2 and Dread spikes i never use at all only ever in a "oh **** we gonna wipe" situation. As for Absorb TP i might bust one out once in a while on a HNM but thats about it, in Merit pty /sam i always have TP and i get more TP by hitting rather than waste time and mp on casting. This might not be true for all drks thou as in gear and merits im very well setup.

                      But ya i agree our merits aint bad.

                      Rdm and SMN changes are ok, nothing like whm but still nice. Depending on the time delay this might make rdm solo'ing even better.


                        Composure sounds like a dodgy one to me personally - does the accuracy boost it provides improve melee acc or magic acc? Also, I'm guessing the added duration for buffs only affects their time duration, rather than the amount of damage they can absorb before disappearing for example? Sounds like that will have no benefit to soloing, apart from in the case of refresh - a few extra seconds no doubt will not be enough to offset the disadvantage of increased spell downtime.

                        En spells are also debateable in terms of value, alot of melee rdm will tend to sub dnc these days for drain samba, rendering the additional effect of en spells worthless.


                          The wording of the updates is very confusion. I assumed Composure meant Magic Accuracy boost but a lot of people are interpreting it as melee accuracy like dara said above.

                          Also, are En2 spells actual beefed up versions or is it like Warp/Phalanx wherein the 2 version can be cast on PT members?


                            I'd have to say that the updates for RDM look fairly weak, have to see what comes up. Essentially I only use en-spells in campaign, if I wanted to whack things with swords I'd be a SAM or WAR.

                            As for melee RDMs, if you see one go and slap them they give us all a bad name. There's just no excuse for arsing around with a sword in any situation other than solo and even then why would you damage potential is much higher with MP.


                              I think its magic acc, i dont even think SE are that dumb. (But will see)

                              2nd day back and I claimed KB! Kinda weird as last time i camped him i claimed him then too so 2/2 lol.

                              Not great drops Pixie Earring, Adaman legs and craft items.

                              I picked up the legs thou

                              Not that greats but still nice to have, just the damm body to get now lol


                       - US

                       - EU

                                S-E Security token complete with a kickass in game bonus.

                                So basically I need this now but really confused as to what my situation is. Like a lot of the early-adoptors from here I have a US account (US PC copy of the game) complete with faux US address. You have to order it via the POL Viewer but if I do will it get sent to my fake address?

                                Going to be really gutted if I miss out on double my personal inventory space.

