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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I'd have to disagree with NIN/DRK being able to keep emnity at cap any better than PLD/NIN. Properly geared PLDs once they've established hate keep it up there, a few bits of koenig go a very long way on that score.

    Agree that you don't see many NINs tanking in end game, you do see NIN/DRK about but most LSes prefer PLD/NIN even seen the odd PLD/RDM lately from orz. Think he only thing we use NINs for is clearing away adds at camps like aspi.


      It's actually widely accepted as the one advantage NIN/DRK is capping enmity purely because they have more tools to stack Cumulative Enmity (CE) that they can spam (Stun, Sleep, and Aspir) which with enough Haste (20% in gear, 1 Haste, 1 March) can be spammed pretty much continuously on a loop (I throw Bind in between cycles as it's a quick and cheap MP cost spell to help with Volatile Enmity (VE)).

      I presume you've read this before but the figures come from here which I found to be a very interesting Enmity testing read:

      ________________________________________________________________________________ * Actions are sorted by Alphabetical Order …

      The only comparitve tools a PLD has is Flash (same CE as Stun) and Cures so to keep up a PLD/NIN as to "fake" damage with HP gear swaps.

      I actually saw this in action personally last week at Byakko when I was tanking with a PLD. I ate a nasty set of Triple Attacks (each with Additional Effect: Light damage) totalling about 1000DMG. If the enmity had been at all balanced, Byakko should have turned right there to the PLD but it stayed on me for the Claw Cyclone which followed (naturally I died XD).

      Like I said, it's the enmity thing is the one slight (and it is slight) advantage we have and PLD more than make up for it in the other advantage areas that I mentioned previous.


        Interesting will ahve a read...

        But what I'm here to say is



          Well another ace ace weekend, claimed loads of stuff unfortunately my lotting skill still needs som levelling and lost martial abj legs lot ><

          Did a spot of crafting as well and got gold to 51 and cloth to 55, think now I've sorted most my gear time to get back to crafting. Another Arco drop would help no end

          Started work on farming my allied notes as well for the Iron Ram gear, 48k and counting so far. Reckon I'll have close to 80k by the time I reach the level I can get my first 2 items. then just antoher 100k to farm for the next 2!

          Think my next achievement target now it to complete yigit then finally get captain, still had the same 3 needed for months now. Anyone else need FLs?


            Woot finally cleared Mamool First Leiutenant Assault against Hydra now 2 to go...

            King Goldemar

            Hoping to get them done in the next week or so, anyone else need shout up now. Getting names together, anyone that can help would be ace also!

            Oh and Ixion Cloak = mine!

            Last edited by Tsingtao; 24-06-2008, 09:53.


              Having a bitch of a time getting this NM to spawn:

              Notes: Lottery Spawn from the Doom Toads around F-9. Killable by: 6 characters level 68-70 Its damage increases drastically as its HP drops, going from 200 on a 75 THF/NIN in haste gear at roughly 95% to 800 damage non-critical hits at 15%. It's accuracy definately increases as it's HP drops aswell, in the beginning of the fight you can use Ni -> Ni easily, after 60-70% HP you gotta use Ni -> Ichi pretty much all the time. This with full evasion set on a lvl 80 Ninja, evasion bonus from Dancer s

              I'm pretty certain I've been killing the right placeholders, and I don't imagine he's a highly camped NM, yet spent a few full NPC leveling sessions there and not a sign of him.

              Getting good EXP (160-200 per kill) and even a few decent drops but I don't know why the NM won't pop.


                Not only does the newly released FFXI Piano Collections Music CD feature beautiful cover art work (I wonder if there is a HiRes image of this anywhere?), the Play-Asia weekly email mentions "As a token of gratitude for the fans' support and patience, the CD comes with a code number that allows you access to a new item in the game."

                Square Enix Page

                Play Asia Page


                  Yeah, I got my shipping confirmation off Play-Asia yesterday saying my copy has been shipped. I would have ordered it anyway but the exclusive mogfurnishing will be nice to have.

                  Was a little worried this morning when I read somewhere that only people who pre-ordered off Square-Enix's store got the code, but it does appear that it comes will all first pressings of the CD.


