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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by djtickle View Post
    omg luck.....

    Killed PH last night woke up 10hours later logged in and 5 mins later....
    DAMNIT, wtf is it with you and your luck?

    Congrats btw


      Originally posted by Daragon View Post
      Which seller did you get them from? Only one I came across was selling a sandoria one.

      This guy but he only has windy left, and like u say theres the sandy guy too.


        Originally posted by djtickle View Post

        This guy but he only has windy left, and like u say theres the sandy guy too.
        Meh, too rich for my blood atm anyway. I'd be more interested if the warp had a 24 hour delay as opposed to a 5 day one tho.

        Plus I can use my egg helm and pretend I'm a moogle that way


          lol Its onry 3 day ^^


            Lutann and Hudoo both went 1/1 on Vilma's Ring recently. The droprate must have been increased?


              Maybe, either that or tsings luck stinks


                Rep also went 1/1 iirc, weeks before Tsing got his.


                  Seems that way hearing of a lot of 1/1 lately. bah humbug


                    Meh, I still say it's all the luck of the draw. Some people have more of it than others *COUGH* DJ *COUGH* I keep hearing about people going 1/1 on Lizzy, who has thus far taken the title of "Bane of my in-game life", only dropping her load for me after over 32 encounters!

                    Edit: Although, I did go 1/1 on my Othinus' Bow + Katayami Ichimongi of recent, so perhaps my luck isn't a total **** mess
                    Last edited by Daragon; 23-01-2008, 12:22.


                      OBow is good but Katayama is 100% drop


                        Apparently not according to Wikipedia, it's VERY high but not quite 100%

                        Even if it was 99%, I half expected myself fortunate enough to fall within that 1% margin.


                          That's because Wiki is filled out by people who mostly don't understand how the drop system works for items with a 'Rare' tag.

                          If you killed the NM again with the G.K. in your inventory somewhere (including Safe, Storage and Locker) it won't ever drop. That doesn't mean the droprate isn't 100% for someone who doesn't have it.

                          The excepions to this seem to be some treasure chest keys (i.e. King Ranperre's Tomb). Also, any rare item you have listed on the AH can drop to you again, as can something in the delivery system (including your delivery box).


                            We've had a big hit on Intruder Earrings this week gone 4/4 for the LS.

                            Also Trioed Cactrot Rapido with Fission and Yohko yesterday and the Arco De Velociad dropped. Rare as hell, Fission took the drop and bought me and Yohko out, we'll be back there doing it again though. Tough fight trying to avoid been belted with 10k needles but we got home in the end.

                            If another one drops I'm so buying the other 2 out, its a choice item. +1 STR +10HP and Regen in the daytime.

                            <EDIT>I thought Rare items would drop but they were lost from pool after time as you can not hold 2. Sure I've done that before with some items.</EDIT>
                            Thinking it's time to solo Amikiri again see if it'll cough up a claw for me, I need more gil.


                              Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
                              <EDIT>I thought Rare items would drop but they were lost from pool after time as you can not hold 2. Sure I've done that before with some items.</EDIT>
                              I've seen it happen with low level zone chest keys (i.e. King Ranperre's Tomb), but in those instances the item doesn't even drop to treasure pool, it is lost immediately.

                              Not seen it happen with anything else though and the reason I think it doesn't apply to most rare items is my exerience with Aquarius. Even though I got my Francisca ages ago I still kill Aquarius any time I see him for an easy chunk of quick gil. Even though people seem to agree it's an incredibly high drop rate (99% if not the fabled 100%) not once has it dropped for me again (we're talking in the region of 20+ kills) when I solo it, but the times I've killed it for someone else in the PT who wants the axe, it has dropped every time.

                              That's too much to be coincidence.


                                Cool well you live and learn, does Aquarius still give decent gil thought the D cloth had been removed?

