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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by Adam View Post
    Yep, he spawns in any of the main WotG areas at random and spends a little time in each one only to move onto another completly random zone. Noone knows yet how long he stays in one zone, or how long til he respawns after being killed. We sent people scouting the zones and got lucky at Fort Karugo. If you "aggro" him he runs away at flee speed and you have to find him again in the same zone, he may just depop and go to another zone if you're unlucky enough, depending on how long he has been in that zone :/ To get him to stick around you have to farm Pixies... /stagger... for Stygian Ash, which is a thrown ammo item. Throw it at Ixion and it will start fighting you properly. You don't get to see his HP bar during the fight but it took us 1h30m to kill it and we can kill Khimaera in 20 mins on the best of days. Doesn't help that he heals himself lol.
    Awsome thanks, just one other thing does the Ash have to hit him? Or can anyone throw it and he will aggro?

    Did you manage to get one of the items?


      I'll have to check with the guy who threw the Ash later tonight, he was a RNG so he prolly hit it. I didn't get any of the items due to circumstance in the LS, people bidding outrageous linkshell points for the cloak even though it seems to be 100% drop. Will get one later for my SCH hopefully :S


        attacks a random person reguardless of hate?! ... humm Come Darwok, lets go duo this lil horsey


          Been playing around with this idea for a while now. Einherjar. Would anyone be interested in joining a newly created ls? Is just an idea at the minute which is being discussed with someone, but if enough people show interest, will most likely do it. From what i hear nubs are not allowed to enter, so would be nice to do something where everyone has there head screwed on.

          Also after a few messy weeks of sorting out Nyzul Isle, we finally reached floor 10, not much but a good start. 0-5 on 1st run and 6-10 on second. With 10mins to spare on floor 10 too.


            The way i see it with Einherjar now, with a solid tank party and 12 blms = winz.

            Plus once u get to odin if u work it right with 3 players u can fight him once a week

            Lucky that in pic we have them options available ^^ if it works out, we will no longer have to camp kings with the amount of abj's that drop in there.


              Originally posted by MegaMan X View Post
              Also after a few messy weeks of sorting out Nyzul Isle, we finally reached floor 10, not much but a good start. 0-5 on 1st run and 6-10 on second. With 10mins to spare on floor 10 too.
              Yes, the final 2 runs last night were awesome. Floor 1 was messy trying to find specified enemy but thought we came out of it quite well with copious amounts of Sleep and managing to take down the Impossible to Gauge monster quickly.

              However the 6-10 run impressed me greatly with the clear coming with about 5 mins to spare. Could have been a lot quicker as we had 10 minutes left by floor 10 but fighting the Flan without magic damage slowed us down. I'm seriously thinking the elemental San wheel might be beneficial for this.

              My plan for the 3 runs next week is hopefully get floor 15 clear on run 1, then clear our first boss floor on 2nd. If we do that we should repeat 16-20 and try and farm some of the feet armour so people need to identify what they want out of:

              Trying to convince Lutann to join us full time too but not sure if he's up for it due to plans with another possible group.

              Also once my disc is around the 50-60 mark we could maybe consider having a second disc going too but this is probably a couple of months away.
              Last edited by C'; 12-06-2008, 11:40. Reason: Utsusemi: San wheel? WTF!?


                Well out of the feet pieces, both Denali and Goliard would be of benefit to me - latter as a priority.

                Are they likely to be fairly common or super rare?


                  has anyone (other than tsing who already has all 3 base nations ranked up) thought about doing the other rank missions for basty, sandy and windy?


                    Not super rare. I think as long as we have a THF (so you may have to job change for second and third run next week) one of the armour pieces has a good chance of dropping per boss kill so it's in a 1 in 3 chance.

                    Because our runs are only occuring once a week (3 times) opposed to the originally planned twice a week (2 runs per time) we may not be able to farm bosses as much as I'd have liked initially.


                      Originally posted by Kerushi View Post
                      has anyone (other than tsing who already has all 3 base nations ranked up) thought about doing the other rank missions for basty, sandy and windy?
                      I'm probably going to switch to Bastok pretty soon now that I won't lose my San d'Oria OP warps.


                        I was thinking of switching nations too in order to unlock the ronfaure/sarutabaruta warps.

                        Just need to find something to spend my 50k conquest pts on first XD


                          I can wait for most Goliard gear, maybe get pieces on a second disc. I would like 1st priority on the body though, another Haste piece is nice.

                          Any news on if Alexandrite is obtainable via other means yet? Those quests really have me interested if i manage to obtain a base weapon (RDM sword be nice). Unlike the Dynamis Relics, these badboys look based on skill not gil.

                          Am also rank 10 all nation, all you need to obtain rank 10 is 3 people tops, most of the BCs i did duo. The first wave of Orcs in Sandy 9-2 couldn't even hit the DD.
                          Last edited by Rep; 12-06-2008, 10:55.


                            Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                            I was thinking of switching nations too in order to unlock the ronfaure/sarutabaruta warps.

                            Just need to find something to spend my 50k conquest pts on first XD
                            You've misunderstood the update. You don't retain OP warps when you change nation. They are simply still there if you choose to go back to your original home nation.


                              We have picked up about 10 Alexandrite in 2 salvage runs.

                              Also im up for Nzyul if u need a extra on a perm basis. Only really after Askar feet, anything else is just a bouns. Well of course id like Askar head but thats floor 100


                                The Alexandrite is clearly a red herring or not literal when it says 50000. How would you even hold that many (assuming they stack to 99)? That's approximately 500 stacks of the things.

