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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Going back to AV, it looks like the process has been worked out not as simple as just spamming 2 hours. Watching OTA fight JoL now in cxase AV pops...


      Originally posted by C' View Post
      It's been ages since I tried using a 360 pad to play this game (I just couldn't get around macros quick enough) but I remember there was an issue with the triggers/bumpers with the official drivers.

      However, I believe talizker had a link to unofficial drivers that resolved the problem. Maybe send him a PM if he doesn't see this.
      Did this work for you on ur wireless pad Rare, as i know tali us using a wired pad.


        Double post.


          Sorry, I've never tried the unofficial drivers so can't confirm either way. I got the wireless pad adaptor for emulators and stuff more than FFXI. I just tried it once on FFXI and it reminded me of the horrid time I had playing the 360 version and went straight back to keyboard.


            When I played FF on the PC, I used this:

            It's not the easiest of things to configure, but it does work. I'd just go for the wireless pad adaptor nowadays.

            For me at least, the game feels more natural using a pad. Stick me infront of a keyboard these days and I'll probably get schooled by a rabbit trying to work out how to move.


              Originally posted by Daragon View Post
              When I played FF on the PC, I used this:

              It's not the easiest of things to configure, but it does work. I'd just go for the wireless pad adaptor nowadays.

              For me at least, the game feels more natural using a pad. Stick me infront of a keyboard these days and I'll probably get schooled by a rabbit trying to work out how to move.
              Do you mean that works with wireless dara?


                It worked with my wired pad - no idea if it's good for wireless. Just buy the Adaptor, saves you all the faffing.


                  I think you’re misunderstanding Dj’s concerns. The official wired drivers had difficulty with mapping to the triggers hence why peoplehad to use unofficial drivers. Dj is worried that the official drivers that come with the wireless adaptor will have the same issue.


                    The biggest hurdle is configuring the pad - I eventually got XBCD to recognise the triggers as buttons, but that was with the wired pad.

                    I'm sure I remember seeing somewhere that there was a version for the wireless pad, but as I wasn't using one at the time I didn't go looking for it.


                      Fallows, you attempting Promyvion missions this weekend or not?


                        I suppose I should yeah. I'll get refreshed up on strategies right now and more than likely log on tonight to fix my character up with boring old macros/storage etc. considering I'm now solely depending on wishy-washy people on WoW.

                        I need you people on WoW!!! no one is anywhere near active enough on that game, at least no one who I play with.


                          Just checked the SoU LS msg and they are gonna try and pop AV tomorrow sounds like fun!


                            Sounds like a wipehouse.


                              Good afternoon my friends! How the hell are you?

                              Due to a possible change in circumstance.... would you mind if I enquired about the re-availabilty of the items of equipment I loaned/gave out when I stopped playing last year?


                                I've got you're elemental Torque when you want it back, kept it safe for you.

                                Be good to see you back mate! Old school Rargh FTW.

                                Probably miss AV tomoz I reckon they'll get it down now we have a strat, I'll porbably miss it mind got friends over by in my first week I've done

                                Bahamut v2

                                Not bad for a kick off, nice to see new things and just be able to play.

