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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Which ones have you got fully meritted and do you have the refresh gear to keep you in MP on RDM. Can afford a BLM to run out of MP, if the RDM does its a wipe.

    I detect a reforming of Rargh tonight, how do we want to sort out the sack holder or more importantly does anyone want it?

    The nation quet lines for WotG I need to pick up, did AANMs for the first time today. They're very doable with 6, but does need 6 with good gear and game. PLD/NIN, support + healing and then heavy DD.

    The one in Saramogue Champaign is fun, the NM is rough but if you know how to it can easily be kited by a PLD/NIN or RDM/NIN. Key to the fight is keeping the pets slept and killed fast.


      BTW the items don't drop from any mob in the zones, they drop from the goblins in Champaign, Rolanberry and Batalia. Should be easy enough I went 1/5 on most, only the first speedspall arsed me around took 50 kills.


        Better off with BLM then lol

        I got two of them done so far, just the SC one to go now

        Edit: Also, I hate to ask, but is it going to be at all possible to delay by 20-30 mins? I didn't realise I was going to be out for dinner today and won't be finished until 8


          Ok, got my last goblin key item, hopefully I can get as far as the first BC before 6

          Typical SE ****, can't get through the first banishing gate in the citadel - got a flower for the warp point but nooooooooo
          Last edited by Daragon; 14-04-2009, 15:38.


            Yup that wouldn't work, now a sensible person would go to the past and use the maw in SC to get back to the present

            I've still got to go get the mark of seed, been camping HNM all avo



              I thought I'd try the gate first as there's usually a party there exping.


                You'll get nailed behing BG 3 there's no flower warp for that only for BG 2.

                I still need to get my last 2 tier II enspells at some point I should get those sorted as well...


                  Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
                  You'll get nailed behing BG 3 there's no flower warp for that only for BG 2.

                  I still need to get my last 2 tier II enspells at some point I should get those sorted as well...
                  I'm not sure I'll get all this done by 6 I still have the mandragora mobs to kill as well.

                  I'll have to hope that I can get through the gate in the present, I don't know the way through the past version of GC

                  Why'd it have to be today? Any other day but today God really does hate me


                    You can't go wrong inthe past, just warp to sauro[s], go into GS the normal way and work your way throught he zone into map2(from the north point of map1) and out in the BG3 area exit, jump into the maw and your inthe present where the ??? pop is(and some goblins you can kill for the drop)

                    As for tonight ACP, am at the Feiyin BCNM fight vs the beastment(key item ready).

                    WOTG missions/quest, still need to finish san'd last mision fight from pre-patch, everything else i've done(windy/bastok/main quest) so can help out, if we all want to go on and finish the 3 new bcnm fights for san'd,bastok and windy from this patch.


                      Does anyone have a particular objection to allowing me a few minutes before we start to catch up? I might not have time for the mandragoras before I have to go out, but will probably have them dead within 10 by the time I get home.

                      I REALLY want to get this done tonight, I just can't go with a pick up group, if this final BC is as difficult as many say it is.


                        I thought we were starting at 8?


                          I'll be home by 8, but I still have to kill the mandragoras


                            Well after mandies you've got key item to get from Fei'Yin see how it goes.


                              Yeah, but I thought everyone needed to get that to get into the BC? For the sake of another 20 minutes or so I'd like to hope that my friends would wait for me.

                              Chances are very few of you would want to help me clear this tomorrow for example.


                                Yup we do and I think we all already have it hence ready for the BC. See what people ahve in terms of time to do it, my times limited as HNM windows will open on me.

