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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I've recently returned to RDM myself, but waiting on invites is a pain even for that

    Only got invited to two last night and they were both way below average, the latter made me about 1500 exp in an hour - I make that faster by soloing.
    When I finally decided to throw in the towel, I get called a rubbish, leeching RDM by the WHM of all people, the one person I made sure had refresh on at all times.

    It really is a boring job to lvl but I do need to get it to 75 as with the exception of BST, it's the only one I've really found to be any good at soloing anything higher than T mobs.


      I was talking to somebody last night who was telling me he's having a hard time leveling up Red Mage. I've found it hard these past few weeks to get a party with my WHM.


        A RDM is more or less a vital job for any party that has at least one other mage job in it, but BRD seems to work better so maybe that's the reason why invites are scarce?


          BRD has the AoE although it's not exactly hard or MP consuming to re-whack refresh on 2/3 people is it?

          I never build a party without a refresher, so most nights I was left looking for members for up to four hours (eventhough I'm able to go with either WHM or BLM) for the perfect party build. And then it was a gamble to see if you had to repeatedly ask for refresh every 3mins. If I do get back into the game the first thing I need to do is A) lvl cooking up to Yagudo Drink capability, and B) take RDM up to 60 just so I can have all three 'base' mage jobs at my dispense.

          Some of the RDM comments I've had back after complaining have been class. "Oh man, just watch some TV or something if you think the exp here is too slow >.>".

          Fed up having to 'carry' random ****ers through the game after pumping loads of work into getting stuff set up. Same goes for WoW atm, and we're approaching the 40-man raid dungeons which will mean intense + lengthy random pick-up group frollicks for all teh famileh.


            I dunno what it is but lvlin seems pretty good on FFxi atm for meh. Im getting invites within 10mins of havin my flag up for SAM which i really didnt think would happen.

            RDM was slow for me a couple of months back but now i have refresh i get asked to party before i even get my flag up.

            Nin meh always a merit party for a nin.

            Drk lol party can i have it?


              Was seeking for hours yesterday and no merit invites for NIN (was hoping it was due to lack of Astral Candesence).

              Irony: Putting off meriting properly for months until merit build was complete, then not getting any invites when it is XD

              Still, got a great RNG party this morning and up to 34. The long lost art of SC+MB in full effect.

              RNG + XBow officially kicks ass too.

              *whisper*I think I prefer RNG to NIN*whisper*


                Originally posted by C' View Post
                The long lost art of SC+MB in full effect.[/SIZE]
                I really don't like all this talk of SC+MB being long-lost or forgotten about as that's what I used to build my parties around from lv.50 onwards, and I really can't see there being much other point in having a BLM around ><.


                  I've found parties fast, at the moment I'm getting lots without flag up usually from my last parties. RDM isn't to taxing but can get busy in merits, yesterdays was a 2 x BRD set up with BTL making about 13k per hour. BLU parties are entertaining ending up with 4 refresh and 4 haste or some such. Hopefully joining Asya for Slavage as well ^^

                  Most parties seem to be as a base 6k per hour and needs decent players to get higher. Manaburns I've found irratating so far, seems to be full of AFKers, leavers and people getting lost and dying. FFS they only have to mash the nuke button. However good manaburns have been about 12 - 15k per hour but seem rare unless you know the BLMs and how well they are geared / meritted.

                  Pure TP burn seems to suit me best though, I much prefer them though did have some fun with a SC + MB party in the mire the other day.


                    Not really the place to put it but some nice drk and dragoon scans for ffiv on ds.


                      Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                      I really don't like all this talk of SC+MB being long-lost or forgotten about as that's what I used to build my parties around from lv.50 onwards, and I really can't see there being much other point in having a BLM around ><.
                      Just had a BLM in a (poor) merit party in Caederva Mire (that place sucks).

                      He was resigned to curing and Silena duty. :/


                        First little duo on RDM last night to bring down Amikiri took 40 mins and was to be fair a piece of cake. Nothing of any use dropped just a pointless rare/ex SAM GK, scorp shell and claw. Still fun though and a nice run through of principles for other stuff

                        Unfortunately caused me to miss limbus but hey there's plenty of those runs!


                          Had a great time in 40 cap Pso'Xja today trying to get a rather uncamped NM to spawn to get myself a Rikonodo. I think the fact that this NM spawns in a capped area means it isn't killed often as the Crossbow has only been sold on our AH 5 times since April 2005:

                          After about an hour of killing what I suspected were placeholders, sure enough Gyle-Carlin pops. No drop but at least we know we can pop it now so hopefully we can try again.

                          Many thanks to Daragon, Lutann, Moot and Reploidx for helping


                            Mythril Grip +1 mine nice 1 more id like to pickup which comes from ODS!


                              Completed ToAU! The last fight is really fun, it just hard enough to provide a challenging 45 min workout, topped of with a good CS.

                              Its worth finishing ToAU before WOG comes out as the final CS has major hints in how we travel to the past(i reckon). Got the DD ring(good for 2 handers, escpecially in assault/salvage), a conquest flag(double IS) and the Crown.


                                Congrats mr tob. I had count less attemps but just couldnt win I got in a grp i did awsome with yesterday but my internet died so dunno how dara went on in it. Oh well will try again today.

                                Double IS that will come in mighty handy.

