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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    The first installment of three new add-on scenarios, entitled "A Crystalline Prophecy ? Ode of Life Bestowing" will be available for advance purchase through PlayOnline starting from March 23, 2009.
    (*Players purchasing the scenario will receive access to the in-game content upon the release of the next FINAL FANTASY XI version update, scheduled for early April.)
    lol nice.


      Anyone seen the new augmentations in the next update?

      Sounds cool.


        Was 25 minutes away from another disappointing evening in Vana'diel, then the awesome happens.

        Firstly, Scout's Braccae drop in Dynamis-San d'Oria with 25 minutes left on the clock. This is my 3rd San d'Oria since restarting Dynamis and I was starting to think it wasn't going to drop again (last San d'Oria was full clear and every relic dropped at least once except RNG so confidence was low). Unfortunately in the intervening weeks another LS member had become group 1 lottable for RNG so I had competition.

        I let them lot first and they get 750ish so my hopes were low. I hit the 'Cast Lots' button and...



        Put's me 5/5 on the storable items with just the (kickass) belt to go.

        I'm on a high at this point and ask Rep if he's willing to try "The Synth". He warns me that it's not the optimum time but I'm stubborn and meet him at the Alchemist's Guild in Aht Urghan Whitegate with ingredients for 2 attempts. He warns me again but I tell him to do it.

        15 long seconds pass.



        *Flashy Animation*

        Reploidx synthesises a pair of cursed f. gauntlets -1

        "HOLY ****!!!!"

        Bricks were shat. Lot's of gratitude was expressed and we hightailed it to the cathedral in Northern San d'Oria where I was bestowed with:

        Rep proves once again how awesome he is.

        Really appreciated man. Thank you.


          Here's the Screenshot for you. Most fun i've had in ages.


            I keep seeing things in this thread that make me want to cry (or quit the game, in either order) when I think of my own painfully unfortunate situation

            Congratulations though


              After last night, i thought i'd try some Cursed legs (also for first time), the fun just never stops


                Nice one those synths, see you are doing assaults when you hit FL look me up I need Khim and King Gold still and know the fights backwards. I just need to do them without a selection of pickup halfwits.

                With PLD/NIN WHM & NIN/WAR we could pretty much ace king gold with just a couple more DD.


                  I cleared king gold with 4 Sam, Drk and a whm

                  Sack all the weapons off just pwn him, and whm 2hour when it gets rough!


                    Yesterday I fired my Ptr. Prt. Arrow without Unlimited Shot active. I've been so careful with both this and the Gld. Msk. Bolt over the last 9 months or so, and was really pissed off when I realised (immediately) what I'd done.

                    Don't have the 40k CP I'd need to get another one so put in a GM Call to make use of my one time item recovery so fingers crossed I'll it back in a day or two.

                    Need to seriously condieer leveling up SAM and DNC subjobs now though to ensure I have CP in place should I **** up again.


                      That really sucks mate, but are you sure you won't be better off saving your one-time only doodad for something much harder to obtain, like a massive HNM drop or something like that?

                      In Daragon related news, I've returned to my fishing in what is shaping up to be the biggest sole achievement in (my) FFXI History. I currently stand at 5000 moat carp cashed in with Joulet and have just re-activated my 2 mule characters to help me evade the fishing fatigue cap. Unfortunately, I only just realised that characters which have not been logged in once in over 2 weeks can only fish up a maximum of 10 fish per day, so I'm stuck having to wait an entire ****ing fortnight just so that they can remember a fishing line goes in the water and not up their ****ing arseholes!

                      How much more can SE screw over the fishermen? Too inept to deal with fish botters in an effective enough way so they have to punish the legit ones too, what a sound move!
                      Last edited by Daragon; 23-03-2009, 10:16.


                        I don't really have a lot of "massive HNM drops" that I wouldn't be able to obtain again relatively quickly. THe amount of EXP I'd need to get another CP is massive.


                          Me being me, I probably wouldn't have bought that arrow in the first place, never mind use up a one-time only deal in getting it back, given how easy it is to lose and all.

                          Personally I'd be more concerned about losing something like an Ebisu Fishing rod for example, something that is a ****load of toil (not to mention blind luck, which I have very little to none of) to obtain one of, let alone a second.


                            So the new body piece rewards for clearing "A Crystaline Prophecy" have been revealed.

                            Nothing too amazing at first glance.

                            However, each item can also be augmented with 2 of the following:

                            I'm a bit conflicted here. Could create a nice mix and match (Dual Wield and Accuracy) TP piece for my NIN or a potentially awesome body piece for RNG (Ranged Attack+10 and Snapshot).


                              Is each armor piece going to be a CoP ring dealie then? Only 1 per character? Both the THF and BLM/RDM ones would be ideal for me.

                              Also, as with the expansion disks, I wonder if I would need both the PC and 360 version for my account? These days, the advantages of being charged my monthly fee in dollars are near enough non-existant (pretty sure I'm being charged more than the UK rate now due to the weak pound)
                              Last edited by Daragon; 23-03-2009, 13:33.


                                I think you'll only need to purchase this once. The data for the storyline is part of the upcoming version update so it will be downloaded to both machines automatically and the purchase is made via your account so it will be available across machines with the one code.

