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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Woot! A Crystalline Prophecy clear!

    Big thanks to everyone for being so patient with me while I caught up, and to rare as well for tagging along despite having won already.

    My Royal redingote does look pimp on me, but I can't help but feel, now that I have it, that maybe m.att and m.acc both on it was a little bit wasteful - not too sure how effective it will be on blm compared to my weskit and with rdm soloing I'd probably macro in my AF body for enfeebles. A shame there was no haste augment to choose from, chances are I'd have had the THF body if so.

    Also picked up a Death Earring with an extra +9mp and +3def augment and an Angel Ring with +3acc and -2 enmity which will be nice for BST once fully lvled.

    Finally, I can't help but feel that these add-ons herald the end of the game (which would be a little bit of a shame) storyline wise at least. I know SE have stated that they'd keep it running along side their new MMO, but will they have a full team for new expansions? Will people continue to hawk up cash for a game no longer updated?


      Picked the Quick Draw -5 and Mab +4 fo rmy cor. As for the other items got a

      Death Earring(10mp) with augs 10hp, -1vit, +4:def
      Ruby ring(4str) with augs +1 Dex, +3INT, probably a really good ring for DRK weaponskills.

      I'm gonna try and repeat the Feiyin BCNM often till i get 2+mab earring, and get a brown casket in sky to drop the +2mab necklace.

      Next up, if your interested WOTG missions.


        I'm so far behind with WotG it's not funny

        My next goal however is to obtain my Lu'Shangs fishing rod and line my pockets with all the juicy profits from the pricey fish

        Not long now hopefully....


          I've thought long and hard and the RDM body with MACC and MAB I just don't think I'd use enough and never on BLM where I'm saving for my Genie. Based on the I thought about a fast cast body for RDM but there is already a 5% haste on Goliard.

          So given it looks like I'll rarely use the body I'm going for the PLD with fast cast and emnity. Pretty much a macro piece for /NIN fights but at east it will get used!

          Tobal is right WotG next so when do you guys want to do the "Nation on the Brink" BC, should only need a party of 3 or 4 (don't worry I'll help when you get there Dara). I'm going to get the nation quest lines going for windy and bastok u to the assaults as well so we can all move forward on the lot.

          Fishing is going slowly for me as well, hit 48 last week and not been doing much. Got about 40k guild points but need a crap load more for my waders. apron and then serpent rumours.

          After last night I'm certain we should retart Rargh but I'd like to know how people wnat to do it so shout up

          1) Continue using the old Rargh LS Pearl
          2) Create a new RarghII or something pearl
          3) Create a new LS with a new name

          Also any volunteers fora sack holder, would be good if the sack wasn't someone who's in end game as much as me to help grow the shell some
          Last edited by Tsingtao; 15-04-2009, 06:51.


            Yeah we should defo start up a pearl though, for this kind of thing we excellent last night. We were flawless

            Im going to hold off on my body till the campaign bodies are released. I know i could always repeat the BC but being 2/2 atm I doubt i could go 3/3 lol seems to lucky.

            As for WoTG missions, I have done everything to date up until the new 6 update quests.

            Want to make a start on them tonight? Im pretty sure Tobal is up to the same point and Rare? We could move back and help you out Tsing and then blast them all out tonite? Its only 3 fights.


              I need to do the Jeuno BC and I'm only on the first quests for windy and bastok, I'll get those 2 moved forward to the last quests prior to the release but would need to do those as well if we could?

              Maybe if we have time after look into doing a KS AN IS or BC run ^^


                Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
                After last night I'm certain we should restart Rargh but I'd like to know how people want to do it so shout up

                1) Continue using the old Rargh LS Pearl
                2) Create a new RarghII or something pearl
                3) Create a new LS with a new name

                Also any volunteers for a sack holder, would be good if the sack wasn't someone who's in end game as much as me to help grow the shell some

                I'm good with any of the above (I guess technically option 2 should be RarghIII?). I also don't mind being Sack Holder if required...

                I'll be making a start on the WotG missions shortly so that may work some with Tsing/Dara.


                  Excellent mate I'm happy for you to be sack

                  You'll make progress fast on these ones will be happy to catch you up, and welcome back to final crack


                    Tali returns!?!


                      Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                      Im going to hold off on my body till the campaign bodies are released. I know i could always repeat the BC but being 2/2 atm I doubt i could go 3/3 lol seems to lucky.
                      S-E appear to be working on update schedule of every four months now. That means in all likelihood you're looking at August to get thet Campaign body (assuming they add it next time which I think they will). In the meantime you could be using the Crystaline Prophecy body whilst also opening up the option to repeat the battle for new random augment rings/earrings/rewards.

                      If, in the worst case scenario, the Campaign body is better you do have the option to repeat and I think as people become more accustomed with the battle, the easier it will be win again.

                      I'm already looking at trying it again should Rep decide to progress through the add-on simply because I love receiving these randomly augmented equipment.


                        I'm happy for Tal to run the shell, just don't disappear on us again

                        I think it's a fair point that whoever wants to "lead" the new shell needs to be sure of staying with the game.

                        WB though mate.


                          Also, with Tal coming back it means me relinquishing ownership of his P.Rope

                          As a result of this, would anyone like to help me out with the BCNM Wild, Wild, Whiskers?
                          It's a 3-man, 60 cap fight with a 15 minute timer. Despite this it's apparently quite easy, doable with 2 and the P.rope has a 58% drop rate according to wiki. Of course, if anyone who wants to come along wants to use an orb, then I'm of course happy with a sell and split.


                            Could be interested I need a load of gil to get me sorted spent the lot nearly, I'm after a witch sash next to replace my p rope and a Gobbie Bag X upgrade ^^.

                            In addition to this its high time I got a 100 craft, I have a load at 60 nd fish 48 but need to get one done


                              Yeah, I'm running pretty low on gil myself

                              I don't need much for the materials to craft all the bait I need for moat carp fishing, but if I have to re-buy the P.Rope then it would mean selling off my Jet Seraweels and replacing them with the cheaper option and leaving me with little gil to continue with.


                                Blah, decided PLD body, Em/FC!

