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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    More maintenance apparently.

    Will give Moogle boss fight another go though later if others are up for it.


      we are on a mission to assault the quest of anything!


        I swear you get stranger by the day rush


          What's the Status with the WotG Quest line? I'm itching to get these fights done. Not sure my status has changed since last time.

          Mission/Quest Line

          Bastok: Honor Under Fire (Have BC key item).

          San: Bonds that Never Die (Have BC key item).

          Wind: The Long March North (Have BC key item).


            waiting for rare to catch up to the 1st nm mob on san'd current quest line.


              I have Dynamis-Bastok tomorrow, so would need to wait till at least Wednesday for repeat.

              I wouldn't have changed much, if anything at all, we should have been in for an easy win there. Getting phase 3 right is vital, i made it pretty clear i would get stunned and nuked the **** out of. That's how it works. Like i said, Crys. Flare has no Draw in when it becomes a TP move, so one person only should be hit by it, the beauty in having 2 BLM is have one nuke it down, get destroyed and the other run in. Maybe had they have popped at 50% when i took it up the steps, instead of 48% it would have been different. Chances are it will pull it off again during the zerg, you just fight through it. Taking the BLM down before the Mega Boss during the 2nd phase was pretty awesome.

              EDIT: Got the key item again, didn't take long, just under an hour. Tobal, your route through Castle Balieys is pretty cool, i raced someone from the drop point, and beat them by a good minute or so. Never realised it could be so much faster.
              Last edited by Rep; 04-08-2009, 00:54.


                I’ll admit I didn’t really notice what went wrong. The battle seemed a lot easier than I was expecting based on the very detailed strategy. When people started dying I’ll admit my focus was purely on attacking Rico so as I say I didn’t see where our problem was.

                I know there was an issue where the final set of BLM moogles never popped when expected and Tobal asked me to start attacking as Rep kited the main boss and they did spawn after that. I’m assuming that the final Sleepga never landed. I don’t think we’d have had any trouble finishing the boss off had Tobal still been alive and the BLM moogles weren’t running rampant. My first Sidewinder had taken a little less than 10% of the boss’ HP and I had Barrage, Eagle Eye Shot and another Sidewinder ready to go. Combined with Tobal’s Meikyo-Shisui it would have had no chance.


                  Yeah, I think my failed sleepga was to blame there I'm afraid, although I hold my hands up, obviously I wouldn't have set out to intentionally cost us the fight, as tobal was almost about to accuse me of.

                  The problem came when I moved into range in order to sleepga the moogle henchmen, I was originally back by the entrance but I couldn't reach them from there as you were fighting them back by the stairs so I had to move and ended up getting hit by Kitchen Sink which kept me stunned - whether he always casts that just as he summons them or if it was just REALLY rotten timing I don't know, but now that I know how to do it properly (rather than my arse end of a first run) then I feel confident for our next attempt.


                    I take it you have a full static for WoTG?

                    If not I'm making an attempt to catch up with you all. I'm currently on the cait sith mission and hopfully ill be able to catch up soon.


                      Only me, Rep and Tobal have progressed on the WotG mission line. We've cleared most missions/quests as a trio at most although a couple of the later quests required a few extra people.


                        Ah cool! I hope you don't mind if I ask for your help in catching up with you guys. Tonight I plan on finishing quest 3 for windy then pegging it back to sandy and continuing there.


                          I know myself, Tobal and Rep are all set for the rematch attempt. If Dara is sorted, hopefully we can try again.


                            I'll be ready by this evening. Will need to redo the gauntlet when we start but hopefully I can manage to get my speed shoes recharged and use them to avoid the same near aggro experience of last time when my sneak and invis wore mere feet away from a floaty eye dealiebob.


                              Decided to take the plunge and jump back into RDM last night, hit level 60 before realising how cool the job was again. Composure is just as 1337 as the new WHM and NIN abilities. I can't imagine how cool it is for solo too. 12 minute Haste, 10 minute Refresh etc are great. Takes a nice workload of in parties too, given i'm spending much less time on myself.

                              The only thing that still bothers me though, and the reason i stopped playing the job, is some of the endgame gear is out of my reach now. Shame as making my own -1 Cursed would have been nice.

                              Broke my record with 8 HQ in a row, it was only Blind Knife, but still fun. Then this happened

                              Dread the day i do this with someone else's mats.


                                Wow nice work there Rep!!!! if you want i got a bronze knife im not gonna do anything with. You can ave it.

                                I take it you are still trying to crack MKD.

                                Good luck!

