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    RNG are major DD endgame as they can hurt everything and are good SC partners for SAM, THF and WAR's and there grp2 merits rock hard (snap and flashy shot).


      RNG group 2 merits do not "rock hard". They are acceptable at best but are some way short of what other jobs get (i.e. WAR, DRK, SAM).

      Also, they are not major DD at end game. They are used if spots are free that cannot be filled by aforementioned WAR/DRK/SAM jobs and will continue to be so until the R.Att calculation is changed (the so called "sweetspot" for max damage is ridiculously precise). All this, whilst still paying more gil for less damage.

      I see you totally skirted over the whole "what do I do with my NIN" issue.


        MORE Sam updates?????????????????

        It's official! God plays Sam!


          I you read it correctly everyone is getting buffed, with extra abilites for MNK/PLD/BRD. But being you never merit anything you wouldn't understand.


            Shhh Tobal, use your indoors voice...

            (and yes I do merit, I just spend more time leveling other jobs to care). Also, say what you like about all jobs gaining more merit pts, it's still another one for the SAMs, albeit a little more dressed up. Plus, I would stake a VERY large sum of money on he fact that the job WILL get YET another ability....


              Originally posted by Tobal View Post
              I you read it correctly everyone is getting buffed, with extra abilites for MNK/PLD/BRD. But being you never merit anything you wouldn't understand.
              Yes but some jobs benefit more from the fact that their Category 2 merits are actually worth meriting.

              Once again, the increase in Cat2 benefits my job in no major way at all.


                Yeah its a bummer for nin yet again. Im very please to be able to merit Desperate Blows and Diabloic Eye to max. Diabloic eye has now been turned awsome.

                Rdm ones are okie opens up a few more spell choices. BLM ones are pwn for Magic ATT and ACC.

                PLD is going to be nice, as thats what im doing atm. Shame for nin, i put alot of effort into it and i love playing it but i just use it about 5% of my playing time now at the most.


                  At least you don't have to contend with both buffed/nerfed classes AND PvP... that's a whole new kettle of piss.

                  Nothing worse than getting repeatedly ganked by some t**t with zero skill just because he's your anti-class.

                  Being left out of stuff because your main job is 'teh suck of the month' is just as much a kick in the teeth I suppose, only less hair-rippingly stressful.


                    Yeah, it's not that NIN is getting weaker in real terms. It can do everything just as well as it could a year ago. It's that in comparative terms, most other jobs have been buffed to some quite extreme degrees over the last year which mean that comparitively speaker, NIN has gotten weaker.

                    And to make matters worse when changes were made to other jobs that made things comparable in certain play aspects (with the other jobs pulling slightly ahead even), those jobs continued to get improvements pulling them even further ahead. That's where it really hurts. I've never been against jobs being improved where needed.

                    The Cat.2 merits are just an insult (as are Cat.1 tbh). S-E needs to erase them, give back the merit points to any NIN that has used them there and put some useful abilities/traits in replacement.

                    Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                    but i just use it about 5% of my playing time now at the most.
                    To be fair, I think that's more a result of having leveled RDM to 75 (also known as The Bard Effect)


                      What's the general % of userbase that mainly play NIN? What was on the last census? Maybe they are holding back upgrades on purpose to balance out the numbers? That's what they do on WoW anyhow.

                      When I played the only real tanking option was NIN and I can only remember having PLD in my party a few times.


                        This is job distribution data from the most recent census:

                        It is actually still the most popular of the Extra Jobs (tied with PLD). But I'm not certain exactly what these figures are showing (active or leveled to a certain degree). There is a possibility that the popularity of NIN as a subjob may skew the results slightly.

                        More telling perhaps is the dropping of 2 places of NIN/WAR in the job popularity rankings


                          has anyone attempted the Making a Mockery ISNM60 at Jade Speulcher? It's the fight against a single Colibri that has Charmga?

                          Would like to attempt this a few times to try and get the Deadeye Gloves to drop (or maybe even a Leech Scimitar which seems to be worth 350k) and interested in any people's experiences. Someone in sky shell mentioned they've done it and basically had everyone stay in Charm range and and rely on DOT spells in the downtime.


                            Im up for that, sounds like you deal with it the same as the Charm NMs in Salvage. As long as DoT is on its easy


                              Count me in too, I've been known for luck when it comes to ISNMs - my last one netted me a khroma ore.


                                That's cool. I think I'd like to bring my RNG to this as they are supposedly a great DD for it. Only 58 but 4 Marksmanship merits more than make up the difference.