                    I now have a Nyzul Isle runic disc with data up to floor 20. Really, really enjoying this event. Probably my favourite in game event at this time. Very intense but can be done in 2 hours with real progress made each time if your group is up to snuff. Our 11-15 this evening I never realised Rep went afk and I entered so we were without a WHM for a good while. Still cleared the run though (we got slightly fortunate that Floor 14 was a free floor with no objective).

                    Communication and teamwork is very important. People need to be paying attention.

                    It did take us our first few runs to get the hang of it as no matter how much research you look into it, some things just don't click until you have some experience with them. The switches most notably (light in a specific order) but a little thing that actually caught us out on the early runs were the objectives Eliminate Specified Enemy and Eliminate Specified Enemies. The plural one caught us out a little on the early runs.

                    As planned we did 16-20 twice to try and farm some feet armour. Our first boss was Fafnir and our awesome drops were 2 Water Crystals. Second time around we got Behemoth and in a slightly cruel twist of fate we got:

                    None of our core group were interested in Askar for floor 20 so would have been a wasted drop. However we had subbed in a DRG as one member mistakenly used most of their tags yesterday and they gladly lotted.

                    Hopefully some Denali and Goliard next time.
                    Last edited by C'; 26-06-2008, 06:56.


                      Bah Askar I'm chasing had 2 x faf wipes our last try due to engaging when I had no MP and another one a 5 lamp sequence gave us like 2 mins to kill it!

                      However yesterday RL level up, got promoted at work


                        woop at last some decent hand armor mine!


                          Not as cool as what some other people got lately but it goes in my Rare/EX katana collection:

                          After a few NPC leveling sessions there and no spawn, last night it was just up and wandering around when I arrived. Summoned my NPC and gave it a try and got it to around 50&#37; before my NPC ran out of MP then it was simply a case of waiting until it's use of shadow ignoring TP moves killed me.

                          Literally the moment I died Rep came back from afk and kindly offered to help me kill and we tried again with again getting it to 50% then a couple of unlucky Double Attacks took me out (his damage increases as he gets weaker so was landing hits of 300+ at this point).

                          Put in one last call to Hudoo who brought in sushi supplies (my accuracy was poor previous fights) and we killed with ease. Ogama spent more time turning back and too as hate shifted to attack us properly and got drop.

                          The weapon stats look poor but it acts like the Valiant Knife from previous FF games (and XI) in that as my HP gets lower its damage increases. Tried it out after taking a Throat Stab and the effect was noticeable but not great. Still it's nice to have another in my collection.

                          Nex on my target list is:

                          Must be over 0/20 on appraisals from Evade & Escape for this though However, in terms of pure DoT Karasuageha/Perdu Blade would be the best katana combo for Nyzul Isle.
                          Last edited by C'; 27-06-2008, 08:40.


                            Nice rare thats a nice get!

                            Its a shame i have that 2nd katana and nvr use it, would be much better off with you. Curse R/Ex.

                            Picked up HQ Thunder and Dark staffs yesterday ouch, BLM is becomin fast my fav job. The constant numbers it can put out are amazing and are so usefull in many situations.

                            2nd LS JoL and 2nd Novio and Love neck dropped! Gryphen picked up the neck which his thf is awsome now also with 3/5 Skadi too. 4 of us got to lot on Novio which Zuzu won, so hopfully better luck next time, but its all cool as long as LS blms are gettin to make us stronger.

                            Limbus isnt puttin out blm AF part either atm which sucks as i really wanna upgrade my hat Oh well in time!


                              Never realised Zuzu got the second Novio.

                              Surely 2 Novio in one home is just greedy

                              I'm eager to get my RNG into the 70s so I can start offering something to these fights where NIN tanking is just not viable (increasingly common ) but invites rate suck. Also, already thinking about what job to do next *listens for sound of Tobal collapsing in shock*

                              I would like to do a mage (probably SCH) but the thought of shelling out for whole new gear sets and leveling of new subjobs means I'll probably just do WAR or something
                              Last edited by C'; 27-06-2008, 12:48.


                                When were people lotting on the Novio earring? I wasn't aware of any lotting going on

