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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Ok the game is monthly fee based and is still well worth joining.

    If anything this is the best time to start for some time with lots of new additions that make levelling up for a new player much easier. The finance thing I'm not sure about Dara the rest of us all do fine!

    Oh and Merry Christmas everyone


      Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
      Ok the game is monthly fee based and is still well worth joining.

      If anything this is the best time to start for some time with lots of new additions that make levelling up for a new player much easier. The finance thing I'm not sure about Dara the rest of us all do fine!

      Oh and Merry Christmas everyone
      In fairness, how often do you all play? Since my 360 died back in September, I've only been logging on once a week for my nyzul static.

      I suppose it's easy enough to build up enough for entry level equip, which will see most players through the game quite happily, just try and hope you don't end up stuck with parties of elitists who'll have you chucked the second they see your job isn't kitted out in head to toe with HQ armor or uber rare dungeon loot


        Originally posted by Daragon View Post
        In fairness, how often do you all play? Since my 360 died back in September, I've only been logging on once a week for my nyzul static.
        I've never understood this with you, you have 75 THF and BLM, 2 jobs perfectly suited to making gil, hell i'm WHM and have gotten by easily for years.

        Merry Xmas y'all.



          Been doing alot of FoV on my rdm, and its working a treat. Pretty much solo'd 22-27 in Jugner, outpost warp out, get refresh/RR with tabs, select a manual and pop a exp ring, have after about 10/15 mobs worth 100exp each i get the 600bonus and 600gil. Chests speed up things and caskets are good fun(but still no ra/ex items but a beetle body armour)

          Made about 20k inthe last level just on gil drops and selling npcable items(unless their worth more on the ah), not much to me other than some free food of the Ah but to a low level player thats a couple of pieces of armour.


            Originally posted by Tobal View Post

            Been doing alot of FoV on my rdm, and its working a treat. Pretty much solo'd 22-27 in Jugner, outpost warp out, get refresh/RR with tabs, select a manual and pop a exp ring, have after about 10/15 mobs worth 100exp each i get the 600bonus and 600gil. Chests speed up things and caskets are good fun(but still no ra/ex items but a beetle body armour)

            Made about 20k inthe last level just on gil drops and selling npcable items(unless their worth more on the ah), not much to me other than some free food of the Ah but to a low level player thats a couple of pieces of armour.
            That's right, you know me so well don't you?


              Sorry forgot to add moaning!


                Well worth getting if you ask me.

                I went to see if I could get bb item today, made a deal with orz and nameless. Joined the orz ally to help then claim as I'm mates with the leader. I claimed but was nq so they gave me a behe hide as no drop. Here's hopin for tomorrow!!


                  Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                  Sorry forgot to add moaning!
                  So the fact that I moan so much is why I never have enough gil? How ingenius...

                  Shall we leave it there? It's Christmas, people shouldn't be arguing
                  Last edited by Daragon; 25-12-2008, 18:10.


                    Woop aspi pop, tickle claim, mfeet and egg drop! Egg MINE! now zzzzzz

                    See you again!
                    Last edited by djtickle; 28-12-2008, 06:47.


                      Well Happy new year everyone!

                      Ive had a excellent week on FF with most people being away for the holidays!

                      After 4 kills in castle oz I ended up with

                      Not Bad for 1hour 30mins work!!

                      Claimed Aspi for Orz so they gave me..

                      Makes me 2/3 on BB item.

                      I also claimed NQ Behe 4 times in 5 days but no drop for 3rd BB item. Made some nice gilz towards my Morrigans Robe thou!!

                      Dinged 71 mnk!

                      Got Leech king but not drop!

                      Then today after doing a Dark Ixion I got rewarded with a signed pair of...

                      So all in all a excellent week, best in along time!!


                        0/2 on Maat fight with RNG now

                        I’ll admit that the ridiculous ease with which the NIN fight was completed meant my first attempt was over stupidly quickly as I never took it serious. Thought I’d use crossbow for status bolts and Bloody Bolts to keep myself topped up but I couldn’t drain quick enough to match the damage he dealt and I was dead in quick order.

                        Decided to get serious and put some thought into it second time out. Equipped an Earth Staff that Rep kindly lent me and Jelly Ring for a 25% physical damage reduction and tried a DEF food (Tavnazian Taco) with a Persikos Au Lait for regen. Went in with Archery this time hoping that the above combined with the Attack Down on Demon Arrows would be enough.

                        And it really did help.

                        Opened with Barrage for over 700 damage and began spamming shots. He used Eagle Eye Shot which landed for 42 (LOL) and I became confident but the damage he was dealing was adding up too and I realised it was going to be close. Once at 150% TP I hit Shadowbind and moved into optimum shooting range for Sidewinder which did another 750 damage and then continued to reel off arrows. He was at around 20% to go now but I was sitting at around 200HP and then he unleashes Combo which fells me.

                        Was ridiculously close and it was only when I went back to some fishing later did I realise I had not used my own Eagle Eye Shot which may have tipped the balance in my favour. The danger of normally playing a job where the 2 hour is rarely beneficial I guess. Next time I will also use Kabura Arrows for main shots which are expensive but have an extra 4 damage so hopefully will be the different. If not, then I’m out of ideas other than Hi-Pot spamming which I don’t want to have to rely on.


                          What level is your RNG at now? Just got round to installing the game onto my new 360 so I'm going to be back-ish for more than just Nyzul now, was online saturday evening purely to farm but after noticing the very stark decrease in value of my target drop, I felt the gil to time investment ratio wasn't enough for me to bother.

                          Might go back to BST until the prices return to something even close to worthwhile, my RNG won't get far on what I have left.


                            I got RNG70 just before Christmas but refuse to go any further until I beat Maat.


                              Is this lot worth a fiver (on 360):

                              Final Fantasy XI: Online
                              Rise of the Zilart
                              Chains of Promathia
                              Treasure of Aht Urhgan
                              30 Days free subscription



                                Originally posted by FullSpecWarrior View Post
                                Is this lot worth a fiver (on 360):

                                Final Fantasy XI: Online
                                Rise of the Zilart
                                Chains of Promathia
                                Treasure of Aht Urhgan
                                30 Days free subscription

                                Yeah thats pretty much all the game minus the newest expansion (Wings of the Goddess) which you wont need for your 1st couple of months in.

                                We are all Seraph server btw if you do get it!

