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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    WHM is a difficult job, and doing it right takes a lot of practice, learning which mobs give which status effects and what elemental magic attacks they use etc. Low levels can be pain in the arse if you get a PL, because you're basically a wasted spot and can't really get the practice you need, even when you do cure, you get a party telling you not too because "you'll pull hate off the PL". I remember once in Crawlers nest I walked down to my local Chinese, back again, ate, and no one had noticed i'd even gone!

    The only advice I can give is learn how much mp you can afford to use, if a tank is at 80-70%, you can easy afford that next tic of hMP, don't underestimate Regen either, I very rarely use "Cure" on anyone who isn't a tank. Just don't overdo it, if you need to spam Cure spells, something is wrong, usually the tank is ****.

    WHM has had so many nice updates in the last few years, I actually don't think I could level it or even play it pre 50 anymore either.

    Is anyone about for Darkness Descends this evening?


      Yeah I'm semi afk at the mo but I'm up for it. I'll keep checking back. I prob won't be about tomorrow.


        Well most of us are gearing up now for it~


          Change of plan will be on from 3pm


            Going to try again, since most people seem to be on.


              Oh my! Buckets of revelation there in that final mission,

              Our version of Vana'diel is a lie, with all points leading up to the battle of Xarcabard. At which point Shadowlord basically destroys the world. I assume the spitewardens goal is still to defeat Shadowlord, as think it was briefly explained that's the reason for their existence.

              What happened to Lilith's version of Ragelise and Portia though? As Larzos recognises him straight away. The other 2 fomor also questioned their identity at the end, hoping that's something else that gets answered.

              Clearing that mission now opens the remaining Quest lines. Still not progressed past Songsbirds in a SnowStorm (San d'Oria) and What Price Loyalty (Bastok).


                Yeah was an interesting and unexpected twist although this is a post I made a few weeks back based on the cutscenes prior to the missions.

                Still some ambiguity regarding what exactly is going on and what endgame the various factions are aiming for. I don’t think it’s as simple as Lilith trying to change our future to the alternate one we know of (i.e. the Robel-Akbel future) but instead she is trying to create an all new, third, reality pulling various factors from the two futures we know of.
                Although not 100% accurate, I think I was pretty close. My understanding from the final moments is that

                Lilith and her spitewardens came from the 'true' future but are part of the remnants of the allied forces that survived the beastman purge and have arrived to change the course of history but doing it in their own way which has led to a pact with Odin. Clearly they do not feel elements of our future are strong/worthy enough of helping and they wish to erase them.

                The arrival of ourself was a nice twist (although I was disappointed at my spitewarden appearance. More could have been made of that I think). What will be interesting is how they work in future missions? Will we battle ourselves and does that mean a future mission will be solo only?

                So what do people wish to do for the quests now? Obviously the only set we can all work on right now is Windurst. Would it be better to ensure Rep is caught up on the others before progressing?

                And I actually stayed online for a bit last night after the mission as I knew Lightningsday was coming up so thought I would try and kill a few imps for magian katana whilst I had the time. Amazingly, there was a shout for the exact same thing as I arrived in Whitegate and an hour later I'd made over 100 kills in a near full alliance. Was awesome with multiple pullers dragging imps from all directions and a pile of melee swarming in to kill. Still 66 to go but I at least feel this is workable solo now.


                  Just moved on a 100xdemons trial myself for ice weather/day, tried looking in the mire but no-one was on them just for iceday and my attempts to solo ep/dc demon onthe range(always snowing) nearly resulted in death, they hit to hard/fast for cor to keep up with dnc sub.

                  any help would be great, for now i'll just hang around the mire see if people turn up on iceday.


                    Sorry, not ignoring requests etc, having a busy week

                    Priority is finishing the Wings Quests; ideal starting point would be Songbirds as it requires the least amount of people. I tried to solo it but got my face smashed in at about 80%. If the 4 Rargh people can get together to redo my missing quests, I can shout for the remainder and hopefully move onto the final set in the same day (prob Sunday again). Any preference to finishing the whole thing? My vote would be Windy > Bastok > Sandy, reason includes better storyline and rewards (well if you're a Mage ).


                      Personally I kind of want to do Windurst last because I'm expecting it to be the best storyline. Always been a "save the best for last" kind of person.

                      None of the rewards interest me at all though so whatever everyone else wants to do.


                        Any progress with any quests yet?


                          Im really not fussed what/which we do in any order. Plus will help anyone that needs to catch up.

                          I do have to nip out for a hour at some point sunday, but im free apart from that. Most likey around 3pm ish.

                          Im ready for the

                          ---- BC for windy - Manifest Destiny (Drop rate on the keys were abit meh with TH1, but was slow kills PLD/THF.)

                          ---- BC for Sandy - Face of the Future (I solo'd "Chasing Shadows" with MAX MP gear, Sigil refresh, and Ethers, was really tight on MP. I saw a whm solo it after my 1st attempt which i failed and they did it with ease.) So you get an idea of the MP needed i got the boss to 15% before i ran out of MP as rdm/whm with sigil refresh. So Whm solo, or RDM with Items / brd / cor or any job that could throw in a few cure III's and your laughing.

                          ---- Started Bastok - Just need CS leading up to the BC. Done the main running about.

                          On another note, the sandy story gets better. Its nothing like windy but there is a few "heart-felt" moments.

                          Btw, Is wings complete now? or is there more to come?

                          If so rewards are kinda naff.
                          Last edited by djtickle; 27-07-2010, 09:12.


                            Nation quest lines are complete. Final set of the main Lilisette/Cait Sith mission line come with the next update in September, then it's done.


                              Wow, after Abyssea tonight i started bastok and this is one hard mission to navigate solo.

                              I managed to finish the
                              part of the quest, and ready to move on to get the last couple of CS in there. Took about 3 hours all in all, as you cant zone or log aggro or you have to start again. Tough!!


                                Any plans for missions at weekend? I do have to nip out for a hour so we i have an idea i can arrange around that.

