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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I now own a pairs of destroyers after Dj,rabs and a crew from AaD got together. Only things left on the shopping list is most of the Relic gear, Black Belt, and MND setup for Blast... and lvl74/75 lol. Once i get to 75 should make AaD salvage a dam site faster.


      I've just started playing FFXI again. I was a 75RDM a few years ago but I quit for a stupid reason back then. Started playing again as I've finally realised the futility of WoW, it was good when we were all level 60 and had our epics... but then level 70 came and all of our gear was obsolete.. had to raid and spend loads of time getting gear again... only to have to repeat that process yet again once wrath of the lich king comes out. Once you've got your AF in FFXI... you've got it, there's only one upgrade to obtain and if I remember correctly, it's insane and comes from dynamis runs.

      I've played it for a few hours so far, going to be RDM again until I decide what else to be, I might try one of the newer jobs such as Corsair or Blue Mage as when I quit, COP had only just come out. My friend leant me their 63WHM account to have a go on, to get the feel of the game back again, as soon as I logged on, I got invited to a party... I then somehow, made it to the Aht Urghan Whitegate... only to find that there was a big massive PvP event going on so I couldn't get a chocobo and had to sneak/invis my way round all the mobs to the party... damn, I was crapping myself, lol. I couldn't explain that I was a bit of a n00b to the party either as it was a JP party, haha. I managed to heal manually for a while and then remembered how to make some macro's and it went fine... phew!

      No help from the noobish linkshell that I was in, that seemed to know less about the game than me


        Welcome back to FFXI its good for what ails you

        BTW way should you end up on Seraph look us up!
        Last edited by Tsingtao; 14-01-2008, 20:00.


          FFxi does have WoW 'epic'esk equipment, although very little of is game breaking(all of 3 items i would say) and most perform certain roles so its rarely outdated and theres never a large performance gap between armours.

          Add to the list

          AF +1 (thats right you can upgrade your original AF, in a small enjoyable events called limbus)
          SKY and Abj sets - original end game armour - beat high level monsters
          Lvl70+ Job specific set - all brought from auction house
          Assault bonus sets - new to Toau, easy to get buy getting point in assault
          Salvage sets - New uber'ish items.
          Last edited by Tobal; 14-01-2008, 22:41.


            Never forget
            AF2+1 as well, yes you can now upgrade your AF2!
            Nyzul Isle assault sets - hard to get pieces of wonderous joy + a weapon on level 100 no one knows what they're for
            Limbus armour - Homam and Nashira + the capes and earrings from coins
            Relic Weapons - Yes they're still there and now days there a few to be seen

            With FFXI I'd say well meritted player often makes as much difference as gear, and thats just time. Lots of time!

            1 more merit to cap enfeebling magic.


              It's all a bit strange when ppl complain about grinding more gear when a new expansion comes out though, isn't that what these games have always been about? Grinding gear? Even on the PvP side you have to win an obscene amount of games before you start getting the good stuff.

              Like in FFXI, I've found enjoyment in WoW by collecting all the stuff previous to the expansion (lvl60 epics). I refuse to call these MMOs now and refer to them as 'Dress'em ups'.

              I have to laugh at the people currently raiding Black Temple/Mount Hyjal that complain about their gear becoming obsolete in a few months before they've even obtained it yet... they don't understand that deep down all they really enjoy is collecting gear by utilising teamwork, regardless of the rewards at the end of it. That's where the fun is, and ultimately the game ethic is identical to FFXI in that aspect - you're always replacing gear by repeated grinding. If people get so personal over 'wasted time' then why waste the time before it's even been spent?

              This is why I enjoyed sapping every bit of gear for each available lvl before moving on. If I hadn't I wouldn't have enjoyed CoP so much and rushed to 75/75 looking immensly gimped and probably not enjoyed any of it. Fair enough, I'd have ended up with a cracking set of lvl75 gear after a few months but I'd have bypassed the whole point of the game, imo.

              And when I do get back on it, the first thing I'm doing before I move from 60/61 is getting a damn penitent's rope!! I might even de-lvl my WHM back to 60 to stop looking gimp. That's how obsessed I get about gear!

              Anyway, back on this tonight to sort out my characters, mog house + macros now that I'm on teh PC version.

              Sry to hear about Rargh dying slowly. If I was back on fulltime I'd take it over or w/e, the only time you messers ever did anything was when I was playing! Same in WoW, I give up (supposed to be permanent) for two weeks and every f**ker leaves my guild! wtf!?
              Last edited by dataDave; 15-01-2008, 09:05.


                woot! mine!

                p.s be good to have u bk davi! Ill try and get logged on tonite to say hi might be late-ish thou

                x5 Penitent's Rope's in Stock atm 280k a pop atm...

                dare i say it..... Penitent's Rope {O Button} /runs away!
                Last edited by djtickle; 15-01-2008, 11:24.


                  yeah, did you win yours or farm+buy like every other nab!? ;p

                  280k takes the piss. I might just lvl THF + NIN up to 50 each and instead of going overboard with gear for those jobs just save up and put it all into a pot for my mage gear. I could just occasionally roam Gustaberg farming saplings and helping nabs with Leaping Lizzeh until I get back on fulltime... my 2v2 starts next wednesday on WoW so can't break away from that just yet.

                  ...and then later on this year Warhammer comes out! oh noes!!


                    Yeah i just bought it, been lucky on KSNMs and with gettin some gils from AaD thought meh might as well ^^


                      Have to say almost no item is worth doing the BC to get the item as the drop rates are way to mecurial much better just to use a good gil one and buy.

                      I still need to fund my last 3 HQ staves, Jupiter's, Terra's and Apollo's.


                        Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
                        Have to say almost no item is worth doing the BC to get the item as the drop rates are way to mecurial much better just to use a good gil one and buy.
                        P.rope is confirmed 50/50 though, and considering I had over 200 seals it was worth a bash or two (or possibly three).


                          Well i went back to loldyna yesterday...and ive discovered that bein a mage in dyna is just as boring as being an off tank. If it wasnt for the loldrk in my grp keep killin himself cause hes an idiot i dont think i would have made it.

                          Lots and lots of AF dropped, I think every job but whm maybe. With BLM and DRG twice. Didnt get chance to lot on RDM as it went to a 1st jobber. meh I really havent missed this at all and compaired to the other new stuff salvage, nyzul and even limbus its just rubish.

                          Ill be finishing up my Nin AF and prob then calling it a day, suppose it will depend if any blm is any good which incase i might stick it out for that. Hopin for rdm hat and body in that shell is like gold dust the queues are that big for them.


                            The BLM legs are decent, other than that I can't really recommend hanging around for any other pieces (Hat has an elemental magic bonus, but everyone and their grandparents that goes BLM seems to want that).


                              Bugger was to ill to make the run last night in the end, gutted still need the RDM drop there.


                                Just to let you guys know im not sure that you guys have known whats been going on in AaD much of late but we have changed to a Sky/Salvage/POP NM LS. We did Sea for a while and ended up thinking that the benifits of doing Salvage outweigh Sea as a whole.

                                Tobal is our Salvage ldr who runs the two runs that we run each week so far we have done pretty well and have seen 5 items drops and 2 card drops to pop NMs. Each run is 100 mins so doesnt take up your whole evening either just need the 1500 assault points to enter!

                                So if anyones interested in taking on somthing new let us know.

                                Daragon need you to run ur trial, ur welcome to come with us to salvage tonite, or if its abit soon notice any of the events this week just drop me a /tell.

