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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    That would be great I'll reach the first BC by tonight if people want to go!

    BTW what you counting as first BC
    Last edited by Tsingtao; 14-04-2009, 06:02.


      Fight in Fei'in, yeah and tonight would be grand!


        That's what I chosen in the end. Obviously the piece of armour to choose was easy but deciding what to augment it with was harder.

        Was massively tempted to make an awesome RNG TP piece (Ranged Attack+10 "Snapshot"+5%) but decided to wait until I've tried TPing in Kirin's Osode when I ever actually hit 75.

        So that left me with NIN augments. Very nearly went with what a lot of PLD have gone with and created a fantastic NIN/DRK piece (Enmity+5 "Fast Cast" effect) but in the end decided to go with what you see above.

        It is slightly slower TP gain than Ninja Chainmail which I currently use for TP but the benefits of STR, DEX and most importantly Accuracy will almost certainly make up the deficit.

        And look at the size of that belt buckle. I feel like a proper Final Fantasy character now.


          Very nice man, grats!


            i can after salvage, so about 8pm.


              Originally posted by djtickle View Post
              Very nice man, grats!
              Thanks dude

              Have you decided what you're going to choose yet?

              At least I only had to decide between the augments. You need to pick a body piece too. I guess Morrigan's negates the need for Royal Redingnote.

              You'd be surprised how hard it is to make the choice. Even if you go in thinking you know what you want, as soon as it says "Are you sure?" you sit there wondering if what you chose is what you REALLY want.

              Even the random augments on the other rewards don't bother me as I thought they would. It's actually quite refreshing to have a series of rewards that feels truly random. Much better than Assault appraisals where you know you're either going to receive one specific item or (most likely) a load of ****.


                tbh i dont really know, having Ares and Morrigans makes it hard. Was thinkin about going for somthing for mnk but it wouldnt be any better than shura.

                I was thinking about going for the pld one and adding eminty and fast cast. For now anyways!

                Plus i think the pld one looks cool!


                  PLD with Emnity and Fast Cast is likely to be mine but am tempted with MAB and MACC on RDM body as well...

                  I'm good for the BC later, I've just got to get my Mark of Seed and I'm ready.


                    Im going to do the run up the tower as soon as im home. (4am) That way i can come as a 75 to help people up after.


                      I don't mind helping you out with the Fei'Yin battle if you guys do it tonight. I wouldn't mind getting another key and seeing what the treasure chest coughs up.


                        Is there room in this group for me?

                        Would make a nice distraction from my super boring fishing


                          How about both fights


                            Yeah, I can help with both no problem. I'll work on collecting the items for the BCs so I can get rewards again when I get in from work.


                              Can I tag along or am I going back to my fishing? I don't want to end up spending most of the day killing goblins if not


                                Regardless of whether you can come (that’s up to the people who are running the mission) why not just get the missions progressed anyway if you want a break from fishing.

                                If nothing else at least you’ll be up to the first BC at a time when shouts are still pretty regular. Everything up to that can be soloed which is something you've been screaming for years now and you even get your first key reward which can equal an augmented low level armour.

                                Get it done!

